
The debates and stuff.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
and one for barry would just say "it's not my fault" ?


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Unless Mittens has been holding back, he's going to get his ass kicked tonight.

It just amazes me that so many People (mostly Fox News watching Republitards) are buying Romney's bullsh!t. He won't give any details about his policies, if he even has any. It's like taking your car to the dealer to get it fixed without having them tell you what they are going to do or charge. Who does that ?


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Unless Mittens has been holding back, he's going to get his ass kicked tonight.

It just amazes me that so many People (mostly Fox News watching Republitards) are buying Romney's bullsh!t. He won't give any details about his policies, if he even has any. It's like taking your car to the dealer to get it fixed without having them tell you what they are going to do or charge. Who does that ?
Ryan about his tax plan. "I won't go into the math details..." mainly because based on EVERYONE who has read it says it doesn't work. Not even a little.



Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Well, that was a bit of a snoozer, wasn't it ?

Seemed like all they did was rehash their respective party's talking points. With of course the exception that Obama used a some GOP repetition tactics on Mittens which clearly threw him off guard in the beginning.

Oh and now Romney cares about those silly 47%ers.
giddy from Romney's performance, the republitard pundits must be snorting coke, shooting guns, and banging underaged boys tonite in joyous celebration.

when you set the bar low, even a marginal-to-average performance looks like, "dude, I f-ing KILLED it!".

romney did 3 things:
1) deny any specific damaging sh!t that was said in the primary campaign
2) say generalized good sounding sh!t without specifics on how
3) say i would repeal what my opponent crafted, fought for, and passed, but keep all the good parts.

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Turbo Monkey
Jan 20, 2003
New Hamp-sha
"Won't give details"...does anybody actually remember the 2008 debates? I'm disgusted and don't think I'll vote for either, but come on, Obama "sold the country on "Hope" and now you all are looking for details?


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
"Mitt Romney is way more intelligent than I thought! He's awesome! Got my vote! Yay!!! Nooooooobama! Mit knows our country is in trouble. Obama is just trying to sound smart! Scarey! I rarley comment on these things and I'm very open minded but Romney is truly a steadfast and very very intelligent man. He hit on so many details and understands our economy, medicare/medicaid, education, corporate and small businesses. Obama sometimes sounds smart, but listen to the debate people, he is sooo misleading and pauses often to gather his thoughts because he's not too sure about anything! I can't believe he's in office even another few months! Geeeese, come on people! Use your votes to save our country!!! All of us need president Romney!"

"Obama was impressive to me four years ago but Mit is clearly a total christian and is in this for the people not for making famous friends! He makes me crazy with his basketball and cigarettes! Xoxo"

-some waterhead girl on my facebook friends list.

"Mit is clearly a total christian" awesomely incorrect statement.

she went on with
"C'mon Corey how so?"

He's a ****ing mormon.
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Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Pretty much. Any advantage Romney gained from being overly aggressive he lost by... being overly aggressive. I personally thought it was a snoozefest, and a lost opportunity for Obama to put this away. Nothing new was said (except maybe another flip-flop by Romney on having a governmental plan cover preexisting conditions?), and if viewers were turning in for specifics on his plans they certainly didn't get any. However, I think Obama missed a huge opportunity to finish the race last night. Romney played fast and loose with the facts (over and over again), and yet was barely called on it. He also endlessly cited "repeal and replace" for: Dodd Frank, Obamacare, taxes, and yet Obama only called him on it once, and it was half-hearted at that.

Romney played to win and Obama played to not lose, but I'd bet that the polls aren't going to change much. Then again I've been wrong before...


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
Meh, I tuned in for a bit but lost interest. It was like watching a boxing match where all they do is dance around the ring faking punches but never really doing much of anything.

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
Agreed with Dante - O'Bummer missed many opportunities to call Romney out. I laughed out loud when Romney repeated the "5 sons repetition story" and then went on to repeat the false claim of the 716 billion Mediscare claim that has been consistently fact checked as incorrect. He then had the gall to say that O'Bummer was entitled to "his facts...".

I would have nicely interjected at that point, "Gov'ner Romnay with all due respects, pot meet kettle."

EDIT: in the war last night between giant douche and turd sandwich, I still choose the turd.
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bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Agreed with Dante - O'Bummer missed many opportunities to call Romney out. I laughed out loud when Romney repeated the "5 sons repetition story" and then went on to repeat the false claim of the 716 billion Mediscare claim that has been consistently fact checked as incorrect. He then had the gall to say that O'Bummer was entitled to "his facts...".

I would have nicely interjected at that point, "Gov'ner Romnay with all due respects, pot meet kettle."

EDIT: in the war last night between giant douche and turd sandwich, I still choose the turd.
This seems to be the consensus of what I've read on teh internetz this morning. Seems like Obama played the typical Dem and didn't call out Rep bull sh*t, and Romney was Romney. I suspect nothing changed.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
we have our knives out...we go after people and the facts...
i hope obama has realized all that chris matthews has sacrificed for him and to put on such a pathetic performance....he almost made him cry.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Oh, actually I take back my former statement. I think that THIS is going to get a *lot* of coverage in the upcoming advertisements:

There was a point in the debate, for instance, when Romney repeatedly insisted his Medicare reforms wouldn’t touch current seniors. “If you’re 60 or around 60 or older, you don’t need to listen any further,” he said with a smile. “Again,” he said a moment later, “that’s for future people, right, not for current retirees.”
Romney's already caught flak from Paul Ryan's blueprint for Medicare reform that implements changes for those 55 and under. Now he's raised that magic age to 60. So someone who's 59.5 and plans on retiring in 5 years somehow has to figure out how to save the extra hundred or so thousand dollars to pay for medical costs?


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Romney's already caught flak from Paul Ryan's blueprint for Medicare reform that implements changes for those 55 and under. Now he's raised that magic age to 60. So someone who's 59.5 and plans on retiring in 5 years somehow has to figure out how to save the extra hundred or so thousand dollars to pay for medical costs?
Only the "victims" unwilling to take responsibility for their own lives, maybe.


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
Oh, she's doing it again.

"To those of you who like to complain about mormon religion, check yourselves...why is it so okay to have other beliefs but not this? Let there be room for all in Gods house. Why so much hate? Opinions are great but who cares what / who someone prays to to find their inspiration in a dark world? We all want one thing--love. Step back, Obama was muslim at one point and that was just fine with many of you...seriously find another reason to hate a Republican! Love, Erin"