Depends on the state. We can blow them away here. Some states REQUIRE you to flee.
Florida "Castle Doctrine" law
One: It establishes, in law, the presumption that a criminal who forcibly enters or intrudes into your home or occupied vehicle is there to cause death or great bodily harm, therefore a person may use any manner of force, including deadly force, against that person.
Two: It removes the "duty to retreat" if you are attacked in any place you have a right to be. You no longer have to turn your back on a criminal and try to run when attacked. Instead, you may stand your ground and fight back, meeting force with force, including deadly force, if you reasonably believe it is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm to yourself or others. [This is an American right repeatedly recognized in Supreme Court gun cases.]
Three: It provides that persons using force authorized by law shall not be prosecuted for using such force.
It also prohibits criminals and their families from suing victims for injuring or killing the criminals who have attacked them.
I know castle laws don't exist everywhere but I've never heard of that little tenet anywhere. That's definitely not what the cop in my underoos chase told me.
I know castle laws don't exist everywhere but I've never heard of that little tenet anywhere. That's definitely not what the cop in my underoos chase told me.
it's not that you are required to flee, but as dog mentioned there is something called "duty to retreat". Not sure which states use it and which don't.
I know castle laws don't exist everywhere but I've never heard of that little tenet anywhere. That's definitely not what the cop in my underoos chase told me.
it's not that you are required to flee, but as dog mentioned there is something called "duty to retreat". Not sure which states use it and which don't.
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