
the Drinking Game thread


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
What're your favorite drinking games? Mine are Beirut (aka beer pong) and speed quarters. If it's an odd or unheard-of game, let us know the rules too, so that we may diversify our knowledge of drinking games.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Ever play spoons?

Its sort of like musical chairs, at least in principle. Everybody sits in a circle and you put a spoon in the center of the circle for every person except one (the musical chairs concept). Next you deal out 4 cards to everybody. To start play the dealer hands one card to the person to their left. This person has the option to keep the card and pass another card from their hand to person on their left or just hand it to the left. (you must pass one card for every card you get) The object is to get 4 of a kind and to grab a spoon from the center.

If someone grabs a spoon, everybody else has to grab a spoon until all the spoons are gone. The person who doesn't have a spoon at the end has to drink and they get a letter (as in the game HORSE). Once you spell SPOON you are out of the game and have to refill drinks or whatever. Also anyone who touches a spoon at anytime before someone gets 4 of a kind must drink and gets a letter.

The object is to pass the cards as fast as possible and try to fake everybody out by reaching for spoons when you don't actually have 4 of a kind to lure people to reach in and touch a spoon. On a wild night spoons will fly, causing various injuries. Very fun indeed.

Variations include strip spoons. (a personal favorite)


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Generally I think drinking games are stupid but if I had to pick one it would have to be the game called "drink" my friends and I played in college. There are no real rules, people take turn rolling dice then you yell at each other as loud as possible until everyone ends up drinking. Occasionally beers and punches would be thrown. It is best played when everyone starts out fairly trashed.

dh girlie

Westy said:
Generally I think drinking games are stupid but if I had to pick one it would have to be the game called "drink" my friends and I played in college. There are no real rules, people take turn rolling dice then you yell at each other as loud as possible until everyone ends up drinking. Occasionally beers and punches would be thrown. It is best played when everyone starts out fairly trashed.
huh...is there anything in particular you have to yell in order to drink?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
dh girlie said:
huh...is there anything in particular you have to yell in order to drink?
No, that was the beauty of it, but screaming something like "take off your colostomy bag and drink like a man you sally ass cripple" seemed to work well. Like I said, the game only works if you start out drunk.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
At happy hour, our group used to play a stupd simple game to maximize our (lack of) drinking time. We called it the "dice game," or "fak your neighbor." You start out with a cup filled with maybe 4 - 8oz of beer in the middle and a set of dice. Ah hell...I was going to spell out the rules, but I only play when I'm f'd, so I really can't remember the them right now. I'm going to have to get back to you guys...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Westy said:
No, that was the beauty of it, but screaming something like "take off your colostomy bag and drink like a man you sally ass cripple" seemed to work well. Like I said, the game only works if you start out drunk.
I like that game.

I like playing beer pong, but I mostly just like the "pong" part of it, as the actual drinking of small amounts of cheap, crappy, warm beer with a dirty pingpong ball in it doesn't really appeal to me... :think:

My girlfriend and I are pretty good at it, though, so we don't usually end up drinking as much as everyone else :D

Crazy Sweeper

Jun 4, 2004
In a box
my favorite game is moose ears. its sort of like quarters, its got a silly VT twist though. You lean an ice tray up on a cup, and the object is to bounce quarters into the ice tray. Bottom is one, second row is two and so on... one side of tray is give the other side is take, also everytime drinks are given or taken a "drink" is added to the cup that the ice tray is leaning on. If you bounce the quarter into the top row of ice trays everybody yells "moose ears" and puts their hands up bullwinkle style, last person to do it has to drink the ice tray cup.


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Beer pong is good, but only when already trashed, otherwise my aim sucks(go figure).

Not a big fan of drinking games, but I do like playing with drinks...especially anything flammable. :dancing: :help:

There were a few games that the aussies taught me while I was down under. Mainly "race boat" which involved two 8 person(or more) teams racing to finish off the most pitchers in a certain amount of time. The rule is that you can't start drinking until the person to your left hits you with his/her pint/pot glass. Best played early on in the night when people have money for lots of pitchers. Running out of pitchers mid-game is not a pleasant sight.

The Ito


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Crazy Sweeper said:
my favorite game is moose ears. its sort of like quarters, its got a silly VT twist though. You lean an ice tray up on a cup, and the object is to bounce quarters into the ice tray. Bottom is one, second row is two and so on... one side of tray is give the other side is take, also everytime drinks are given or taken a "drink" is added to the cup that the ice tray is leaning on. If you bounce the quarter into the top row of ice trays everybody yells "moose ears" and puts their hands up bullwinkle style, last person to do it has to drink the ice tray cup.
Haha, we made up a game called "full moose" (got the idea from a kid's camp game) that was similar. No quarters, just lots of confusion as you threw "moose ears" across the table to eachother. The best was when you got confused bystanders involved in the game.

The Ito


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
ito said:
There were a few games that the aussies taught me while I was down under. Mainly "race boat" which involved two 8 person(or more) teams racing to finish off the most pitchers in a certain amount of time. The rule is that you can't start drinking until the person to your left hits you with his/her pint/pot glass. Best played early on in the night when people have money for lots of pitchers. Running out of pitchers mid-game is not a pleasant sight.

The Ito
A few years back at road nats, the SLO collegiate team came back home with some jerseys from other schools. I guess our boat racing team came out the winners a few times at the closing party. Hey, at least they won something.


Mar 17, 2002
You can make a drinking game outta anything. For the Oscar's we came up with an elaborate game, but ended up just drinking everytime someone accepted an award, or went on stage.

Another fun game is Edward 40 Hands where you duct tape two 40's to your hands.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 15, 2004
Los Angeles
dang I can't believe nobody has said ASSHOLE. Thats the best drinking game of all. (best if played with 3 or more. Deal all cards, Start first round with 3 of clubs, then the game is played counter clockwise and a player puts down a card, the next player must place a higher valued card/doubles or triples/match the card/pass and drink. The first one with no cards wins and is given the title of president. The last person with cards is the asshole. Anybody can tell the asshole what to do except for when the asshole is dealing the cards. The president makes a rule that last the whole game. Next play begins with a "waterfall" and the pres. puts out the first card.

Quarters is a standard one. (bouncy a quarter into a cup or drink...)

High Low rules as well. (predict the value of the next card or drink....)

Jacks and Fives is fun. (four cards, you can only look at 2 of them, you want the lowest hand and Jacks and fives are worth 0...)


Yeah, I spent 3 years at San Diego State University so I played a fair amount of drinking games.


Sep 19, 2004
the FC
my fave is edward forty hands, like the scissor guy, you duct tape two forties to someones hands, and they cant do anything til theyre finished, cuz they cant use their hands, maybe its not really a game, but still fun to do


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
The only drinking games I have played are quarters, and chandelier and I can't for the life of me remember how to play the latter. I have played games while drunk though. Brit and Irishman is a fave.


Apr 21, 2005
Beer Die
Two teams, 1 table, 4 full cups of beer, 1 standard board game die, 1 standard banquet table

Teams Sit at opposite ends in chairs,
Place the cups 1 hand length in from edges of the table and 1 hand width (pinky to thumb) between the cups.

Team 1 tosses the die underhand, (it must crest above eye level), aiming for the other teams cups. It can bounce or hit the cups directly.

1. If it hits a cup and goes off the table without the other team catching it, thats 1 point, if it hits multiple cups its however many times it hits a cup. If it stays on the table that is also a point (s). It if goes in the cup thats two points.
2. If it misses the table entirely, the team that shot takes one drink. If the catching team drops the die attempting a catch thats a drink.
3. If you score a point, the other team takes one drink. If you sink the shot, the whole cup gets drank. There are 5 drinks per cup. Games are played to 7 points.
4. Only one hand can be used to catch, no trapping against body.

See photos (thats me on the left in the 2nd pci)



Apr 21, 2005
dexterq20 said:
What're your favorite drinking games? Mine are Beirut (aka beer pong) and speed quarters. If it's an odd or unheard-of game, let us know the rules too, so that we may diversify our knowledge of drinking games.
How did you play beruit? Contrary to some people, there are several difference between pong and beruit. I went to school in upstate NY and EVERYONE in the college town only played beruit, in fact you might get beat up if you tried introducing a ping pong ball into the mix. (jk)

We used to increase the drunkness level by always keeping the front cup filling


Turbo Monkey
Aug 15, 2004
Los Angeles
Ciaran said:
The only drinking games I have played are quarters, and chandelier and I can't for the life of me remember how to play the latter.

Chandelier is like quarters, just add more small cups and put them around a really big cup. Fill the big cup with a beer. If you miss a cup you drink, if you make it into a cup you don't drink, but you put some more beer into the big cup in the middle. Now depending on how you want to play the rules change, but if you make it into the big cup it means you must drink it all in one try or you can select who you want to make drink it.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
We played a funny one at the SMBA event. Knognschlogen (God only knows how to spell it). It involves, a hammer, a nail for each person, and a large log to drive said nails into. a long nail (I think we used 3") was started in front of each participant and everyone has to have a drink in your hand. When it's your turn, you have to toss the hammer up and catch it (handle only...metal near the head doesn't count) and you get to hit someone else's nail. If you just toss it up in front of you...one try, under the leg toss and catch receives 2 tries, behind the back is 3 tries. The object is to be the last one with the nail standing. There are penalties for missing, getting out and spilling beer. Quite interesting ;)

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Beer pong is a favorite.

I saw a new one last weekend called "tippy-cup".

You need about 8 people in teams of four standing around a table and 8 of those plastic "solo" cups.

You put a small amount of beer in each cup then the first two players on each team drink the beer, place the cup on the edge of the table and attempt to flip the cup over landing squarely on the other side. Once the cup lands upside down the next person drinks and attempts to flip their cup. You win a round when the fourth person on your team has consumed the beer and flipped their cup. If a team wins twice in a row they can vote one person from the other team off. etc etc until there are no more players on the other team.


Mar 17, 2002
Couple of the studios here had a large Beer Pong tournament at a bar a couple months back. It was huge. 80 teams from 20 different studios...

Went from 6pm to 12am...


Apr 19, 2005
It's all about Beer Pong.

Trapped is a close second. Similar to AssHole, but quite different. It's played with teams of two sitting across from each other. You start with the 3 of clubs then play cards that you believe only you and your partner have. If the person next to you doesn't have the card played they are trapped and have to drink for every card played until they can match that card.

The object of the game is to be the first team to have a player play all of their cards.


May 4, 2002
Get a box. Divide said box into parts, number determined by players.


Goal: first one to fill up their part and or section of the box with vomit to the top wins.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
ncrider said:
Chandelier is like quarters, just add more small cups and put them around a really big cup. Fill the big cup with a beer. If you miss a cup you drink, if you make it into a cup you don't drink, but you put some more beer into the big cup in the middle. Now depending on how you want to play the rules change, but if you make it into the big cup it means you must drink it all in one try or you can select who you want to make drink it.
I knew I could count on an SDSU alum to know the rules to a drinking game. :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
Damn True said:
I saw a new one last weekend called "tippy-cup".
No no no, it's called flip cup! Great game though. My school's ski/snowboard team plays that all the time when we're in Mammoth, and we always play best 2 out of 3 rounds. The losers then have to go outside and stick their bare asses in a snowbank and chug a beer. It's quite fun.


Apr 13, 2004
urban sprawl (orange county)
drinkng halo, 4 players, everytime you die, you take a drink, everytime you get killed with a grenade, you have to drink for 4-5 seconds, everytime you comit suicide you have to shotgun a beer.

drinking OC, of course, the only way to stomach the OC is with alcohol. whenever there is a shot of the ocean, take a drink, whenever there is a scene where someone else is drinking, take a drink. you add your own rules and it gets to be more fun..


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
My favorite individual events were already mentioned:
Chandaliers, quarters, a-hole and beer pong. I also liked the "Hour of Power" and a game I learned post-college from a nutty Irishman, "One Red Hen".

My favorite team events were:
Canoe Races, bat-spin relays, drunken HORSE, and again, beer pong.

[EDIT]We never really had a name for it, but we also used to have a drinking game based around watching TV. Whenever an agreed-upon word or event took place, all present had to drink. The loser was the one who passed out first and got his lips painted nicely with a red Sharpie.