
The French - Why do they hate us?

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown

...A funny thing happened on the way to the war: Our old allies the French, rather than our new Muslim foes, have become the caricatured foreigners of the war on terrorism. The French are tarred in the New York Post, among others, as the leaders of the "Axis of Weasel." National Review's Jonah Goldberg has made "cheese-eating surrender monkeys"—a Groundskeeper Willie line from an episode of The Simpsons—the rallying cry of Francophobes everywhere. After France's ambush of Colin Powell at last week's U.N. Security Council meeting, where the French foreign minister declared that military intervention in Iraq "would be the worst possible solution," it can't be long before someone declares the need for regime change in Paris....

I vote yes to this:monkey:


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
I say next time a foreign power rolls through their country, conquering the whole thing in 24 hours or less, we just leave them to their french toast and french fries.


May 21, 2002
Virginia Beach, VA
Originally posted by eric strt6
they don't hate "us" they hate "Everyone" [and the Parisian's hate all the other Frenchmen].
I've traveled through that country 3 times and couldn't get outta there fast enough. I have family in belgium. They hate belgians too.

I asked a cop for directions outside the police station once. He brought me into the station and led me to a janitor swabbing the deck and told me to get directions from him. And the bastard janitor didn't speak english (the cop did) so he took me outside and gave me handsignal directions...3 blocks the wrong way. I almost missed my plane home. I have a hard time believing no one knew where the only train station in town was. It was only 4 blocks away.

the BIG cheese

Feb 26, 2002
stick red
ive known nice french people and ive known mean french people, for the most part, in the 3 months i was there, the french were strait up bitches (coming from an american point of view)

the belgians were alot nicer and were very hospitalble and friendly, even rode with a few. the only belgians i didnt like were the ones that worked at the bike shop near where i stayed. total asshole, treated me as if i didnt know jack and was always smug when talking to me:angry:


Oct 15, 2002
somewhere but not sure where
France is a worthless country. The people are rude and they stink. The only good thing to ever come out of that country is wine and cheese and the wine isnt that great anymore. They also had a few nice artists but wait until they need something and watch and see who the first country they come running to.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Originally posted by The Toninator
This article does not go back far enough. The roots of this go back to 1954 and the admission of West Germany to NATO, which France was againist. The French, for obvious reasons, hated the thought of an armed Germany.

Then in 1956, the US didn't back the British, the French and the Israelis in their invasion of the Suez. One of the main reasons, in IMHO, is that Eisenhower was more concerned with the Soviet invasion of Hungary and its strategic implications, then he was the Egyptian nationalization of the Suez Canal. When the French and British went against him, he cut them both off at the knees especially when the Soviets threatened intervention.

The selective repeal of the McMahon Act in 1958 allowing the US to provide information on development of advanced nuclear capability to foreign nations. However, this information was only provided to the British and not the rest of NATO namely the French. From the US perspective it came to light later in the early 1960's, that the return of DeGaulle was one of the main reasons that nuclear information was not passed to the French. This of course did not go over well.

DeGaulle's goal was to return the French to a position of world power but more importantly it was to become the leader of Europe. He viewed the British and the US as two road blocks to this leadership. The continued refusal of De Gaulle to allow admittance to the ECC for Britian is firm proof of that. It lead him to create the world's third largest nuclear arsenal, a space program and other international initiatives. All of this came to a head in the 1966 when France removed itself from the integrated military command of NATO. De Gaulle used the US and its "domination of Europe" as the drive to make France the world power he thought it should be.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
The French hate us because because we can do and/or make anything they can, only we do it cheaper, faster and in larger quantities. The French also think anything they say, do or produce is superior simply because it's French. They are the Martha Stewart of nations.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Citreon, Peugot, Renault


Ford, Chevy, and Chrysler

Say no more.

They did do a nice bit of work with the Dessault Mirage, but IMO Lockheed, Grumman, and the rest of our aerospace entitys do a far better job.

On a side note; I trusted my life for eleven years to an HH-65A Dauphin Helicopter made by Aerospatial. Rock solid aircraft.

The company is now called American Eurocopter.


Sep 24, 2002
Tacoma, Wa
Like, hate ...didn't know these words cared when it came to foreign policy. Leave them to the social circles. Don't think the French hated us during WWI or in June of 1944. Funny, France was one of the original countries to form a counter terrorist organizations, and to be used very well in 1976 in Djibouti, but turns away so often in past strikes against such targets. But how can you totaly dislike a country that gives you Nico and such good wine?


Mar 26, 2002
Some of you guys, (midget) I thought very highly of before but when I read your stupid comments in here you really disapoint me.

This thread has not answered why the french hates you,it has answered why eveyone hates you.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Originally posted by Deyv
Some of you guys, (midget) I thought very highly of before but when I read your stupid comments in here you really disapoint me.

This thread has not answered why the french hates you,it has answered why eveyone hates you.
Okay then why? And it better be something better than "You are arrogant...." because if it is then it is no better the replies that disappointed you.


Strangely intrigued by Echo
Oct 30, 2001
Charlotte, NC
Originally posted by Yossarian
maybe it is because the american culture(some might call that an oxymoron), is the newest culture on the face of the planet, we are push and arrogant, and, iin general, we are uneducated and intolerant of other cultures.
And when we go to a restauarnt and order a dish, it's not a plate of tomatos sprinkled with pepper, or a "sirloin steak" that is just a flattened hamburger patty. I speak from experience, they're jealous of our cuisine........


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Originally posted by Yossarian
maybe it is because the american culture(some might call that an oxymoron), is the newest culture on the face of the planet, we are push and arrogant, and, iin general, we are uneducated and intolerant of other cultures.
So by "hating" (lack of a better word) our culture (or lack of) aren't they guilty of doing the samething? Taking an arrogant stance and then look down their noses at us doesn't sound like an improved culture to me. Or to take it even further shouldn't "superior" cultures look to educate and improve us thru education and not simply dismiss us as the new kid on the block. Especially when the new kid on the block, especially when that new kid as helped you out from time to time. Arrogance is certainly not a US only thing.

I think that it is much simpler than that on a personal level. Without even thinking about it the first reaction most folks have is that if your country disagrees with my country is "F' off" and then promptly lump the entire country into that bucket. Lots of folks think their way out of that stance after awhile some don't. BUT that's true of every country.

As for caring, I don't. But that's just a personal continuation of the fact that I don't typically give a rat's ass about what anyone thinks about me. (a tragic character flaw I have been told).

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Originally posted by Deyv
Some of you guys, (midget) I thought very highly of before but when I read your stupid comments in here you really disapoint me.

This thread has not answered why the french hates you,it has answered why eveyone hates you.
It is simple.

American Engilsh is the universal language of business.

And Lance Armstrong! :D

The Frogs hate the US because we are more sucessful, speak english and are ALMOST as pushy, arrogant, and uneducated and intolerant of other cultures as they are!!!! :p :p :p :p

:cool: :D