


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I am waiting for the Apple Smart CockRing

Tracks erection quality, thrust frequency and amplitude, ejaculate volume and velocity.
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the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Did a Zwift FTP test. Picked one that was too easy and got a result of 205, heart rate was only 150bpm at the end so I immediately did a harder ramp test. Gave up at the end of the 340 watt minute, end result 240. Might be a little better if I didn't do 2 in a row.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Did a Zwift FTP test. Picked one that was too easy and got a result of 205, heart rate was only 150bpm at the end so I immediately did a harder ramp test. Gave up at the end of the 340 watt minute, end result 240. Might be a little better if I didn't do 2 in a row.
FWIW, this dude who seems like he knows his shit says you should:

a) use a factor of 72% of max aerobic power, not 75%
b) use a ramp factor of 25W/min for non-elite male athletes

When I did my ramp test I hit 168 bpm by the end, iirc. Max I ever see is about 172 bpm so was a full effort indeed.

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
What is the best way to do one of theae things without a powwwwwer meter (if possible) so I can fit in? I'd have to put my jack and coke down, but I'll manage.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
I am using some of this nerdery because cycling is much more fun to me when I am in shape, and not getting killed on climbs all of the time. My last year was brutal in terms of losing strength and muscle mass, and this type of stuff seems to be the kickstart I need to get back into form. But yeah, being too engaged in any sort of stuff like this can be detrimental to the fun-factor of just riding a bike with friends...


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001

I ride bikes because they are fun. Not everything needs to be a dick measuring contest.
psst: e-bikes are more fun per hour in the saddle!

I want my training to be most efficient, and polarized training with power zones seems to be the way to go. Otherwise the regular type rides where they call out cadence and resistance ranges are useless if they're supposed to apply to frail elderly women with 85W FTPs and 400W bruisers alike.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
FWIW, this dude who seems like he knows his shit says you should:

a) use a factor of 72% of max aerobic power, not 75%
b) use a ramp factor of 25W/min for non-elite male athletes

When I did my ramp test I hit 168 bpm by the end, iirc. Max I ever see is about 172 bpm so was a full effort indeed.

I can assure you IDGAF about 3% in any direction. I am going to claim that I am most likely a physiological outlier so I doubt any typical estimates be accurate. Back when I was in great shape and racing competitively my peak power reading was maybe 750 watts, an average joe could have beaten that. But I could ride at 200+ watts for days. According to my 23 and Me results the closest I am going to get to a fast twitch muscle is in a steak.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002

I ride bikes because they are fun. Not everything needs to be a dick measuring contest.

I agree, but this makes pedalling a bike inside a little more interesting when opportunities to ride a real bike are few and far between. This shit gets put in the basement when the snow melts.

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
Sarcasm aside....putting too much focus on stuff like this if you aren't a WC level racer, or not doing it strictly for fitness purposes, is fucking dumb. It's also the reason I never got into the whole Strava thing.

What it is good for, IMO, is quantitatively seeing where you're at in terms of fitness and comfort/strength on a bike at any point in time. Case in point, I took a hiatus from riding for 4-5 years to focus on woman/kids things. My skills and physical capabilities were SHIT on a bike the few times I did ride. However, over the past year and a half or so I've got back into it more than ever, and feel *I THINK* as strong as ever. I feel like 35yo me could outride 25yo me (though not likely). So something like this would be interesting to see how the mental jives with the physical, or lack thereof.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001

Easy spin today after two rest/sick days with my ongoing cracked molar nonsense. I aimed for 120 bpm as my target, 70% max heart rate.

I also downloaded a few heart rate variability tracking apps, one of which purports to offer training load suggestions based off of the same. Another by the same author or group makes the interesting claim that a real time statistic derived from HRV correlates with aerobic threshold during the current workout!

“Recently, a study (1) was published showing good agreement between the exercise intensity reached at the aerobic threshold (AT), an established boundary for low intensity training and a particular numeric value of a non-linear heart rate variability (HRV) index based on fractal correlation properties called DFA a1 (2).”

This requires a chest strap, which I haven’t had for years, so I ordered up a Polar H7.
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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I am using some of this nerdery because cycling is much more fun to me when I am in shape, and not getting killed on climbs all of the time.
100% this. i started getting serious about training because i got tired of huffing up climbs and generally dragging ass around on my bike unless gravity was my primary accelerator. by improving my fitness it's easier for me to ride and handle my bike the way I want to, which makes it more fun. when i was really out of shape riding was a bit of a miserable slog, and I wasn't very motivated to ride.