
The future of DH? lol its got to start somewhere


Turbo Monkey
Jul 9, 2006
New Zealand
Very cool.

Ahaaaahh, so you want to start a 'my toddler is more gnar than yours' war?

2 years old and HARD.AS.****.

(extra points for the teddy and dummy)


3 Dude Approved
Thats awesome LOL Kids are the coolest little things out there for sure!!!!! Ill get some of him hucking the curb on the skuut, you and I would rock if we were half as fearless as these little guys. :thumb: REP for ya!!!

The best is when he runs his 4 wheeler up stuff and rolls it on himself, gawd I wish I was all about the moment and no common sense (to the degree he is :D)
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3 Dude Approved
(sorry a dad moment...:D)

Team DADs sponsored little ripper
-Hed like to give a shout out to his sponsors: DAD and all the support from his DAD and the shuttles to the mid point on the hill from dads shuttle shoe service :thumb:

First hill drop in we did the roots above us but that turned out not so good lol (he hit the grass and slid on his face, no damage but he was stained green for a bit) and the wife wasn't present so this was his lower attempt as the wife got a pic...

Ready to do battle
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Turbo Monkey
Very cute posts. Got a question though, as I've got my first little one on the way. Is DH a sport you want your kids getting involved in? It's pretty dangerous as sports go.

I love downhill, and I'm sure if my kid is interested I'll support them. But I'll probably start them on BMX and XC trail riding first and let them build up their skill set.

What strategy are you other fathers using?


3 Dude Approved
My wifes the same way about it, no dh.... ill take him to a foam pit when he's 5-6 and see how he does as well as get him in gymnastics..
He's got great balance not alot of fear but he's not all out there and all over the place he contains himself.
Im definently getting him into bmx every kid should be able to do doubles and berms.... i think the skillset from that alone is priceless.as well as xc for cardio and trail control but on a hardtail to start.
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Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
Bullcrew, that pic is funny stuff.

Our 4 yr old went DHing in tahoe for the first time, why shouldn't she when her mom is world champ. Damian Breach caught is in the act from the chair lift, love this pic.


Hesh To Steel

Dec 12, 2007
Hell's Kitchen
What's the hardest part about a boy doing gymnastics?

Telling his parents he's gay
Don't forget being stronger, more ripped and coordinated than the average kid, without having that extremely irritating jock attitude. For overall fitness, getting a kid into gymnastics and some form of endurance sport is probably the smartest thing you can do.


3 Dude Approved
Don't forget being stronger, more ripped and coordinated than the average kid, without having that extremely irritating jock attitude. For overall fitness, getting a kid into gymnastics and some form of endurance sport is probably the smartest thing you can do.
Thank you, backflips twists etc... Trusting yourself as well as not getting disoriented in the air and the core strength as well as balance and micro flexing muscles...
The physical demands and flexability is incredible or a gainer with a twist and multiple tricks and still not fall over..

Not to mention hes 3 now and will start tumbling first then go to the matts in a couple of years... mixed with some BMX and MX and we'll see how it pans out... Its good for confidence and life lesson more than anything...