
The Great Language Massacre


May 2, 2002
Tucson, beatch!
Okay, so I know I'm going to sound like a decrepit, bitchy old man here (and I'm only 31) but does the continuing massacre of the English language on websites such as the Monkey bother anyone else? I have to resist the urge to post on every other topic here and say learn how to ****ing type!

I know that for people who have grown up not knowing a world without a computer and chat rooms, the internet "short hand" is easy and fast, but I think it makes the "young 'uns" look like total morons. So what if it takes you an extra 5 seconds to type something correctly,use correct grammar and puNctuation! If I don't know how to spell something, I go to dictionary.com and find out. And I think this goes beyond the typical "their, there and they're" problem that many people struggle with.

I know I'm singling out the younger crowd here, but I really need to ask them: Do you not care how intelligent you come across to people? Do you write your school term papers using the same "language" you post on websites? I know I'm way out of what is cool anymore and I really don't care... but is it the "in" thing to type like this? I also know you all are good people behind the typing so I'm not judging you... I just want to know your thoughts on it. Is it because it is such an informal setting that you don't care about your posts? I am always bothered when I post a topic, re-read it later and find out I screwed something up.

Everyone: Is this a sign of our culture's decline, or is this just the evolution of language?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
G-Cracker said:
I have to resist the urge to post on every other topic here and say learn how to ****ing type!

So what if it takes you an extra 5 seconds to type something correctly,use correct grammar and puctuation!
puctuation [sic] is quite a biotch isn't it? ;) :sneaky: .


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
it's the evolution of language. perhaps you need to speed up your evolution in order to decipher it ;)


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
G-Cracker said:
Okay, so I know I'm going to sound like a decrepit, bitchy old man here (and I'm only 31) but does the continuing massacre of the English language on websites such as the Monkey bother anyone else? I have to resist the urge to post on every other topic here and say learn how to ****ing type!

I know that for people who have grown up not knowing a world without a computer and chat rooms, the internet "short hand" is easy and fast, but I think it makes the "young 'uns" look like total morons. So what if it takes you an extra 5 seconds to type something correctly,use correct grammar and puNctuation! If I don't know how to spell something, I go to dictionary.com and find out. And I think this goes beyond the typical "their, there and they're" problem that many people struggle with.

I know I'm singling out the younger crowd here, but I really need to ask them: Do you not care how intelligent you come across to people? Do you write your school term papers using the same "language" you post on websites? I know I'm way out of what is cool anymore and I really don't care... but is it the "in" thing to type like this? I also know you all are good people behind the typing so I'm not judging you... I just want to know your thoughts on it. Is it because it is such an informal setting that you don't care about your posts? I am always bothered when I post a topic, re-read it later and find out I screwed something up.

Everyone: Is this a sign of our culture's decline, or is this just the evolution of language?

My mad typing skillz pwnz j00 suckz0r! j00 n33d t0 r3ck0gniz3 sucka!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
G-Cracker said:
SEE, I KNEW IT! I KNEW I F*** SOMETHING UP! And I knew someone would call me on it. DAMMIT! :mumble:
Actually, technically it should be:


Also, it's not proper to begin a sentence with "and".


I do agree completely, though, I hate reading posts that look like they were written by a four year old banging on the keyboard.


Oct 17, 2002
you're too uptight if occassional typos and such bother you; however, some idiots here are so bad at communicating that you have to re-read their posts 3-4x just to get an idea of what they're saying. And that's unacceptable.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
LordOpie said:
you're too uptight if occassional typos and such bother you; however, some idiots here are so bad at communicating that you have to re-read their posts 3-4x just to get an idea of what they're saying. And that's unacceptable.
Maybe we should have a :retard: smiley...........

I never give an incomprehensible post more than 1 chance. If I can't get the gist, I skip.

That's why I skip 98% of your posts. :devil:



Oct 17, 2002
SkaredShtles said:
Maybe we should have a :retard: smiley...........

I never give an incomprehensible post more than 1 chance. If I can't get the gist, I skip.

That's why I skip 98% of your posts. :devil:

98%... someone forgot their OCD meds today? :D


May 2, 2002
Tucson, beatch!
OK, ok... I don't mean to come across like I'm perfect because it's obvious I am not. And the occasional typo or spelling error doesn't bother me. What bothers me are the rambling, no punctuation-type posts that are filled with things like: u guys think ur so kewl.

I guess rather than a rant, I wanted to know if you all think this is the way our language is headed.

So now I shall be known as Ridemonkey's resident bitchy geriatric.

:mumble: Back in my day...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
G-Cracker said:
OK, ok... I don't mean to come across like I'm perfect because it's obvious I am not. And the occasional typo or spelling error doesn't bother me. What bothers me are the rambling, no punctuation-type posts that are filled with things like: u guys think ur so kewl.

I guess rather than a rant, I wanted to know if you all think this is the way our language is headed.

So now I shall be known as Ridemonkey's resident bitchy geriatric.

:mumble: Back in my day...
Hey Opie - give him a custom title of "Resident Bitchy Geriatric" as a test of your newly found Godlike moderator power......... :D

For the record - our language is NOT headed that way. Those people will grow up just like you grew up.

You *did* talk like a complete retard when you were 14-24, didn't you? If not, you missed out. ;)



Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
The internet has its own language... and it isn't English!

Although I do not even understand it sometimes, I like the creativity of people and it's kinda cool once you figure something out.

Besides, if language didn't change, we'd be talking like Shakespeare! :dead:


Jul 5, 2001
Victoria BC
I agree with the G-man. Most of the illiterates who post here could use some ESL classes, and not because they use chatline slang, but because they can't write intelligibly. If written and verbal communication is what differentiates us from apes, banana futures may be the next hot investment. This language is devolving, not evolving. Anyway, not to rant; you guys (and female-type guys) should read "Eats, Shoots & Leaves," by Lynne Truss. It's hilarious.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 23, 2004
i am one of the younger people in this chatroom and i usually have good grammar with a few typos here and there. Overall i don't think that you could determine my age based on my grammar, maybe the content of whats written, but not grammar.

Its not really fair to single out the young ones and take out your anger on us...


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
That indieboy kid used to type 9 page single blocks of text. We gave him so much crap that he started implementing the elusive paragraph, and now he is passing his college writing class with flying colors.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
.:Jeenyus:. said:
i am one of the younger people in this chatroom and i usually have good grammar with a few typos here and there. Overall i don't think that you could determine my age based on my grammar, maybe the content of whats written, but not grammar.

Its not really fair to single out the young ones and take out your anger on us...

I'd put you at.....hmmm....112.

Actually I never would have pegged you as a young 'um. and I thank you for your literacy. I think Toshi mentioned that this pretty much has to be aimed at younger folks because there aren't too many 45 year olds who think they r 2 kewl 2 rite like a nromal person and have no time 4 punctuation and have sentense structure like ralph wiggum well that's not comploetely true coz some adults do have sentense structure like ralph wiggum but they don use numbers in there words newhere like ne1


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2003
somewhere really ****ty
hhhmmm. i like to think that i usually type pretty good. but i never bother to capitalize stuff. i find it alot easier just to type in normal langauge than have to think about what im writing to do all those weird words.

wawawawa. I WANT MY MOMMY


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
I honestly have no idea what half of the internet lingo means. I may be missing out on something relevant, but I doubt it.

I do like to spell school "skool" because it looks funny.
