
The I am SO in Telluride racing that I don'even care'bout what'ya doin' thread.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
SkaredShtles said:
Where are the pics, n00B?!? :p
I only took one picture all weekend... it's a bad cell phone camera pic, but it pretty much sums up the weekend. My race bike:

Seriously though, I never take a camera with me to races... usually too busy riding and having fun to deal with it. The race was AWESOME though: we get to race on the same track that was used for the '03 World Cup, and it's fast, short, rocky, rooty, with a couple of "big" features thrown in for spice. Four turns into the track, there was a jump (really more like a ramp) that boosted you over 25 feet of big pointy rocks. The landing was totally blind and like I said, you had to clear a rock garden, so I was a little intimidated for SURE. But hey, everyone else in my class was hitting it so I manned up and BAM - right on over that bad boy. It was my own personal victory for the weekend, honestly. Further down the track, there's a "drop" feature that we figure is minimum 8', but usually closer to 10'+ at speed. I checked that one off the list last year, but this year I had to hit it after a good night's rain. The entrance and landing was a little slick, but it was do-able. Rock!

The track there is really short (I ran a SLOW 2:54 in my race run) so you could just do laps and laps and laps during practice and ride as much as you could handle. The race was run REALLY well, as far as I could tell - lots of happy people and smiling faces everywhere! Hard to be upset when you're riding your bike in one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

In addition to the downhill race, also on the agenda for the weekend (although not for me, necessarily) was cross country, a hill climb, and Super-D. I found out the Super-D was being held Saturday afternoon, which was different than it's usual spot of Sunday morning before the DH race, so i decided at the last minute to sign up. Let me tell you what: Super-D is FUN. It's more like a group ride where you're trying to beat your friends to the bottom of the hill than a race! The course was probably around 10-12 minutes I think, with a couple of short (100-200 yard) climbs in the middle. My 303 isn't necessarily the most optimal bike for this sort of thing, but imagine my surprise when I was PASSING people on XC bikes on the climbs!?!?!

[sarcasm] I am SO gnar. [/sarcasm]

But really, Super-D was fun. It was a lemans style start, and with my gimped-up ankle I can't run at ALL, so I got to my bike 3rd from last out of a pack of 24, and managed to pass up to 14th. Not bad, considering most of the track was twisty singletrack with no room to pass, you had to make all your moves on the climbs!

All in all, a freaking RAD weekend. Loved it, can't wait for next year. Definitely my favorite stop in the Mountain States Cup! Well, besides Angel Fire, Snowmass, Nathrop, Crested Butte, and Keystone of course... :D