
The Ice Of Douglas ( Dial ups beware )


Nam I am
Today Berkshire_rider was our guide today in Douglas SF. We went out early and it was COLD!!! When I left the house it was 9 degrees out , the cold was good because for the most part it kept the Snow Firm.

But what fun it was .

anyway Here is our guide on one of the sections that was free of snow

Oh and yes Our group consisted of 4 of Us ,Myself , Berkshire_rider , Vos and IF_rider

Here is Vos on the old abandon rail Bed

Here is IF_rider Hucking a rock on an Icy decent.

Next We have Berkshire_rider coming down an icy incline that the snowmobiles were having a good time on.

And Yes Studded Tires were our friend's today . here we are riding on Lake Wallum , At this point we are about 1/2 mile from the State line.

IF_rider going up some stairs from the frozen lake.

Berkshire_rider making a Stair Gap onto the frozen lake.
Notice how his front wheel looks like it is on the ground , but the shadow shows otherwise.

And there were lots of Rocks to play on. Berkshire_rider scraping his chainrings as he goes over this rock .

IF_rider doing a true table top

I really like this picture !
IF_rider riding down some steps that are part of the stone wall with Lake wallum in the background.

Now back into the woods

Vos on the coffe shop loop , which had some awesome Boardwalks

IF_rider was finding all sorts of fun things to play one .

and this one the snow was really soft on .

Shortly before we got back to the parking lot.

and we got back to the parking lot was a great ride , the only Problems we had was I broke my Chain once , and IF_Riders Chain got jammed in his freewheel othe than that it went very smooth.

the cold did cause so other problems though, at one Point I had an Engery "GU" , you Know its cold when you have to Chew your "gu" !

Berkshire_riders Camel Back tube froze and unfortunly the picture of him drinking straight out iof the bladder did not come out , but here is what his camel back tube looked like and you should be able to see the problem.

and finally we went 10.7 miles in 3+ hours was alot of work but a lot of fun
here is our GPS track of the ride. We started at the D



beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Great pics! A few of us up here in Saratoga are going to brave the cold tomorrow morning I think. When it warms up, I'll be down to ride with you guys for sure!! :thumb:


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
Nice pics splat! :thumb:

Your threads are very motivating for me. I see you guys rinding on ice and the rain here suddenly doesnt seem so bad.


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
yea riding on the lakes and ponds is awsome. its even better when theres a lite top layer of snow. then you can do "crop circles".