
The irony of injury-or-hit by a car on the front lawn!


Oct 21, 2007
Hey guys
I'm 36 and know many of you from riding diablo the last four years (I ride a white morewood with a white 888--not whoryder, he's got the boxxer). I've had plenty of injuries over the years (not bragging, just giving background---I'm not all that great at most of these things---I just like having fun) as a competitive martial artist since age 9, rock climber, crazy sportbike rider, drag racer, and xc/dj/dh/park mtb rider. Ironically, just after bleeding my formula's in preparation for the second weekend of the season (couldn't wait to ride again this Saturday!!!!!!!), I got blindsided by an SUV (yukon) while standing in the middle of my front lawn walking my dog with my fiance. My back and shoulder are pretty messed up, but just soft tissue damage--should be good in two weeks. My right ankle and left foot were broken pretty bad---kinda like that scene in misery where James Caan gets hobbled by Cathy Bates!-----As in wheelchair for me for at least a few weeks and then six weeks of full casts on both legs. I guess my season is over at least until mid August best case scenario. Anyway, it just makes me think of how many times I didn't get nearly as hurt doing "risky" things and then got nailed standing still in my own yard on a quiet street in suburbia. It sucks, but I'm just glad it wasn't worse--I'm a big dude (6'2" and 220lbs)and the truck hit me in the shoulder--it would've hit my fiance (5'2") in the head and most likely killed her if we had switched positions!---I'll take the broken bones and half season if that's the trade off---it could've been much worse!!! Anyway, ride it's your last ride of the season and don't be afraid to get hurt---it can happen anywhere---please keep the pics/vids coming so I can stay sane for the next few months. Hope to see you all on the mountain before the season's up!
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Turbo Monkey
Jun 23, 2007
oof man that stinks! good luck with the recovery!!! but what happend to the driver? i mean if you were in your lawn were the drunk or something?


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I'm surprised your hands weren't broken from the beating the truck driver should have received.

Heal up quick


Turbo Monkey
May 6, 2007
dirty jerz
Your wife should have banned him from earth using her super secret powers. Once you heal, you shall smite him! Oh smitey one! feel better.

Hesh To Steel

Dec 12, 2007
Hell's Kitchen
I feel your pain, man. 2nd ride of the season for me yesterday and I broke my clavicle, gonna be out til mid july at the very least.

oh well, at least the season is 6 months long!


Oct 21, 2007
I feel your pain, man. 2nd ride of the season for me yesterday and I broke my clavicle, gonna be out til mid july at the very least.

oh well, at least the season is 6 months long!
that sucks, hopefully we'll have a good second half of the season!

heal up man!
Sep 23, 2007
holy f@ck carl, that sucks! I hope you the best and a speedy recovery...

i just got out of my cast and got my pins out, i was looking forward to riding with you! heal up!


Mar 29, 2009
I'm on to you Carl. I know you paid that guy to drive into you just so that you could put your future wife to the test. I think it's a brilliant plan - what's a couple months of disability compared to a lifetime of misery. I hope she passes the test.

BTW, don't tell Jen who submitted this post :poster_oops:


May 25, 2007
First and foremost I wish you the best and speedy recovery. Very glad your better half is okay. I do share the same view as you (although being in my mid 40s leaves me more chicken then brave). My son although was not and most likely out till we move to Chicago (flat land not a lot of downhill). Here is his dump until I ran after him.

I will post mine as I did the same roughly 3 years ago.


Oct 21, 2007
Thanks for all the well wishes! I just came from the doc, 4 weeks in wheelchair, no weight on my feet at all (I always wanted 18" arms) and then two more weeks of crutches, but I should be ready for rehab and hopefully back before the season ends w/ no surgery.

p.s.--good to hear from you Dave, I was looking forward to riding w/ you too!

I'll be up there to take pics and videos as soon as I can walk!!!


Oct 21, 2007
I'm on to you Carl. I know you paid that guy to drive into you just so that you could put your future wife to the test. I think it's a brilliant plan - what's a couple months of disability compared to a lifetime of misery. I hope she passes the test.

BTW, don't tell Jen who submitted this post :poster_oops:
I figured it was the only way to get her to cook and clean:busted:

Hesh To Steel

Dec 12, 2007
Hell's Kitchen
First and foremost I wish you the best and speedy recovery. Very glad your better half is okay. I do share the same view as you (although being in my mid 40s leaves me more chicken then brave). My son although was not and most likely out till we move to Chicago (flat land not a lot of downhill). Here is his dump until I ran after him.

I will post mine as I did the same roughly 3 years ago.
Your son's crash is pretty much exactly how I wrecked on Saturday. Wow.


Nov 18, 2008
Thanks for all the well wishes! I just came from the doc, 4 weeks in wheelchair, no weight on my feet at all (I always wanted 18" arms)

On a Nicer note, I will defiantly use this as a argument with my Parents about how DH is Safer than walking my dog.


Oct 21, 2007
For those who asked,
I got the police report, NO sobriety test, NO tickets, nothing! I had to get a ride down to city hall in my WHEELCHAIR to press charges myself against a guy who DROVE ON MY LAWN as per the ploice report and accident diagram AND HIT ME AND BROKE MY TWO LEGS. Is there anyone who doesn't think that's absurd? I mean what IS the definition of careless/reckless driving if that doesn't meet the criteria?


Oct 2, 2007
For those who asked,
I got the police report, NO sobriety test, NO tickets, nothing! I had to get a ride down to city hall in my WHEELCHAIR to press charges myself against a guy who DROVE ON MY LAWN as per the ploice report and accident diagram AND HIT ME AND BROKE MY TWO LEGS. Is there anyone who doesn't think that's absurd? I mean what IS the definition of careless/reckless driving if that doesn't meet the criteria?
"A person who drives a vehicle heedlessly, in willful or wanton disregard of the rights or safety of others, in a manner so as to endanger, or be likely to endanger, a person or property, shall be guilty of reckless driving and be punished by imprisonment in the county or municipal jail for a period of not more than 60 days, or by a fine of not less than $50.00 or more than $200.00, or both."


"A person who drives a vehicle carelessly, or without due caution and circumspection, in a manner so as to endanger, or be likely to endanger, a person or property, shall be guilty of careless driving."

I would say that hitting someone on their front lawn would qualify as careless, at the least.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
For those who asked,
I got the police report, NO sobriety test, NO tickets, nothing! I had to get a ride down to city hall in my WHEELCHAIR to press charges myself against a guy who DROVE ON MY LAWN as per the ploice report and accident diagram AND HIT ME AND BROKE MY TWO LEGS. Is there anyone who doesn't think that's absurd? I mean what IS the definition of careless/reckless driving if that doesn't meet the criteria?
While that is completely crazy, its New Jersey. I've heard from other sources that in the event of a car accident, if you are not the one at fault (ie you are the victim) it's YOUR responsibility to file charges against the other driver.

Personally, my $0.02 is that you should milk this guy for every cent you can. You were a stones throw away from a trip to the coroner.

Glad to hear you'll make it through :cheers:


Oct 21, 2007
I found out today that several of my neighbors have confronted this guy because he nearly hit their kids while driving like an a**hole, as well. This is getting interesting, but I'm just trying to turn my frustrations into something bigger, I finally started writing my book today (it's a great intro, you know) and staying in the best shape I can in the meantime. That's the best revenge!!! You'll see me on the mountain before this season ends. I'll be the guy with the sticker of a guy getting hit by a truck on his helmet.


Oct 21, 2007
First and foremost I wish you the best and speedy recovery. Very glad your better half is okay. I do share the same view as you (although being in my mid 40s leaves me more chicken then brave). My son although was not and most likely out till we move to Chicago (flat land not a lot of downhill). Here is his dump until I ran after him.

I will post mine as I did the same roughly 3 years ago.
Hey man how's your son doing? It's much tougher to stay down when you're that age!


May 25, 2007
Hey man how's your son doing? It's much tougher to stay down when you're that age!

Thanks for asking. He is fine. He broke his growth plate and dislocated his wrist. Think he is out till Aug. I asked him again if it was worth it and he still says yes as he has been bugging me to do Doms for over a year. Personally the deck drop the the safest one there.


Aug 6, 2007
yo carl. hope your doin alright man. thats pretty f'ed up what happened. when ever you want to go give a beating, let me know, or if you feel like doin some downhill wheelchair'in! that might be fun. heal up yo!


Oct 21, 2007
Thanks dude, I'm going for a recreational wheelchair tomorrow, wheelie contest anyone? How'd your race go? I'll probably come up for the open just to hang out a bit. See you then.
Sep 23, 2007
Am i going to wheel you up the hill to the rock garden on sunday? i heard they make some knobby tires for those things. im sure we can sneak you on the lift...

I'm coming down on sunday (no riding still) to watch and join in the festivities


Oct 21, 2007
Am i going to wheel you up the hill to the rock garden on sunday? i heard they make some knobby tires for those things. im sure we can sneak you on the lift...

I'm coming down on sunday (no riding still) to watch and join in the festivities
No trails for me yet, but I'll see you up there Sunday for some "festivities"


Oct 21, 2007
UPDATE: 5 1/2 weeks out, both casts off, walking short distances with crutches. My calves look like they belong on a 16 year old girl, but considering my doc said the guy actually ran over both of my feet and ankles, I'm doing alright. Hope to be riding my bike in the next 1-2 weeks and back at Diablo in 4-6 weeks. Riding a 3-wheeled, recumbent handcycle now that's pretty cool, but no substitute for Diablo!

Enjoy every run for me an dkeep the pics/vids coming---plus, you never know when it'll be your last one for awhile.


Oct 21, 2007
I'll be back at Diablo for the first time this Saturday! Me legs are still pretty weak, so I'll be taking it easy for awhile. See you there!!!