
The Jan calls it quits.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.

1997 Tour de France champion and 2000 Olympic Gold Medallist Jan Ullrich has announced the end of his career as professional cyclist, but will stay involved in cycling as an advisor to the Austrian Professional Continental Team Volksbank. At a press conference this morning in Hamburg, Germany, he said, "I could ride again immediately, I could get a license, I am fit, as fit as last year and could immediately have a team. I have seven offers, including ProTour teams."


Carbon Porn Star
Sep 11, 2001
Danbury, CT
Dude, I'm bummed. I always wanted to see the Jan really reach what he was capable of.
Anyone know what happened to Beloki? Did he finally retire?


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
The Jan brought a lot of drama to the sport, some good, some bad. His diesel-powered, big ring style was in stark contrast to Armstrong's high-cadence turbo attacks and that made for some very exciting races. The way he's leaving is unfortunate but - hate to say it - it's hard for me to believe anyone anymore, and I sure as hell am not going to cry for a guy like Ullrich.

PS, not positive but I'm fairly certain Beloki announced his retirement earlier this year.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
PS, not positive but I'm fairly certain Beloki announced his retirement earlier this year.
Yes, I saw that somewhere too. It's unfortunate a crash was mostly to blame for his demise. The Jan did himself in..."allegedly":pirate2:


Carbon Porn Star
Sep 11, 2001
Danbury, CT
Yes, I saw that somewhere too. It's unfortunate a crash was mostly to blame for his demise. The Jan did himself in..."allegedly":pirate2:
I guess the last I read he was "considering" it. Bummer if he did. Not that he's really come back since that day, but still, I have a soft spot in my heart for the tiny Spaniard.

Alas poor Jan...


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
I am not going to cry for the Jan. I am (was?) a big fan and would have liked to see him get another Tour and then retire on his own terms, but it's hard for me to feel sorry for him and anyway I think 2003 was his last real chance. He's got a stellar palmares, he's made craploads of money, and he'll continue to be paid well for appearances and consulting. The asterisk next to his name will be largely ignored in light of all the questions about doping controls. He'll probably never have to really answer the questions about his doping, and I have little doubt it was part of the German system at some point and may have played a part in his larger successes.

(Unfair? Maybe, but it's a crappy Monday and I feel cynical.)


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
The asterisk next to his name will be largely ignored in light of all the questions about doping controls. He'll probably never have to really answer the questions about his doping, and I have little doubt it was part of the German system at some point and may have played a part in his larger successes.
The Belgium authorities kept going after Johan Museeuw long after he retired, although he was actually caught with veternarian drugs.

I think if German authorities have a legal case against Ullrich, they will go after after him.