
The jimmydeaned Picture Thread


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I have no idea what the basis for the conventional orientation is. I unwittingly installed one in my house "upside down". I fixed it after my niece pointed it out. What's your logic for going against the convention?
Your brain is wired to see faces in things. Upside down faces make people feel uncomfortable.

Fun fact: people who are blind because of damage to their visual cortex cannot consciously see anything, however they can detect the mood of a facial expression placed in front of them. Non verbal communication is so key to humans that we have developed special sections of the brain to do nothing else but detect and interpret faces.
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I have no idea what the basis for the conventional orientation is. I unwittingly installed one in my house "upside down". I fixed it after my niece pointed it out. What's your logic for going against the convention?
Outlet orientation is not specified by electrical code.

The rationale for putting the ground up is that if a cord's not fully plugged in and a conductive object happens to fall on exposed prong(s), there's less likelihood of damage or injury.