
The last person to post a picture from their last bike ride wins access to the white courtesy phone.

Montana rider

Tom Sawyer
Mar 14, 2005
Rode the park today, 29ish miles or approximately 1/6th of a 6th Element ride, but who's counting ;)

Most of YNP done blowed up during the last caldera eruption, so mountain views are harder to come by.

But you catch a few glimpses the range to the north in the first mellow climb out of West Yellowstone:

Temps were perfect (50s) and mostly sunny, but there were rumors of the w_ _ _ word, and they would prove true.

Not as many bison in this stretch this year, I think the extra snow forced many out of the park for forage

There were 7 bikes pulled over, frantically waving hands/screaming hysterically about how on earth could they pass this bison, and one gal that climbed a tree upslope to escape this dangerous bruin.

Normally, you just give them a wide berth, and they don't bat an eye, but today was different:

I pulled over to the side, hoping he would walk on by, but this asshole starts to walk straight towards me.

Stops about 20 ft out, turns sideways, give me a 30 second side eye and continues to walk in my lane.

I slowly boogied to the far side of the street, and zoomed by much closer than I'd prefer @ 6' or so.

So I was delighted to see this youngster on the upslope off road even, until it dawned on me that I had just ridden between him and mom who was around the bend in a parking lot -- derp:

Made it to my normal turnaround spot / thermal feature just uphill from the Norris T:


Enjoyed a banana from the usual mobile bongshed rock by the springs outlet...

And just another 14.5 miles back to the car...


There is always a headwind returning to West, but today was ridiculous, sustained periods of 20 MPH gusts and a few 30-40s thrown in for good measure, but more of an angled attack than head on at least.

As a result, there were far fewer bikers than previous years, and perhaps 20 "interior/park" cars all day long -- which is why this ride is shiznet.

No dodging inattentive RV drivers, you couldn't pay me to ride in the park normally.

I felt better on this ride THIS year than any other I can recall.

XC skiing 3 times a week probably had a lot to do with it, but for my 3rd ride of the year, whatever I'll take it!

Time for a beer and a poach of the neighbors hot tub!
:cheers: :headbang::rockout::girlwacko:


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
It was sloppy shit as i did some trail maintenance yesterday evening…but this morning at 5:45am, freaking awesome solid frozen goodness


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
Verdict is out. Natural trails in Bentonville and around are fun and janky enough. But cannot get along with the whole 'scene'. Leaving tomorrow.



Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Trails were in mint condition today.

Le sigh. "They" are leaf blowing (with gas blowers.....) the trails here in the spring now. Madness. Don't they know the leaves will just go away when people ride them? And leaves are good.... :rofl:


Montana rider

Tom Sawyer
Mar 14, 2005
Park ride redux...

So many more riders out today (several hundred), and more worker bee car traffic.

Weather (wind) was much better though and I cut 30 minutes off last week's ride time.

Mobile bong shed rock was a bit exposed with all the traffic, so I wandered downstream on foot to check out the bison grazing in the valley below:


Headed back we ran into a bison jam, where 15 bikers (including a few kiddos) were trailing a Park truck which had its lights going and some kind of popping noise to haze the bison and (in theory) make it easier for us to pass.


In practice the bison herd had zero fucks to give, and adopted a "wide stance" in regards to the road.

After a good bit of waiting / watching / waiting / watching a small gap opened up on the left, and two brave souls sprinted towards the gap.

I ducked in 3rd but when the bison noticed we were biking faster they started jogging and then flat out running.

It was on like Donkey Kong, 1/2 mile sustained 12-15 MPH easy, cyclists on the left bison on the right.

Eventually we had to put the hammer down just to get around them so they'd calm the fuck down.

Not sure if it was the fear of being gored or the sustained effort but it was definitely spicy.

Speaking of sous vide:



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sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Trails were in mint condition today.

Le sigh. "They" are leaf blowing (with gas blowers.....) the trails here in the spring now. Madness. Don't they know the leaves will just go away when people ride them? And leaves are good.... :rofl:

Here, the leaves decay in to a slimy mess that eventually starts to decompose and builds up on the trail, erasing the drainage lines and creating erosion and bad mud spots.