
The Liberal Agenda


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
What is the liberal agenda? What issues do liberals want to see?

Some of mine are

Health Care
Pulling out of Iraq
Supreme Court Justices

I don't call these "liberal", not like these:

Forced Busing
Surrendering to terrorist nations


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
A logical solution to immigration. There was a rather complete proposal made by Ohio or Silver that was really well thought out.

Make the country more energy efficient.

Decriminalize minor drug possesion
Criminialize fat people.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
A logical solution to immigration. There was a rather complete proposal made by Ohio or Silver that was really well thought out.
Could it have been MikeD? I seem to recall having read a thorough and well thought out post by him somewhere between 6 months and 1 year ago.

Depoliticize the Department of Justice
Revisit the requirement that states, gov't, and CDC support abstinence-only
Agree that torture is teh bad


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
empowerment focused domestic policies
break up teachers' unions
update workers rights' to modern needs/concerns
education, education, education


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
You want to toss out all that Bush worked for right off the bat? Ouch.
Wonder if GOP supporters realize the socialist agenda of their own party - the results past 8 years:

-biggest government/deficit ever
-federalized credit
-nationalized the banks

And they also support socialist programs like social security and medicare.

Really what are they complaining/worried about - its already part of their plan :clue:


I'm normal
Oct 2, 2001
Northern Va.
1) Focus on alternative energy
2) Stop the FDA from poisioning us
3) Get the drug companies under control
4) Bail out the house-holes (those who are idiots and got in over there heads)
5) After we get back on our feet economywise, offer tax breaks to the smarter people who live at or below their means and did not buy too much house, since they bailed out the house-holes.
6) General Education reform
7) Fiscal education, if we can teach Johnny that your mommy may have a penis too, we can teach him fiscal responsibility and how to run a household
7) Family Values out reach programs (no not the bible thumping kind but the ones that focus on role models, responsibility , accountability, hard work etc)
8) Tax incentives to people and companies who put trouble youths on the right path making them positive contributions to society


I'm normal
Oct 2, 2001
Northern Va.
Wonder if GOP supporters realize the socialist agenda of their own party - the results past 8 years:

-biggest government/deficit ever
-federalized credit
-nationalized the banks

And they also support socialist programs like social security and medicare.

Really what are they complaining/worried about - its already part of their plan :clue:
The credit and banking issue was a extreme measure required no matter who was in power b/c by in large the American people are misinformed, greedy, wealth and, monetary item drunk idiots.

Idiot 1: You mean I make 30 K a year and I can afford a 500K house? where do i sign.....
Idiot 2: Yup, lets write the loan now, you do not need to have any documents.....
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Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
You want to toss out all that Bush worked for right off the bat? Ouch.
If it doesn't contribute an advance our country as a whole, what the hell is it there for in the first place?

You don't believe in the Jesus? No law or justice for you!
Premarital babies? Hellz yea!
Torture? bah


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
The credit and banking issue was a extreme measure required no matter who was in power b/c by in large the American people are mis informed, greedy wealth, monetary item drunk idiots.
No argument from me. Lots of idiots throw around terms because they see it in the media and have no idea what they are talking about or what is in their best interests. Just look at "Joe" the fake plumber.
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The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Could it have been MikeD? I seem to recall having read a thorough and well thought out post by him somewhere between 6 months and 1 year ago.

Depoliticize the Department of Justice
Revisit the requirement that states, gov't, and CDC support abstinence-only
Agree that torture is teh bad
MikeD and Silver hashed it out over the course of some immigration thread... I just consolidated it. I wouldn't call it complete, but it does seem to make good sense at a high level. Unfortunately it's like a suicide game of political Jenga, as you would have to do a bunch of things that would piss off liberals simultaneously with a bunch of things that would piss off conservatives.

My issues are:
- Regulated basic healthcare combined with tort reform to lower overall costs of care, not just out-of-pocket.
- Overall tort reform to limit payouts and frivolous lawsuits. This includes predatory corporate use of tort as a bully-stick.
- Common sense immigration that allows more open borders and higher legal, documented immigration, and improved enforcement especially against businesses.
- Re-investment in public education. At minimum NCLB can actually work with some basic reforms and a realistic amount of funding to support it. Really I'd like to see it repealed or radically changed, but that's even more of a burden to public schools at this stage.
- Decriminalize minor drug-use and possession.
- Rebuild global relationships and leverage into multi-lateral intervention to replace our current uni-lateral positions.
- Reform UN - don't even get me started
- Repeal bankruptcy/credit act of 06 (I think, maybe 05)
- Sign Kyoto
- Federal investment in alternative power (incl. nukular) and public transportation
- Take away all your guns.

That's a pretty full 100 days, I'd say.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 23, 2008
The housing crisis was the result of absolutely no fiscal education being taught in public school. A lot of the people were in a situation where someone they thought was knowledgeable told them they could afford something they really couldn't. I can't really blame a lot of these people for not being able to decipher legalese when they weren't provided with the proper education to make an informed decision. The brokers told them they could afford it, encouraged them to get a bigger house, and they trusted them.

Two big points for me that are often underemphasized are jails and infrastructure. Investing in infrastructure is great bipartisanship that creates jobs and uses private companies for the benefit of the entire community. Our jail situation is absolutely hilarious, but a lot of people think criminals should be punished for the sake of punishment, instead of focusing on rehabilitation and the root causes of crime.
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Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Or make it citation only, like a speeding ticket
in what areas is a small amt of pot anything more than a class iv misdemeanor? a cop buddy of mine doesn't even give tickets for it.

i assume also you would have laws like "intent to distribute" or "trafficking" re-examined for practicality as well.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 28, 2007
in what areas is a small amt of pot anything more than a class iv misdemeanor? a cop buddy of mine doesn't even give tickets for it.

i assume also you would have laws like "intent to distribute" or "trafficking" re-examined for practicality as well.
There is a lot of places were you can get locked the fvck up. I mean ultimately it is up to the cop, but the laws are still in place.


Wisconsin for example, any amount (yikes!) on a second offense lands you a felony and 3.5 years...
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the teste
Nov 22, 2002
VA is a bit harsh. Actually a friend of mine served Jury duty for a minor possession case. The evidence was lost and they still found him guilty, 30 day jail term. My friend was the only person who wanted to find him innocent but he got tired of arguing and caved. The guy was clearly a scumbag but the evidence was weak and the penalty for the actual crime way too much.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Which administration came up with the plan prior to congress' crack at it:lighten:
this may come up again later:
President-elect Barack Obama's newly appointed chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, served on the board of directors of the federal mortgage firm Freddie Mac at a time when scandal was brewing at the troubled agency and the board failed to spot "red flags," according to government reports reviewed by ABCNews.com.

According to a complaint later filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Freddie Mac, known formally as the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, misreported profits by billions of dollars in order to deceive investors between the years 2000 and 2002.
