
The longest night.......


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
i'm sitting here, working on a paper that's due tonight at school (it's 430am now) and i decide to take a break and check my email. there is a message from my brother, which is rare.

he's a doctor and starts out asking me about how close we are to being out of debt and comparing it to his $100+k of student loans...blah, blah...blah. the he writes this:

"did you hear about mom's diagnosis? sucks big time! " :eek: :eek:

what the hell?!!! i had no idea she even had a problem and i talk to her and see her a lot more than he does. shes a nurse and they do talk about medical stuff a lot but she normally doesn't leave me in the dark on important stuff like this.
so now i can't think straight enough to finish my paper because a million things are running through my head about what it could be. her father died from parkinsons that started when he was about her age and her grandmother died of cancer........

AAAAAAAAAGHHH! now i have to wait 'till about 8am to call her and find out what's going on.

:help: :help: :( :(

this is like the time she just up and left for mississippi after katrina hit w/out telling me but even more scary. i can't stand this waiting crap!!!


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
hooples3 said:
why didnt you just ask him what he was talking about???
because he sent the email at around 10pm last night and i just read it at 430am this morning. he's a regular day-dweller so i doubt he'd appreciate me calling him so early.

as far as him being casual....we've been kind of expecting her to be diagnosed w/ parkinsons as she has been showing some minor signs of it lately. i hope that's not the case since she's pretty much on her own. just another hour or so and i can call to find out............


Hope all is ok, bro. Let us know when you find out. Thoughts out for you. I hope you don't need them though.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Hope for the best, for sure.

As for the paper, do what I did. Rename the file from .doc to .zip (but don't zip it, just change the extension). Email it to your instructor and finish the paper whe you get a chance.

My instructor is too stupid to figure out the file is the wrong extension and Windows is to stupid to help him figure it out. I get full credit because i turned it in on time, but will re-send the completed version to him in standard format.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
ok...here's the deal.

she has Primary Cilliary Cerosis. in english it means that her body is eating her liver, a rare disease only found in women her age. the doc gives her 8-10 years before she'd have to get a liver transplant and then only another year after a transplant.

so anyway, my brother is quiting his practice in georgia and moving back to gainesville, FL and he's trying to get her to come down there with him. her priorities just changed a whole lot and i think she has decided to give up trying to fix up her house here in NC and move to FL and let my brother help her out financially so she can spend more time w/ the grandkids. oddly enough, we'll probably see her more often if she's in FL and not working as much than we do now with her living only 2 hours away and working 60 hours per week.

i called her today to wish her happy v-day and then to ask why i had to find out from my brother about her disease and she replied, "it's not that bad....i'll be fine..." in typical -don't worry about me- fashion.

so i guess it's not as bad as i thought and worse at the same time. it's nothing immediate but it's kind of eerie when you know you have less than 10 years to go and the last few will probably be pretty rough. :(

thanks for all the prayers and well wishes, you :monkey:'s are always good for a vent.


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Jesus man, sorry to hear. At least she sounds like the type to really enjoy her life and get a lot out of it. Those kinds of people always fare the best with any kind of problems.

I wish her and all of you the best of luck with it. Grab life by the throat and take it for a ride man! :thumb:


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
robdamanii said:
Grab life by the throat and take it for a ride man! :thumb:
ha..she's definitely that kind of person. she's the one that got me into riding, took my brother and i on week long road bike trips when we were barely old enough to ride. she helped my through my first 400+ mile in a week ride when i was 11. i've obviously changed from road to mtn but she still started the cycling bug.

oh yeah....and my HS graduation present from her was skydiving, she was set to jump w/ us but got in a bad car wreck the month before and couldn't do it.
i'm sure she'll make good use of this next decade :thumb:


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
manimal said:
ok...here's the deal.

she has Primary Cilliary Cerosis. in english it means that her body is eating her liver, a rare disease only found in women her age. the doc gives her 8-10 years before she'd have to get a liver transplant and then only another year after a transplant.

so anyway, my brother is quiting his practice in georgia and moving back to gainesville, FL and he's trying to get her to come down there with him. her priorities just changed a whole lot and i think she has decided to give up trying to fix up her house here in NC and move to FL and let my brother help her out financially so she can spend more time w/ the grandkids. oddly enough, we'll probably see her more often if she's in FL and not working as much than we do now with her living only 2 hours away and working 60 hours per week.

i called her today to wish her happy v-day and then to ask why i had to find out from my brother about her disease and she replied, "it's not that bad....i'll be fine..." in typical -don't worry about me- fashion.

so i guess it's not as bad as i thought and worse at the same time. it's nothing immediate but it's kind of eerie when you know you have less than 10 years to go and the last few will probably be pretty rough. :(

thanks for all the prayers and well wishes, you :monkey:'s are always good for a vent.
I hope your mother lives to 100, then goes sky-diving on her b-day!

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Isn't this the same woman that you recently posted pictures of riding down a stairset?
She sounds like the kind of woman that will fight the hell out of a liver disease.
Don't be surprised to see her live way longer than expected.
My uncle did. He could not even accept his own mother's kidney,
so he was put on dialysis, and they told him that he would not be around long. 15 years later, he was still fighting right up to his death.
Good Luck and I wish you guys the best.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
So sorry to hear that, my deepest sympathies and best wishes for your mother... And, as others have said, doctors are always pessimistic and so many times people will just fight the hell out of a disease to outlast even the most unrealistic expectations.

Best of luck.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Jeremy R said:
Isn't this the same woman that you recently posted pictures of riding down a stairset?
She sounds like the kind of woman that will fight the hell out of a liver disease.
Don't be surprised to see her live way longer than expected.
My uncle did. He could not even accept his own mother's kidney,
so he was put on dialysis, and they told him that he would not be around long. 15 years later, he was still fighting right up to his death.
Good Luck and I wish you guys the best.
haha...yeah, she's quite a mother hucker!

i'm sure she'll fight like hell, always has. perhaps this will be the catalyst that will allow her to get away from work and just be a grandma :D


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
manimal said:
haha...yeah, she's quite a mother hucker!

i'm sure she'll fight like hell, always has. perhaps this will be the catalyst that will allow her to get away from work and just be a grandma :D
Manimal... I will keep you and your mom in my thoughts... I am glad that she is going to change it up a bit... my parents got more busy after they retired... so don't be surprised when she kicks "living the life" into high gear and lives another 30!!! but you better get a helmet on her first!!!;) :D