
eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Alright so I'm old enough to be this kids father and maybe I'm out of touch but WTF.

Hiking in the Marin Headlands, spectacular vistas, dramatic cliffs and you are so busy texting your friends back east that you walk off a cliff?


Teen hiker who fell to his death may have been distracted by his cell phone

Bay City News
Posted: 07/20/2010 07:34:28 AM PDT
Updated: 07/20/2010 07:34:29 AM PDT

A 17-year-old boy vacationing with his Pennsylvania family who fell to his death while hiking on the Coastal Trail near the Muir Beach Overlook Monday may have been distracted by his cell phone, according to a KTVU.com report.

The boy fell 400 to 500 feet from the trail three-quarters of a mile south of Muir Beach around 1 p.m. He was pronounced dead at the scene about an hour later, Golden Gate National Recreation Area spokeswoman Alexandra Picavet said.

According to authorities, there are indications the teen may have been either talking or texting on his cell phone and unwittingly walked over the edge of a cliff.

"You should not be distracted by cell phones or iPods or any other distracting agent," Picavet told KTVU.com.

Three members of the boy's family were with him when he fell and two other family members were in the parking lot at nearby Muir Beach, Picavet said.

A relative who saw the boy fall notified the boy's father, who climbed down the cliff, Picavet said.

The Muir Beach Volunteer Fire Department arrived first and gave the boy CPR to no avail, Picavet said.

National Park Service lifeguards from Stinson Beach arrived on a jet ski and took the boy's body to Muir Beach, Picavet said. The Marin County coroner's office was summoned.

The Sonoma County sheriff's helicopter also responded, Picavet said.


Jul 16, 2007
I wonder if he had time to update his facebook status "falling off a cliff". Is Darwin at work or is this an evil plot of Steve Jobs?

It really is sad, but what about people who cause fatal car accidents while texting? I don't really see this as that far off.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
He was trying to get reception for his Iphone 4. This wouldn't have happened if he had a Droid on Verizon.
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Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
just think of all the money his family from a lawsuit for when he slammed into someone texting while driving later on.

this should be applied to a geico commercial template