it plays into the narrative of what happens when whitey withholds all manner of education from the black man: can't spell, use a condom, read an MLS, or survive in close-quarters combat
I finished reading The New Jim Crow today (as well as Washington Rules last week) and this is the conclusion I came to:
I think that the same underlying dehumanizing notion is what allows us to accept the plight of the inner-city black man and the starving Iraqi child alike: The suffering of each is acceptable simply because each is subhuman, by virtue of the felon stamp in one case and by virtue of brown skin and Muslim beliefs in the other. After all, it was the inherently benevolent American machine that mowed them down, mere collateral damage in our pursuit of a drug-free world or a Middle East remade to our liking, never mind that both are entirely unrealistic and unattainable goals
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