
The official (2nd round) Jersey ordering thread


Sep 3, 2006
I always wash my jerseys in cold using woolite and hang 'em up to dry. They're too damn expensive to risk ruining or even just "wearing out" in the washer/dryer.
I've read recently that the best way to clean these types of fabrics is to use the "free" types of detergents. Something to do with not hindring the fabric's ability to breath. They also suggest soaking the fabrics for period of time(30 minutes) in the detergent then continuing the washer cycle. The water should feel soapy in between your fingers. They recommended this method especially because some synthetic fabrics have a tendency to retain odor. I've been washing my synthetic clothes that way for awhile without any problems.

speed racer

Dec 22, 2004
If we order just the DH jersey, what is the price with shipping? Thanks for taking the time do put this together by the way.


Sep 15, 2006
Nor Cal
70 bucks? For supporting a forum. I never once understood, why local bike shops, and forums always charge a ton for their jerseys. You basically pay 70$ just to advertise for them. We should either get them for free or be getting paid. But that would never happen.

I think Ill stick with my troy lee team issue jerseys.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 20, 2004
70 bucks? For supporting a forum. I never once understood, why local bike shops, and forums always charge a ton for their jerseys. You are basically paying 70 yo advertise for them. We should either get them for free or be getting paid.

and i just like this forum and people here so i want RM jersey simple as that..

maybe pinkbike will be better for you ?!

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
70 bucks? For supporting a forum. I never once understood, why local bike shops, and forums always charge a ton for their jerseys. You basically pay 70$ just to advertise for them. We should either get them for free or be getting paid. But that would never happen.

I think Ill stick with my troy lee team issue jerseys.
Yeah, stick to your team issue jersey.

We are making ZERO profit from these things. We just thought it'd be cool to get them made. If you think we're getting some kind of discount from Verge on the jerseys and making money off them, you are mistaken. :bonk:

and you missed this part:
If we get more than 50 orders for either jersey, the price of that jersey will drop. Because we are ordering 2 different types of jerseys, the quantity price break on one does not apply to the other. It is unlikely we will hit that mark, but if we do, I'll refund some money to reflect the discount.
We're such profiteers.
Apology accepted.


The human raccoon
Jan 31, 2003
70 bucks? For supporting a forum. I never once understood, why local bike shops, and forums always charge a ton for their jerseys. You basically pay 70$ just to advertise for them. We should either get them for free or be getting paid. But that would never happen.

I think Ill stick with my troy lee team issue jerseys.
:rant: :ban: :stosh:

I think this comment falls into the "Don't say anything if you can't say anything nice category".


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
70 bucks? For supporting a forum. I never once understood, why local bike shops, and forums always charge a ton for their jerseys. You basically pay 70$ just to advertise for them. We should either get them for free or be getting paid. But that would never happen.

I think Ill stick with my troy lee team issue jerseys.
Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
70 bucks? For supporting a forum. I never once understood, why local bike shops, and forums always charge a ton for their jerseys. You basically pay 70$ just to advertise for them. We should either get them for free or be getting paid. But that would never happen.

I think Ill stick with my troy lee team issue jerseys.
So you get paid by Troy Lee? Since your so important why don't you tell us your name so we can know who is "GRACING" us with their presence?

Nobody here cares who your sponsored by, or what you supposedly get for free. There are paid pro's who visit this site that don't go around bragging about it, why do you? Oh, I know! Your penis extension must not have shown up in the mail yet.


Where the hell is everyone?
May 13, 2006
Westtown, NY
70 bucks? For supporting a forum. I never once understood, why local bike shops, and forums always charge a ton for their jerseys. You basically pay 70$ just to advertise for them. We should either get them for free or be getting paid. But that would never happen.

I think Ill stick with my troy lee team issue jerseys.
Troy Lee, who I believe is grossly over priced to begin with, produces his product by the thousands thereby making it easier to charge less than $70 per jersey. These Ride Monkey Jerseys are a one time only run. It costs more because the manufacturer has to change set up, tooling, print plates etc. just to make the 20 or 30 jerseys to satisfy this one time order, thereby making this a slightly more expensive run than if it were to be in fulltime production. MBC did not come up with the idea to have the jerseys made, people started asking for a second run and MBC decided to get the ball rolling for us on her own. I'm sure she is putting in a ton of her own time and money to make this happen for the few of us who requested a second run.

If the jerseys are too expensive for you, just walk away. It's not necessarry that we all know how hurt you feel about the prohibitive costs associated with one time runs like this. Remember, it's not MBC's fault. She is just trying to make this happen for a few of us, and I'm sure those of us who really want the jersey appreciate the hard work, and effort put forth by MBC. I know I do.

Order sent


Turbo Monkey
Jan 7, 2005
c'mon guys - tell your friends - we've got a ways to go to get to 25.

Dont take this the wrong way, as I do truely appreciate the effort!!

But It might have made sense to run a poll to determing the desire for certain styles. The XC jersey is fine, but the DH jersey would sell better if it was short sleeve (IMHO) (Verge calls it the freeride jersey). It has to be quite cold to wear a long sleeve over pads.

I would have been in for atleast one if they were S/S.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
c'mon guys - tell your friends - we've got a ways to go to get to 25.

Dont take this the wrong way, as I do truely appreciate the effort!!

But It might have made sense to run a poll to determing the desire for certain styles. The XC jersey is fine, but the DH jersey would sell better if it was short sleeve (IMHO) (Verge calls it the freeride jersey). It has to be quite cold to wear a long sleeve over pads.

I would have been in for atleast one if they were S/S.
Scissors work just fine in taking the sleeves off.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
Dont take this the wrong way, as I do truely appreciate the effort!!

But It might have made sense to run a poll to determing the desire for certain styles. The XC jersey is fine, but the DH jersey would sell better if it was short sleeve (IMHO) (Verge calls it the freeride jersey). It has to be quite cold to wear a long sleeve over pads.
Funny, I did just that when I organized the first order. No one wanted short sleeves. I was even pushing an early summer delivery.


Aug 20, 2002
Metrowest MA
Major props to MBC for stepping up and organizing a second round of jersey orders. If you think it's too expensive or the wrong style, then pass on getting one and hit up an online sale for something that fits your needs. Sheesh, we're lucky anyone volunteered to front this in the first place! You can't please everyone...

Thanks, MBC - I've been wanting a jersey for ages so you've got my order and $ for both a DH and XC. Can't wait til they come in! :happydance: :


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
I wuz lookin at the verge site. It said that the DH jerseys are extreme cut. I take this to mean that they are bigger than the club cut on the XC jerseys, right?

I'm asking because I really only ride XC and don't run pads. I really just want the long sleeves for cold weather.

If I was ordering a 2XL for the XC jersey should I really order the same size for the DH jersey or should I ask mtnbikerchk to change it to the XL?
