
The Official Iron Horse Sunday / DW-Link Tech. & Tuning Section


Oct 12, 2021
Thanks [B]sundaydoug[/B]/Stihacka and everyone to confirming this, they really are amazing Westagil. I would think they would make it easier to do or have a fail save for it, if does get stuck or corroded with galvanized metals... like a wench point or something lol its totally covered in bushings, hahaha I cant get a grip unless I wanna destroy it...Ill probs get like a circle type of plier to add even pressure on one of the bushings to get out the lower bolt...ugh to much also seemed that the threw bolts for both wheels are stuck or striped...wooohoooo hahah

Cleaned it even more now looking awesome and more limber in tune/less mud dirt everywhere in the bearings and joints.I changed the bars to a way less wide boy and used my genius to duct taping the lose memory foam seat to look cleaner :P.
I might just ride this for now and hopefully not break it when i do do the wheels and suspension.... but Ill convert it to a Ebike on Friday but thanks for the info it really helped really is intimidating not knowing if you gonna break it :D

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Oct 12, 2021
well thats just not a option for people that live in flat states or even have the time to travel to 8hour away trails....but you guys sure have a sour spot for ebikes not like im in a competition with one wth. You guys are like the gas car guys, get over it, electricity is fun.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
I don't think it's a hatred for E-Bikes it's more that you'd be turning a legendary DH bike in to an E-Abortion.
Just buy a Huffy or something.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
well thats just not a option for people that live in flat states or even have the time to travel to 8hour away trails....but you guys sure have a sour spot for ebikes not like im in a competition with one wth. You guys are like the gas car guys, get over it, electricity is fun.
I live in the second flattest country in Europe and still do not see the need to electrify a legendary DH bike. Buy something with less history or a new one.
I also think it is a shame that some owners think they need to convert their classic cars to EVs. These are pieces of history and should be preserved to showcase the engineering from that period. If you really want an EV looking like a classic car and have more money than sense, then have a replica build.
some owners think they need to convert their classic cars to EVs
Lots of owners convert nice old cars to all sorts of crap. What passes today for a hot rod comes to mind... old 4x4s converted to inane brodozers... I saw a Shelby Cobra a couple of weeks ago that was so gussied up with badges, chrome accessories, and other crap that it looked like an older woman so covered an makeup, shitty clothing, and jewelry as to be unrecognizable as human.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
Lots of owners convert nice old cars to all sorts of crap. What passes today for a hot rod comes to mind... old 4x4s converted to inane brodozers... I saw a Shelby Cobra a couple of weeks ago that was so gussied up with badges, chrome accessories, and other crap that it looked like an older woman so covered an makeup, shitty clothing, and jewelry as to be unrecognizable as human.
I know, and it sucks!!! There should be a law protecting historic stuff, similar to what there is for buildings. At least for the not mass produced stuff.


Oct 12, 2021
Okay then have a good handful of the classics in a bike museum, I shouldn't have to pay like 3k to 7k for a full suspension ebike...with horrible range, when I can make it custom for 1-2k with goodish range and speed... like 20mph limited really...what is this a granny scooter show...

I get what you mean the Sundays were the pinnacle of DH bikes from 2006 but nowadays you gotta really look to find a good modern one, that doesnt take your bank account or even break in a couple years, as well. it doesn't cost that much to make they just over inflating them to make way more money then they should.....

This Sunday WC survived a beating since 2007 and now it looks kinda good now with tlc, they dont make it like that anymore. but idk if someone is willing to pay a good price for it, ill look elsewhere for a bike as this does speak to me to not be messed with. life is just to conflicting
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Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
I think it's a much better fate for a Sunday to be ridden as an e-monster than rotting in someone's shed - as long as it isn't abused as a singletrack intimidation machine.
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Oct 12, 2021
I think it's a much better faith for a Sunday to be ridden as an e-monster than rotting in someone's shed - as long as it isn't abused as a singletrack intimidation machine.
Yeah this guy had it rotting in his garage for like 2 years with dirt and grime, even the previous owner didn't keep it in good condition, while not even cleaning it up...I think im the 4th owner, that even actually cared for it. really sucks how people don't tlc for there belongings. Just now I changed the shifter cable and tuning it up as we speak hahah.

We are adamant to much for keeping things stock but then you are stuck in the past, do your best to make the present better then the past. Ill keep the stock parts so when I want to get a new ebike, ill refresh it to new with paint and stickers.

but if any one knows where to buy a rebuild kit for the bearings and bolts that would be awesome.
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Oct 10, 2021
Whoaaa!! I need moar details of this project, it sounds amazing!!!
Thanks boys,
Yeah like it is converted to 27.5 with a 460 CS, around 63 degree HA and 470 Reach. Wheelbase should be around 1300mm. Frame + shock + saddle is around 5.7kg.
The tubes i got are a bit different in size but i am happy to even get some made of the right alloy. I now need to wait some months because this needs to happen in order for the material to gain back its strength.
The design i am aiming for is Hills 2008 bike with a couple of my own touches.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2007
Champery, Switzerland
Thanks boys,
Yeah like it is converted to 27.5 with a 460 CS, around 63 degree HA and 470 Reach. Wheelbase should be around 1300mm. Frame + shock + saddle is around 5.7kg.
The tubes i got are a bit different in size but i am happy to even get some made of the right alloy. I now need to wait some months because this needs to happen in order for the material to gain back its strength.
The design i am aiming for is Hills 2008 bike with a couple of my own touches.
7000 séries aluminum tubes? Did you build the frame? Tell me more please.


Oct 10, 2021
7000 séries aluminum tubes? Did you build the frame? Tell me more please.
Exactly. Pretty difficult to get in Austria and right diameter. A friend of mine welded it (I can weld steel but aluminium is another story), I made the frame jig and organized everything from tubes to donor frame. Unfortunately I am not able (at least how it stands now) to CNC every part new, hence I needed a donor Sunday for Seattube, Gussets and other bits and pieces. From start to finish it took us around 3-4 weeks. Since the heat coming from welding was so much some parts warped a bit but nothing major. For example I had to ream the seat tube in order for the seat post to fit again, but those are just peanuts. The dude who welded it for me also makes honey and grows habanero haha.
We also made a special fork to accomodate for 29 inch wheel. I don't quite like the feel of the new Boxxer Debon Air and as we all know "air is for tires" I made it myself. Thats why I wanted an old Boxxer with Coil Spring setup. It is actually a Boxxer with the first Gen Charger and Coil Spring, lowered into Yari/Lyrik Lowers and homemade CNC machined Crowns. New crowns because the Stanchions of the Yari/Lyrik are a bit further appart than on the other forks. Resulting in 15mm thru axle, 180mm travel (Because the limitation of the travel is done by having the bottom out bumpers a couple of mm higher than the actual lower leg is deep) and around 48mm offset. It is similar to what SRAM athletes ran a couple of years ago when there was no Boxxer 29. Look for "Lyxxer" on various internet forums. Hence the "blackbox" sticker, also a little homage to Hills 2008 ironhorse.
I made a first prototype back in January, but there I only changed the front triangle to be a bit bigger. But as it was our first go at it the geometry was a bit messy. Therefor we redid everything again with the numbers I wanted.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 9, 2001
Hey guys, here you can see the final bike. Share, like, enjoy.
What gen Boxxer stanchions are those? Are they the most recent version or previous? Would love to go coil on my Boxxer 29er. The Boxxer air spring just lacks stability


Oct 10, 2021
What gen Boxxer stanchions are those? Are they the most recent version or previous? Would love to go coil on my Boxxer 29er. The Boxxer air spring just lacks stability
Its the boxxer stanchions from the first 35mm boxxer. I think its called Boxxer B1. You can run a coil setup in the new boxxer too but its messy and kinda sketchy. The old steel springs that came with boxxer team are too short to fit in there so you would need some kind of spacer to make up the extra space. The new boxxer has longer stanchions than the old one.


Oct 12, 2021
They dont exist now, you'll be able to get bearing for sure but bolt kit. No chance.
Dang I looked as well only found a bearing kit ugh might need to get your local machinist shop to make them but gonna be priceyyy crapp :wacko:

What motor and battery are you putting on there? Bafang?
Yes it will be a bafang bbs02 1500w modded mid motor with a 52v 14ah battery XD gonna rip but I think I gotta rebuilt the motor since its gonna work alittle harder so hoping luna will restock the steel gear again to replace my nylon one...

I am currently working an a 27,5/29 inch mullet version of the sunday with longer/slacker main frame. Still waiting for some parts and stuff
Dang wish I had this iron horse its got a longer frame good for a battery.... what model or is it a bigger frame sized Sunday?
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Oct 10, 2021
Dang I looked as well only found a bearing kit ugh might need to get your local machinist shop to make them but gonna be priceyyy crapp :wacko:

Yes it will be a bafang bbs02 1500w modded mid motor with a 52v 14ah battery XD gonna rip but I think I gotta rebuilt the motor since its gonna work alittle harder so hoping luna will restock the steel gear again to replace my nylon one...

Dang wish I had this iron horse its got a longer frame good for a battery.... what model or is it a bigger frame sized Sunday?
The frame of my sunday is 100% custom. Its not available and the biggest size you can get is still the rare large sized sunday


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
I am currently working an a 27,5/29 inch mullet version of the sunday with longer/slacker main frame. Still waiting for some parts and stuffView attachment 166146
This is beautiful, please keep us posted on the project. Would love to follow...

I did something similar this past year w/ an evil undead, lots of fun keeping these bikes around for park days and they are relatively inexpensive.


Oct 10, 2021
This is beautiful, please keep us posted on the project. Would love to follow...

I did something similar this past year w/ an evil undead, lots of fun keeping these bikes around for park days and they are relatively inexpensive.
Thanks bru! I really appreciate all the feedback and love in this forum from u guys!
The current standings are as shown below:


Nice! Would love to see that project! We need to keep up our hands for all the awesome bikes from a couple of years ago. I am past the point were the newest and most expensive has to be the best. Hence the Sunday. I am extremely curious how it will handle and behave on real tracks. :D


Jan 25, 2016
Perth, WA.
Thanks bru! I really appreciate all the feedback and love in this forum from u guys!
The current standings are as shown below:

View attachment 166660

Nice! Would love to see that project! We need to keep up our hands for all the awesome bikes from a couple of years ago. I am past the point were the newest and most expensive has to be the best. Hence the Sunday. I am extremely curious how it will handle and behave on real tracks. :D
Way cool man. Did you contact this guy for any info or tips? He's also done a Sunday redux, full 650b though...



you owe me a sandwich
Mar 5, 2012
La Verne
The dude who welded it for me also makes honey and grows habanero haha.
Wow what a project!

On to the quote, does he grow a large volume of habaneros? If so, are they the bee's primary source of pollen? that would be incredible! If this is the case I would imagine the honey wouldn't be hot but taste quite nice as beyond heat habaneros have a floral and fruity aspect to them and I would think that would make nice honey.

Back to the bike.
Did you consider artificial aging?
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Oct 10, 2021
Way cool man. Did you contact this guy for any info or tips? He's also done a Sunday redux, full 650b though...

Yeah, he is a good friend. I also sat one his sunday 27,5 a couple of years ago. Felt awesome! But I wanted to do my own thing as some people might be a bit silent when it comes to details. He helped a bit but the most part I did by myself.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 3, 2008
Ay one has a drawing or dimensions for Sunday hardware? Buddy of mine is restoring 07 Sunday and is missing lower linkage bolts...



Apr 8, 2007
Hi guys! Anyone can post shim stacks on Fox dhx rc4 vanilla for Sunday frame? Its L size with anglset -2, if it matters.
Cheers, Ivan!
Ivan, did you get any help on the shimstack for RC4 FOX Sunday?

I am also interested to know a good shimstack tune for this frame.

Thanks for letting us know, if anyone has the configuration avalible =)



Feb 23, 2011
I just had to deal with a stuck bolt in the expanding end of the pin. Tap the pin out from the drive side gently, there's a good chance it will move with only light force. I had to clamp the pin in a vice and even with liberal application of kroil, loosening the seized bolt took some effort. There's zero chance I could have done that with the pin still in the frame.
I think I may have a similar problem - I can get the drive-side bolt out no problems, but the non-drive is stuck: trying to loosen it with an allen key both ends just loosens off the drive side. I can't really see a way out of this one except maybe drilling it out which will cause more problems than it solves! Help, anyone?