

Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
Sounds like someone still uses their hotmail account for everything.....
you like picking on me today don't ya? ;)

I'm just saying this because I'm a hiring manager and have been for over a decade - these are subjects I don't take lightly. I've been through (actually it's mandatory here at my company) multiple "managing within the law" training classes and you'd be amazed at what you can be held legally responsible for.

Long story short, when I first became a manager I almost got burned when a new employee, who had just gotten transferred to me, filed a formal complain with HR. It wasn't about me, but about their previous manager. Still, since I was their immediate manager I got pulled into it. Very early on I got a full taste of what it's like to get investigated by a big corporation. Had I believed everything the previous manager told me about this employee and had I not treated this employee the way "I thought" he/she should have been treated, I probably would have lost my job and ruined my reputation/career.

All this to say - if someone interviewing for a position ever got word that they got turned down simply because they used a xxx.com e-mail address, you could be in deep sh|t. Well that's unless the email address is mmike@hotmail.com - in that case I would file 13 that resume. ;)

You would also be surprised how many people still use Hotmail, including myself. Although I use Gmail for 90% of my personal email :thumb::thumb:
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The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
All this to say - if someone interviewing for a position ever got word that they got turned down simply because they used a xxx.com e-mail address, you could be in deep sh|t. Well that's unless the email address is mmike@hotmail.com - in that case I would file 13 that resume. ;)

You would also be surprised how many people still use Hotmail, including myself. Although I use Gmail for 90% of my personal email :thumb::thumb:
Oregon is an "At Will" employment state. You can be passed over, turned away, or let go for a million reasons. If someone were to be as petty to pass on a candidate because of an email address, it would be easy for them to prove 100 other reasons why they passed.

Proving something like "I didn't get hired because my email address was I_Love_Fat_Chicks@aol.com" would be near impossible unless there was a formal denial listing it.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
^^You're probably right in this case because people with hotmail accounts are not a protected class, but just because it's an at-will state doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. For just one example, you can get in trouble for discriminatory hiring and firing practices in at-will states.


Oct 1, 2006
west asheville
I've also been involved in HR for many years but I don't know how someone could possibly get a company in trouble for discriminating based on email address. I guess if your email was white_jewboy_1969@hotmail.com or something but generally speaking, that would be a hard one to prove.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 16, 2004
It is common courtesy. I was taught that right out of the gate.
I thought it was common courtesy. Then I interviewed people. Turns out it's not.

But it gives those of us who were taught it a bit of an advantage. So I don't spread the word too much.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I thought it was common courtesy. Then I interviewed people. Turns out it's not.

But it gives those of us who were taught it a bit of an advantage. So I don't spread the word too much.
I've always done it but it seems stupid to me. The "thank you" with a handshake seems to have more meaning than an empty email sent a few hours later. It is best to have a meaningful question or comment to follow up with but unless you sandbagged the interview there may not be much meaningful things to say.

I've never even considered a thank you as part of the decision process.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Ive not interview for many jobs; the one and only time I sent a thank you was re-affirm my interest in the position - the job I have now. I know there where several other internal candidates and a few external applicants, I don't know if my e-mail sealed the deal but it didn't hurt. One thing I didn't use was a hotmail account; butthurtme@hotmail.com just doesn't seem professional.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
I've never even considered a thank you as part of the decision process.
No it was not at all part of the decision process. It was just that he was a bit of a dud through the whole thing. So that was just the icing on the cake.

And I hired him by the way...people at work know him and are vouching for him. So he has 3 months to wow me. (Assuming I stay there that long)


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
I attended a meet-and-greet session with about 18 other candidates for a position yesterday evening. We only got about 5 min with the hiring managers for an initial talk so they could whittle us down to the few they liked.

I fired off a thank-you email this morning.

Of course, it will probably not mean sh*t the way my luck has been rolling these days, but it never freakin' hurts, ya know? :thumb:


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I call BS as Satan doesn't use email. The Angel of Darkness imparts his thoughts directly into your head this person is an imposter....


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Just got another great one....He misspells his own name (besides the incredible grammar)

From: Keith Duval

Subject: Winters Technical Staffing Service
Sent: Aug 3, 2011 9:59 AM

Hi Good morning

This e-mail is intending for the HR Dept.

I understand you might be in need of Aerospace or Aircraft Engineers on the Design side. Jr-Int level.

I was contacted by a Engineering stating that you where looking for a few good individuals.

We have been in the supply of Engineers in Aerospace and Aircraft for over
30 years.
Clients like Bombardier, Diamond Aircraft, Deca Aviation, Com Dev, L-3, Bell Helicopter to mention a few.

It would be my please to see if we could help you in your search for top qualified Design Engineers for your company.

If you are interested please give me a call or reply to this e-mail and I would be happy to send you off some information and rates.

Thank you for your time and I hope to work with in developing a great working relationship in the near future.

Yours Truly

Keith Duavl


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
It is common courtesy. I was taught that right out of the gate.
look at your country
now look at ours
now back to yours
Just got another great one....He misspells his own name (besides the incredible grammar)
we had a resume for a tech writer -- i say again 'a tech writer' -- that was replete w/ grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. he even managed to describe himself as 'superior'. somehow, he made it in for a f2f, but probably just to confirm if his social skills coincided w/ his gross incompetence, or if his veteran status included the term 'disabled', which would cover most of his sins.

also, why do people put certain skillsets on their resume and then act surprised when they are asked specific questions, or are asked to solve a problem using those skills?

honestly, if you put CSS, HTML, AJAX, JS, etc., i'm going to ask you questions that delve slightly deeper than "how would you make a 4x2 table w/ a #40dd00 background?"

3 out 4 interviews last week went exactly like that. now i know why they're looking


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
So I interviewed a guy today. While we were shooting the **** waiting for the other interviewer to get on the line, he made several racist comments. It was a little odd.

He won't be getting the job.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
So I interviewed a guy today. While we were shooting the **** waiting for the other interviewer to get on the line, he made several racist comments. It was a little odd.

He won't be getting the job.
goose & gander

bigotry == bigotry