
The Peeler

Well thanks to a certain someone we got directions to a full on DH trail. I just wanted to say that if you happen to ride this trail sometime make sure your prepared for one of the burliest trails around! We headed out there around 4pm which was really stupid because we didn't really know where this place was or how long it takes to get to the trail head. Well we finally found it only it was near dark, especially in that forest and there was fog settling in. I had fixed my bike up from the trip to Whistler the day before and forgot to drop my seatpost back down from raising it for the stand. I also did not bring all my tools for the first time and for the first time I actually needed em. Needless to say my friend loved it and basically left me hiking in the dark to get out of there because my seat was so jacked up that I felt like an xc racer. I tried to ride it with the seat near my nipples as I made my way down but it became to dangerous in the near pitch black setting with no light that I just decided to hike it out. It was a rather frustrating time but from the cursing and kicking and b!tchin' on my way down I did get to scope out some seriously sick terrain that has to be ridden again when prepared.

A few things from this experience that needs to be noted:
1. Make sure you got your camel pack fully watered up and all the tools and supplies you need before every trip to a new location.
2. Make sure you know how far and how long it takes to do the ride.
3. Never take the friend who just keeps going till the trail is done, especially on a trail that has some serious repercussion's if your alone.
4. Get directions that have numbers incorporated into them, not just "take a left at the first road, go till you see pot holes, hike to the falls, start looking for trail on left" type of directions.(not trying to offend the person who gave me these directions)

Ok, off my frustration box.

Anyhow, trail is sick, full on double black diamond (whistler standards) and somewhat long for once. Props to the builders!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2004
South Seattle
How about not blabing about this trail to everyone. While this trail is well known, it has remain a secret from the people that would like to destroy it. Lets try and keep it that way. I'm glad you enjoyed our trail.

How'd you like that first drop with your seat too high?


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
I vote this post be deleted. As BYO said its sort of known about, but usually not talked about online. Sure we can all debate secret trails and all that, but im sure those responsible would appreciate the lack of details posted on the web.

my 2c, and ive never even been there...... i just know from history what some of thos guys feel......


Jun 26, 2004
PNW woods
That trail kicks some arse. Can I say ass on this site? I too would state that we all should be careful of what we say on here. It takes a lot of time and hard work to build trails, and it can be to easy to slip and say too much. I think I'll just not say a word when my friend and I start building another trail soon. Word gets out easy enough by talking face to face or private emails.
I'll be hitting that trail soon again. Long live awesome rides!!!!!
buildyourown said:
How about not blabing about this trail to everyone. While this trail is well known, it has remain a secret from the people that would like to destroy it. Lets try and keep it that way. I'm glad you enjoyed our trail.

How'd you like that first drop with your seat too high?
My bad buildyourown,

I'm not trying to blab about it, I kept the directions out and I promise not to tell anyone where it's at.

That first drops a doozy!!! With my seat too high I didn't ride much of it, especially it being so dark out but I've got to give you guys props. Check your PM. I'm going to go revise.