
The Political Compass Revisited


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by $tinkle
so, if i were to cave to the overwhelming liberal positions on this forum, i'm ceasing my efforts to resist - i start following you - i take opinions doled out to me - and i've thusly changed. This conversion makes me....let's see...conservative? wtf?

how brave of you to make such a brazen claim here in this last bastion of liberal minions.

feh? heh. it is true that conservatives are often reactionary, which was what he was getting at.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Originally posted by $tinkle
so, if i were to cave to the overwhelming liberal positions on this forum, i'm ceasing my efforts to resist - i start following you - i take opinions doled out to me - and i've thusly changed. This conversion makes me....let's see...conservative? wtf?

how brave of you to make such a brazen claim here in this last bastion of liberal minions.

:rolleyes: As I have witnessed it, many conservatives tent to follow the lead of things that have been established in the past... I mean hell, 'conserve' is in the damn word...

Conservative-tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions (web-muthaphukin-sters).

So like I said following existing ideas and opinions is much easier tham forming your own, therefore, being coservative is easier and takes less mental effort. That is not to say that conservatives do not think, just that it is easier to be conservative.

Also I find that conservatives tend to get their panties in a wad very easily :monkey:


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Originally posted by Toshi
feh? heh. it is true that conservatives are often reactionary, which was what he was getting at.
seems to me that lifting any accountability also clears the path for selfish reaction (vice consideration).

termination of an unwanted/unplanned pregnancy is an excellent example. There are others, but that should be good troll fodder for now.

Originally posted by golgiaparatus
Conservative-tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions (web-muthaphukin-sters).

Also I find that conservatives tend to get their panties in a wad very easily
so, you revise your 'reactive' statement for one which required research (which i applaud). But, now i don't see which side of the fence you are on, according to your definition. You plan on changing any positions any time? If not, then welcome home, son.

i avoid your 2nd statement by not wearing panties.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Originally posted by golgiaparatus
:rolleyes: As I have witnessed it, many conservatives tent to follow the lead of things that have been established in the past... I mean hell, 'conserve' is in the damn word...

Conservative-tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions (web-muthaphukin-sters).

So like I said following existing ideas and opinions is much easier tham forming your own, therefore, being coservative is easier and takes less mental effort. That is not to say that conservatives do not think, just that it is easier to be conservative.

Also I find that conservatives tend to get their panties in a wad very easily :monkey:
Aw that is just because libs don't wear any underpants.....so they can't wad. :D Me. I hate freeball'n. I like to keep my soilders safe and tucked away. (yes I am a tighty whitey man myself. Actually I do have them in colors)

Yes, libs form thier own opinions, just like every other liberal. ;) Conservatives don't think for themselves. They let Bush do it for them...it is easier that way.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Originally posted by $tinkle
seems to me that lifting any accountability also clears the path for selfish reaction (vice consideration).

termination of an unwanted/unplanned pregnancy is an excellent example. There are others, but that should be good troll fodder for now.

so, you revise your 'reactive' statement for one which required research (which i applaud). But, now i don't see which side of the fence you are on, according to your definition. You plan on changing any positions any time? If not, then welcome home, son.

i avoid your 2nd statement by not wearing panties.
I revised it so your could wrap your reactionary brain around it.

I try not to put myself on a side of the fence. However, people who I disagree with most tend to be conservative.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by golgiaparatus
Me thinks it is easier to be conservative... takes less thought. Seems to me a lot of conservatives are followers... have a problem forming their own opinions and standing up for them, conservatives are also usually more afraid of change, takes a lot of effort and though to change.
Seems to me its not about what's easier, so much as its about what's right. Just because you agree with a common opinion doesnt mean you're incapable of forming your own either. To me, it seems like lots of libs are nothing more than non-conformists who wouldnt agree with any accepted situation because they like controversy and hearing their own voice. Sometimes it takes alot of effort to stand up for what you beleive in when you're conservative to. Effort has nothing to do with it IMO.

PS. I'd never date a girl with dreadlocks. Its not because Im uneducated about them or havent devoted time to learning to love them, its just that i think they're gross. Im a bit conservative in that manner. You, on the other hand, are more liberal in your acceptance of what a girl's hair should do. You think its fine. The difference has nothing to do with intelligence. Its in the basic makeup of being a person.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by $tinkle
seems to me that lifting any accountability also clears the path for selfish reaction (vice consideration).

termination of an unwanted/unplanned pregnancy is an excellent example. There are others, but that should be good troll fodder for now.
fair enough, but you can't argue with the (circular in my usage) m-w.com definition:

Main Entry: re�ac�tion�ary
Pronunciation: rE-'ak-sh&-"ner-E
Function: adjective
: relating to, marked by, or favoring reaction; especially : ultraconservative in politics
- reactionary noun
- re�ac�tion�ary�ism /-"i-z&m/ noun


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Originally posted by Toshi
fair enough, but you can't argue with the (circular in my usage) m-w.com definition:

looks like the right just got own3d

but wait, also from m-w.com, we have this for liberal:
obsolete : lacking moral restraint : LICENTIOUS
so, are liberals both obsolete & lacking in moral restraint?

and ok, there is this:
one who is open-minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional, or established forms or ways

must be fun to work @ MW & troll all day :)


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by $tinkle
so, if i were to cave to the overwhelming liberal positions on this forum, i'm ceasing my efforts to resist - i start following you - i take opinions doled out to me - and i've thusly changed. This conversion makes me....let's see...conservative? wtf?

how brave of you to make such a brazen claim here in this last bastion of liberal minions.

You're all conservatives to me!


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Originally posted by golgiaparatus
:rolleyes: As I have witnessed it, many conservatives tent to follow the lead of things that have been established in the past... I mean hell, 'conserve' is in the damn word...

Conservative-tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions (web-muthaphukin-sters).

So like I said following existing ideas and opinions is much easier tham forming your own, therefore, being coservative is easier and takes less mental effort. That is not to say that conservatives do not think, just that it is easier to be conservative.

Also I find that conservatives tend to get their panties in a wad very easily :monkey:
Come on these are not conservative only traits. In reality this forum is an anamoly as most of the folks here do have well thoughout opinions and beliefs (there are some knuckleheads on some issues). In the real world, most folks don't give their beliefs a second thought. They stick with what they knew as kids and never waver from that spot. If you were to ask them even a basic defense of any of their positions they would be horribly unable to do so. For the most part the hard core on either side of the coin are completely and totally set in their ways with little or no chance of ever modifying their views.

Liberals do not hold any special edge or ability over conservatives for rethinking their positions or providing new and innovative solutions to our existing problems.

I have seen plenty of self confessed liberals on this forum get way bent out of proportion (or panties in a wad as you stated). Even more so then the conservative brethern here.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Originally posted by BurlySurly
Seems to me its not about what's easier, so much as its about what's right. Just because you agree with a common opinion doesnt mean you're incapable of forming your own either. To me, it seems like lots of libs are nothing more than non-conformists who wouldnt agree with any accepted situation because they like controversy and hearing their own voice. Sometimes it takes alot of effort to stand up for what you beleive in when you're conservative to. Effort has nothing to do with it IMO.

PS. I'd never date a girl with dreadlocks. Its not because Im uneducated about them or havent devoted time to learning to love them, its just that i think they're gross. Im a bit conservative in that manner. You, on the other hand, are more liberal in your acceptance of what a girl's hair should do. You think its fine. The difference has nothing to do with intelligence. Its in the basic makeup of being a person.
And I'd never have sex with a flotation device or any form of sea mammal, our opinions will differ in that way, I am almost positive :D

But thats okay.


I suck at Tool
Feb 15, 2004
Chintimini Bog
Holy Mother of God !?!?!?!

Economic Left/Right: -8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.82

I knew I was a bit liberal .... but ... hahahah.

[I'm going to have to try it again when I"m sober :p ]

Edit: Has anyone seen my sea mammal? She was just here a minute ago.