
The Price Is Right!


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
I go to school in the morning and work afternoons. I caught an episode last week where a kid won $11,000 on the Big Wheel. Wicked stoner looking kid. His t-shirt was written in marker and said something like "Pick me we need gas money".
Thats hitting $1.00 twice. Odds 400:1.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
priceseliger14 said:
eerrr.... im not affraid of you... I'm really really afraid of your avatar... its freakin' me out!


Cat phobia?
Discostu said:
It depends on what field you are going into, if you're a history major, obviously you're never going to need to know the general solution to a second order linear differential equation. As a chemical engineer its fundamental.

Math classes can become interesting after calc too. Once you have a really strong understanding of calculus things start to come easily. Right now I'm finishing up in Linear Methods and next semester I have a course on complex variables, which will probably be my last math course.
Complex variables was wonderful. Utterly lost in beautiful integrals with absolutely no idea in the world how it might ever be useful.