
the random thought thread


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Never tell your ex that you save a ton of money thinking of her instead of downloading porn. She will tell everyone she knows and won't be even remotely flattered. Trust me on this.....


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Scrub dish hard for 10 minutes with coarse sponge. Stuck on food. Scrape gently with fingernail food comes off.

make sponge from fingernail.
I have been saving my fingernnails for 30 years. They almost fill a shoebox. I would part with them for some of the profits. A lot of folks think its corn or beans in a maraca. But the best maracas have the toenails of Tijauna Whores in them. Thats how they have that distictive rattle....


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
It bothers me to the point of anger that when you walk in NYC there is no Fourth Avenue. Even Sixth Avenue although renamed to Avenue of the Americas is also marked Sixth Avenue. Don't get me going on West 12th street and how it crosses West Fourth street. Just Blatantly phugging with me. DC has no J street either?? This is why I can't go there and folks that live there turn to crack.....


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
It bothers me to the point of anger that when you walk in NYC there is no Fourth Avenue. Even Sixth Avenue although renamed to Avenue of the Americas is also marked Sixth Avenue. Don't get me going on West 12th street and how it crosses West Fourth street. Just Blatantly phugging with me. DC has no J street either?? This is why I can't go there and folks that live there turn to crack.....
A veteran NYer can tell exactly where they are in the city and what day of the week it simply by the ratio of garbage/dead rat/urine/feces/hooker snatch odors. A primordial localized positioning system.


Dec 17, 2002
New England
Why the hell do women think Ugg boots are cool looking?
Still a mystery to me ...that and a number of things about the girl world.

The value of uggs is something I have debated with my daughter numerous times.
They sure don't look cool if you wear them in any kind of bad weather...like rain...learned that.
Ugg boots gift ...are the only time at Christmas ...the girl actually had tears of joy.

MY final conclusion is ..
The girl mind is not something I'm capable or interested in understanding anymore. :rolleyes:


Yoshinoya Destroyer
Jan 20, 2007
Hills of Paradise
If a girl says she's only had 12 sexual partners in her life, double that for the real number. If a guy says he's had 12 sexual partners in his life, divide that by 3 for the real number (subtract 1 if number is odd, then divide).

On a parallel... if a girl says she's only had 12 sexual partners in her life, ask how many of those were women :brows:

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
If a guy says he's had 12 sexual partners in his life, divide that by 3 for the real number (subtract 1 if number is odd, then divide).
If the theoretical number is 15 (which is odd), I subtract 1 and divide by 3. This gives me 4 2/3.

Is the 2/3 a midget? I'm guessing (read: hoping) yes.