Well... Since you asked so nicely.Holy jesus, that's like 10x bigger than my "pipe".
Well... Since you asked so nicely.Holy jesus, that's like 10x bigger than my "pipe".
Had to do some bush regen as a group today, wasn't feeling it
Still need to clean up the rest and get it packed in there.
could totally fit that in It won’t be uncomfortable at all.
I might still get a breast to smoke or something. But with the wife's funky diet, I feel like an ass eating whatever.
Our new one doesn't have knobs. I'm kinda indifferent about it.
my nether regions are reminding me of yesterday's good times.
Thing is like 7.5" long and does everything I've ever asked
can't say I'm enthusiastic about riding the fatty again...
Have a few appointments today for folks to come admire and rub wood. The first time is odd but after that you really get used to strangers touching it.
heads could get stuck between ribs limiting the number of blows.
You don't need a big one just be quick.
have to cum every 90 seconds for 24 hours.
planning to use water based lube.
Putting studs in the girlfriends tires, which have already been used.
What a pain in the dick, having to pick tiny little rocks/sand grains out of the holes...
i haven't worked on soft tissue devices in over a decade.
Got a big ass
Also got the wife some stuffing and muffin