The driving force behind our show is grassroots racing and the lifestyle of bike riding. We didn't want our show to just simply fall into the run of the mill category of product reviews, race highlights and how to videos. We've structured the show to involve the people, the stories they have to tell and create characters who are enjoyable to watch. The possibilities are endless and we plan to investigate each and every one.
Red Hill, Victoria
When we venture to all the different locations, think of it like a not-so-lame travel show. We would like to give the Australian industry a swift kick in the right direction, to help attract international visitors.
A generation of Crisp.
Our aim is to help change the culture of bike riding in a direction that we think is more inclusive and to give voice to the masses. Interaction with the viewer is one of the main priorities for us, we relish the moments when someone is stoked they appeared on TV/Online. From the kids to the veterans, the appeal is vast, from learning where the sport has progressed from, to understanding where it will be moving to in the future.
Luke (host) and Vanessa at the Goodens Jumps for the Backyard Heroes segment.
This show is not just intended for Australians, but for every bike rider in the world, anyone can relate to a lot of the topics we cover, the old school BMX bikes that different generations owned as kids, to the heroes they looked up to.
Marnie taking on the infamous Jeep Track at Mt Baw Baw.
The Riders Life is broadcast on Channel 31 (Digital CH44 in Victoria) at 9pm AEST on Thursdays. You can also watch online (Interstate & International specifically) when episodes are streamed live and afterwards when they're uploaded.
9 pm AEST is when episodes are streamed live, for international viewers;
12pm BST
4am PDT
7am EDT
You can also watch the replays when they're uploaded, at any time.