
The S.F. Gay Marriage flap.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
then why are there lineal consanguity laws on the books? Sickle-cell anemia, spina-bifida, phenylketonuria, MS, tay sachs, Thalassemia are increased among first cousins.
Refering to reproduction. Which since we are talking about homosexual marriage here is not a factor. You see, homosexual couples can't have babies. These laws, and they don't exist everywhere are to prevent birth defects. A subject irrelevant to homosexual marriage.

my company (a fortune 100 to remain nameless) covers all you named but fed taxes, so what are we talking - a couple hundred $$$ at most? In addition, "domestic partners" are also authorized drivers of fleet vehicles and fully covered by the underwriters of the policy, MetLife.
This is so rare as to present a statistical irrelavance. Most states, and most insurance companies do not recognize "domestic partnership" regardless of sexual orientation. Do you work for Wells Fargo? They are the only major corporation that I can recall that does (Based in S.F. whodathunkit?)

it looks like we must be done debating, for you've broken out the old standard "latent homosexual" argument, and not made an honest attempt to see the majority opinion (see oodles & oodles of charts, polls, etc.).
Not trying to imply that you were a latent anything, you brought that up. I'm merely trying to determine the source of your fear of gay marriage. Do you think it sets the precedant for Shirley to marry a dolphin? Is this a slippery slope thing?

It seems that the "majority" on this is yet to be determined. If by your statement you are claiming that the majority is against gay marriage then my response is that yes I have heard their position, infact I used to share it. It has occured to me however that that position is wrong, based in bias and hate, and a bad decision from a fiscal standpoint. Charts and polls can be made to say whatever the pollster wants them to say and are rarely if ever representative of truth.
Feb 25, 2004
Redmond, Wa, USA
my thoughts:

I think that Gayness is wrong in general. I am a christian and I believe that marriage is unity between man and women, as it has been throughout history. even if you think about it, men and women were designed for one another. I do not look down at a person for being homosexual but it is in my opinion disgusting. many people are aguing that it will not effect me. however when I am older and I have a son of my own, I do not want him to think that it is ok by standards of God. that is if he chooses to be a Chrisitan. I knwo if this passes, their will be a shocking new percent of gay persons throughout the world, and in all honesty im not ok with that.

my 2 cents


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Originally posted by Damn True
This is so rare as to present a statistical irrelavance. Most states, and most insurance companies do not recognize "domestic partnership" regardless of sexual orientation. Do you work for Wells Fargo? They are the only major corporation that I can recall that does (Based in S.F. whodathunkit?)
There are tons of others that offer benefits to "domestic partners". Disney, Apple, Microsoft and 3 of the 4 biggest banks in the country. And it all goes straight to support your arguement.

Each has suffered thru a horrendous time dealing with "domestic partners". It has cost millions, millions and millions of dollars to implement, manage and review these programs. For the main reason, as you have so accurately pointed out, that domestic partnerships are relatively easy to form and break. So the costs are far beyond what any estimated.

IF same-sex marriages were legal, acceptable whatever.... these costs would have been limited to the benefits themselves.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Originally posted by Damn True
Refering to reproduction. Which since we are talking about homosexual marriage here is not a factor.
....which happens through sex more than 99.99% of the time. Point being that the claim is spurious to make that marriage does not involve sex. Not guaranteed, but certainly must be a consideration. And, if you get to old to be amorous, why go on?
Originally posted by Damn True
This is so rare as to present a statistical irrelavance. Most states, and most insurance companies do not recognize "domestic partnership" regardless of sexual orientation. Do you work for Wells Fargo? They are the only major corporation that I can recall that does (Based in S.F. whodathunkit?)
au contraire. any company worth their salt wouldn't dare prevent benies to same sex couples - they'd be sued into bankruptcy
Originally posted by Damn True
Not trying to imply that you were a latent anything, you brought that up. I'm merely trying to determine the source of your fear of gay marriage. Do you think it sets the precedant for Shirley to marry a dolphin? Is this a slippery slope thing?
everyone keeps saying that. You got pix?

Originally posted by Damn True
It seems that the "majority" on this is yet to be determined. If by your statement you are claiming that the majority is against gay marriage then my response is that yes I have heard their position, infact I used to share it. It has occured to me however that that position is wrong, based in bias and hate, and a bad decision from a fiscal standpoint. Charts and polls can be made to say whatever the pollster wants them to say and are rarely if ever representative of truth.
i've yet to see one poll that represents a cross section of america which refutes my claim. I'm not saying it's not out there....wait, yes i am. If your position was based in bias & hate, then you did the right thing by trading that in for an opinion based upon research and whatever values which are important to you. You are to be lauded for that.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Should the black population have been satisfied with the right to vote, even though they had poll taxes and literacy tests?

Hell no.

The religious right is going to come to a crossroads soon. Either they are going to have to settle and be happy with living in a diverse society, or they are going to have to try to gut the constitution.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Is it your place to be "OK" with everything that goes on in this world? If you want your child to be taught the "standards of God" then by all means teach it to him. No one is going to stop you.

Originally posted by DisgruntledCow
I knwo if this passes, their will be a shocking new percent of gay persons throughout the world, and in all honesty im not ok with that.

my 2 cents


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Originally posted by DisgruntledCow
I do not look down at a person for being homosexual but it is in my opinion disgusting.
That is just one hell of an amazing first post. I don't know where to start, really.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
Originally posted by Serial Midget
If you want your child to be taught the "standards of God" then by all means teach it to him. No one is going to stop you.
Not yet anyhow.........
Originally posted by $tinkle

it looks like we must be done debating, for you've broken out the old standard "latent homosexual" argument, and not made an honest attempt to see the majority opinion (see oodles & oodles of charts, polls, etc.).

Yawn. This whole issue would be a yawner for me, except for the fact that GW is threatening to make a Federal issue out of it. IMO, this issue is best left up to the local and state governing bodies to sort out. Nothing but more deflection from our "do nothing of real substance" leaders in DC.

As to seeing the majority opinion, since I am not a politician, I could care less what the majority thinks on anything. And as a matter of fact, unless someone's livelihood depends on public opinion(read politicians, pollsters, talking heads, etc.), no one should be forming their personal opinion on the majority view.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Originally posted by Silver
That is just one hell of an amazing first post. I don't know where to start, really.
i thought it was you trolling w/ a new ID

Originally posted by Silver
Should the black population have been satisfied with the right to vote, even though they had poll taxes and literacy tests?

Hell no.

The religious right is going to come to a crossroads soon. Either they are going to have to settle and be happy with living in a diverse society, or they are going to have to try to gut the constitution.
to make sure the pro-traditional marriage types (don't forget to include jews, muslims, and other faiths in your crusade), maybe we should look to ex-black advocacy groups for advice on how to best handle this....oh wait.