Refering to reproduction. Which since we are talking about homosexual marriage here is not a factor. You see, homosexual couples can't have babies. These laws, and they don't exist everywhere are to prevent birth defects. A subject irrelevant to homosexual marriage.then why are there lineal consanguity laws on the books? Sickle-cell anemia, spina-bifida, phenylketonuria, MS, tay sachs, Thalassemia are increased among first cousins.
This is so rare as to present a statistical irrelavance. Most states, and most insurance companies do not recognize "domestic partnership" regardless of sexual orientation. Do you work for Wells Fargo? They are the only major corporation that I can recall that does (Based in S.F. whodathunkit?)my company (a fortune 100 to remain nameless) covers all you named but fed taxes, so what are we talking - a couple hundred $$$ at most? In addition, "domestic partners" are also authorized drivers of fleet vehicles and fully covered by the underwriters of the policy, MetLife.
Not trying to imply that you were a latent anything, you brought that up. I'm merely trying to determine the source of your fear of gay marriage. Do you think it sets the precedant for Shirley to marry a dolphin? Is this a slippery slope thing?it looks like we must be done debating, for you've broken out the old standard "latent homosexual" argument, and not made an honest attempt to see the majority opinion (see oodles & oodles of charts, polls, etc.).
It seems that the "majority" on this is yet to be determined. If by your statement you are claiming that the majority is against gay marriage then my response is that yes I have heard their position, infact I used to share it. It has occured to me however that that position is wrong, based in bias and hate, and a bad decision from a fiscal standpoint. Charts and polls can be made to say whatever the pollster wants them to say and are rarely if ever representative of truth.