
The sickening sound of crunching metal


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
So I'm sitting here being sick and watching Seinfeld and spending too much time on RM when I hear behind me a very loud crunch and in front of me the cats scatter for the hills. Turn around and look out the window and see a green new-beetle tail t-boning some old accord which is now on the sidewalk, and the apparent driver of said VW running across the street after it. Looks like she left it in neutral or something and it somehow crossed a very busy street and hit a parked car on the other side.

The beetle is now parked normally up the street and the driver has disappeared and there are some confused folks looking at their car and wondering why it's on the sidewalk.

So the question is, do I stick around for the aftermath or do I go get some soup? :evil:


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Dude, I'd totally stick around. There's nothing like finding pleasure in others' misfortune... okay, that came off wrong.

On the subject, I got rear-ended on the way to work this morning. Yeah, blah blah, the girl was talking to her mom and blah blah blah. Thankfully my little Toyota pickup has some miles on it, so some bumper movement is no big deal. I was pretty upset after it happened because the crash spilt my coffee (!!!!). I asked the girl for a dollar for the coffee and she ended up slipping me a 20 under the 1 (so I'm just gonna assume she didn't have insurance). The worst thing? I think I just realized the spilt coffee broke the volume button on my head unit...


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
that bad, not calling the cops, like that famouse murder case where no one called the cops as that girl was stabbed to death. Although, this is just a VW bug, so its all good. :p

edit, whats a 20 under the 1?


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
So the traffic enforcement van slowly rolled up so I'm not an irresponsible jackass after all. :rolleyes:

They moved the cars and it looks like the damage wasn't too bad. All in all kind of anti-climactic. Good thing Seconds from Disaster and some other crash shows are on TV tonight. :)

In other news i got an email from a good friend in Scotland tonight who was in a bus crash on the way to Edinburgh the other day. Apparently the driver was killed instantly and she had to be rescued out the back since the stairs to the upper deck were destroyed. I'm glad she's ok.


Jan 28, 2003
The other day I was walking my dog, a car came from the highway and it's front tire blew out. It slid over to the grass en hit one of those yellow concrete blocks (which is about as high as two curbs) and nearly did a back flip.
So I asked if they guy was okay (car was totaled, front wheel was square, bumpers were gone, exhaust was in 3 pieces and oil everywhere) turns out the poor guy just got his license and it was his grandmothers car.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Update: the volume adjuster on my head unit still doesn't work :angry:

To someone who asked, she had folded up a $1 bill for me to see, but had slipped a $20 bill beneath it. Maybe karma is worth something... or maybe she just didn't have car insurace and figured a $20 was cheaper than my insurace raping her for the damage to my truck and any possible medical expenses.