
The SloMo Crash Thread

OK, there are stories out there, I know you have 'em.

Me, this evening:

I made an incompetent bridge this winter out of a couple of pallets - it's currently jammed into the down side of a piece of ledge that I'm too cowardly to jump from at this point - the bridge lets me practice the approach and reduces the effective jump to eight or ten inches.

This afternoon, I decided to ride up the bridge and stalled with the front wheel just up over the top of the ledge. I grabbed the rear brake and, with the front wheel straight up, turned the bike around and tried to get back on the bike with the front wheel way up in the air.

Well, I let go the brake a little early and the bike started rolling on the rear wheel with the front wheel way up in the air and me falling off the back. By the time everything stopped moving, I had managed to sit on my right nut and was all tangled up in the bike. Good thing I had no audience. :monkey:

What's your SloMo tale of woe?



makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
When I first started riding there was this three or four foot ride up on the greenbelt in Austin. It was pretty steep -- probably about 60* or more.

One day, I hit it and stalled at the top. I got my left foot out of the toe clip, but I couldn't get my right foot out. Of course, I fell to the right. I grabbed a sapling on the way down so I wouldn't fall down the ledge. I got one of my fingers stuck between two branches and the rest of my hand was squeezing the branches tight. The bike and stuck foot had me pinned to the ground. Don't know how long it took me get unstuck, but it seemed like forever.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
Was turning really fast, and my pedal caught the pavement... Flew the bike with me on it in the air about 2 feet (no joke). I landed on my knee with no protection. The azonic pedal was broke in half!!! My knee was really messed up to say the least. Could feel it happening from the first grind to the complete hook of the pedal.

And once i did somthing like WUmpus did, except i jumped off the back.... and my jeans caught the seat and it was really bad :dead:


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Parking lot of a trail last week, i endo'd on a curb it was funny. My fork air was getting low so after i popped the front wheel over it immediately got stuck in a small rut on the other side. As i moved my body up to start the back wheel over, i instead sank into all my travel in the front, since it wasn't moving.... Slo-Mo endo, quickly unclipping i kicked my feet to my hands and landed on my knees, and looked like a frog as Mutoli looked and asked what the hell i was doing? :D
Stall crashes are great.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Was riding in december... very cold, just a dusting of snow. Lost my momentum on a little foot bridge, couldn't get unclipped in time, tipped over. I fell off the side of the foot bridge, down about 3' into a shallow but friggin cold ass creek.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Oh man...I had a good one at Killington a couple of years ago. Decided to try and roll this sketchy drop/washed out root section and thought I could hack it until I landed like a sack of potatos. I knew I might crash, but thought I could ride it out and tried to roll out of it a little late. Stuffed my shoulder into the ground and stuck there...all while Sq-Earl was watching. He thought I broke my shoulder and I was still thinking I can get out of this :D


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I've had a few. Maybe even a few to many. Some involved poison ivy. Other's involved rocks. One involved spliting a helmet in two. Most involved some sort of physical pain.

I prefer the ones with absolutely no preview or warning where you just end up sitting on the ground looking back thinking "now what just happened?"


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
jdschall said:
I prefer the ones with absolutely no preview or warning where you just end up sitting on the ground looking back thinking "now what just happened?"
Oh man...I love those! I generally end up in a heap laughing at myself and trying to figure out what went wrong (while the people around me point & laugh) ;)


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
When I was really little I would push my bike up to the top of this huge hill we lived by, then ride as fast as I could DH. I was probably 5 at the time and didn't understand timing really. I was going pretty damn fast and wanted to turn into my drive so I simly turned the handlebars to the right. Well, going pretty fast, I flew straight off the bike and landed FACE..yes, facefirst on the pavement and slid along.

13 stiches inside my mouth, way up under my upper lip, three stiches to my nose, a couple to an eyebrow, and a whole lot of scabs and blood was the result.

It was quite a fly before I hit the pavement though.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
The latest one was on a wet ride this winter. I waited for the rest of the group to catch up. Once I had assembled my 'audience' I proceeded to do a really great slo-mo-endo. front wheel off a small 1' drop slid on mud for a foot, wedged a rock, stopped all forward momentum. I was balanced on my front wheel for a while almost straight vertical and still clipped in.....with big assed rocks everywhere in sight. That one hurt!