
The Swift Boating of Cindy Sheehan


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I rather enjoyed this Op-Ed piece (only took the top paragraphs) http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/21/opinion/21rich.html?incamp=article_popular_1

August 21, 2005
The Swift Boating of Cindy Sheehan

CINDY SHEEHAN couldn't have picked a more apt date to begin the vigil that ambushed a president: Aug. 6 was the fourth anniversary of that fateful 2001 Crawford vacation day when George W. Bush responded to an intelligence briefing titled "Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States" by going fishing. On this Aug. 6 the president was no less determined to shrug off bad news. Though 14 marine reservists had been killed days earlier by a roadside bomb in Haditha, his national radio address that morning made no mention of Iraq. Once again Mr. Bush was in his bubble, ensuring that he wouldn't see Ms. Sheehan coming. So it goes with a president who hasn't foreseen any of the setbacks in the war he fabricated against an enemy who did not attack inside the United States in 2001.

When these setbacks happen in Iraq itself, the administration punts. But when they happen at home, there's a game plan. Once Ms. Sheehan could no longer be ignored, the Swift Boating began. Character assassination is the Karl Rove tactic of choice, eagerly mimicked by his media surrogates, whenever the White House is confronted by a critic who challenges it on matters of war. The Swift Boating is especially vicious if the critic has more battle scars than a president who connived to serve stateside and a vice president who had "other priorities" during Vietnam.

The most prominent smear victims have been Bush political opponents with heroic Vietnam résumés: John McCain, Max Cleland, John Kerry. But the list of past targets stretches from the former counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke to Specialist Thomas Wilson, the grunt who publicly challenged Donald Rumsfeld about inadequately armored vehicles last December. The assault on the whistle-blower Joseph Wilson - the diplomat described by the first President Bush as "courageous" and "a true American hero" for confronting Saddam to save American hostages in 1991 - was so toxic it may yet send its perpetrators to jail.

True to form, the attack on Cindy Sheehan surfaced early on Fox News, where she was immediately labeled a "crackpot" by Fred Barnes. The right-wing blogosphere quickly spread tales of her divorce, her angry Republican in-laws, her supposed political flip-flops, her incendiary sloganeering and her association with known ticket-stub-carrying attendees of "Fahrenheit 9/11." Rush Limbaugh went so far as to declare that Ms. Sheehan's "story is nothing more than forged documents - there's nothing about it that's real."

But this time the Swift Boating failed, utterly, and that failure is yet another revealing historical marker in this summer's collapse of political support for the Iraq war.

When the Bush mob attacks critics like Ms. Sheehan, its highest priority is to change the subject. If we talk about Richard Clarke's character, then we stop talking about the administration's pre-9/11 inattentiveness to terrorism. If Thomas Wilson is trashed as an insubordinate plant of the "liberal media," we forget the Pentagon's abysmal failure to give our troops adequate armor (a failure that persists today, eight months after he spoke up). If we focus on Joseph Wilson's wife, we lose the big picture of how the administration twisted intelligence to gin up the threat of Saddam's nonexistent W.M.D.'s.

The hope this time was that we'd change the subject to Cindy Sheehan's "wacko" rhetoric and the opportunistic left-wing groups that have attached themselves to her like barnacles. That way we would forget about her dead son. But if much of the 24/7 media has taken the bait, much of the public has not.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
It's interesting that the right wingers pretend to be moral and hold Bush up as a moral man. A man who dodged the draft, a druggie, who lied to congress and the American people and is directly or indirectly responsible for tens of thousands of deaths in Iraq. A man who holds closed door meetings with the oil indusrty to draft energy policy. A man who has been behind the character assasination of several very good people. He's considered moral because he hold life precious before it leaves the womb, but has no problem sentencing many people to death as the Governor of Texas.

And yet Clinton is considered less moral for getting a hummer and cheating on his wife.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
What is really disgusting is how the same "Swift Boaters" derailed McCains run for the Republican nomination in favor for a more conservative Bush in 2000. I'm sure they would have derailed Bush too if there were an even more conservative option available.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
It's sad. McCain is someone I actually respect.

He would stand for actual fiscal responsibility not the BS Bush has been pulling. You can't cut taxes, increase spending, and then start a war to further increase spending. Launch programs that will bankrupt medicare in 15 years, and start a PR blitz to push through bogus Social Security reforms for a system that is solvent for three times that period.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Bush Backers Amass to Counter 'Peace Mom'

By KATHLEEN HENNESSEY, Associated Press WriterMon Aug 22, 7:11 PM ET

A caravan proclaiming support for U.S. troops began a tour through California on Monday and stopped in the hometown of Cindy Sheehan, the anti-war mother who gained national prominence during a vigil outside President Bush's Texas ranch.

Conservative activists and military families embarked on a tour they are calling "You don't speak for me, Cindy!" and are planning rallies in several California cities before heading to Crawford, Texas.

"It's time to lay down the anger. We need to continue to uphold those people over there, to uphold those men and women with their boots on the ground," said Debra Johns, head of the Northern California Marine Moms, who helped organize the caravan.

"That's not the message being made" by the mother of the fallen soldier, Johns said during a rally in Sheehan's hometown, where about 30 Bush supporters gathered outside the Vacaville Reporter newspaper.

Vacaville was among several stops for the caravan, which is being sponsored by Move America Forward, a Bay Area-based group. Other rallies Monday were scheduled in San Francisco, Sacramento and Fresno.

Several supporters said they have family members serving in the military, and some said they knew Sheehan and her son, Casey.

Toni Colip, 50, of Vacaville, said her son, David, went to high school with Casey Sheehan and is now in the Marines, although not in Iraq. She said her son opposes Sheehan's activities and has asked her to support his military service even if he is injured or killed.

"He said, 'Don't dishonor me, don't walk on my grave,'" Colip said.

Sheehan's 24-year-old son, Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, died last year in Iraq. She began a protest vigil Aug. 6 on the road leading to Bush's ranch, an act that has encouraged anti-war activists to join her and prompted peace vigils throughout the country.

She vowed to remain until Bush agreed to meet with her or until his monthlong vacation ended, but she flew to Los Angeles last week after her 74-year-old mother had a stroke.

The pro-Bush caravan plans to join fellow supporters who have set up their own camp in downtown Crawford as a reaction to the Sheehan-inspired vigil. Bush was in Salt Lake City on Monday, where he spoke to a national veterans group to rally support for the war.

Several of those in the caravan said they understood Sheehan's anger but disagreed with her protest.

"This is not the way to honor her son," said Lori Judy, 49, of Vacaville, whose son, Tim, served in Iraq.

Drivers waved flags as the caravan left Vacaville on its way to Sacramento, led by a recreational vehicle and a moving van covered with a sign reading, "Cindy Sheehan does not speak for me."


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Heath Sherratt said:
It's interesting that she gets so much press but the parents of soldiers who support the war don't.
There's an article posted right in this thread about parents of soldiers who support the war. Did you skip over that one?

They didn't get coverage until they took some action that was newsworthy. Cindy Sheehan didn't get coverage until she took to the streets, though she may very well have been opposed to the war before she did so. Ditto for her opponents.