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2 days in rochester yielded 2 more bikes. The first is a 12" tricycle for my daughter. It's her first real bike, and she loves it. We've got some work to do before she get's the pedaling thing down though.
The second bike is my 575. Words won't do it justice, so I won't try...
It's a medium frame, total weight is just over 28lbs. Initially I was hoping for lighter, but I dumped some expensive light weight stuff in favor of some cheaper more durable stuff. Doing so was easier on the wallet and hopefully will prove a better build for a trail bike.
The build was pretty straight forward, with only a couple of roadbumps. I ordered/was sent the wrong front der. Fortunately, Victor had a correct XT, though I'm not sure where he got it. Hopefully NOT from his bling. The ARC seatpost clamps to the saddle rails from the sides, not the top and bottom. This was a bit of a problem because the rails on the Nixe were ovalized... taller than they were wide, so they didn't fit in the clamp. Victor and I each took some time and filed down the clamps a bit to make the rails fit. A bit of sweat seems to have solved the issue.
Now I gotta go ride.
2 days in rochester yielded 2 more bikes. The first is a 12" tricycle for my daughter. It's her first real bike, and she loves it. We've got some work to do before she get's the pedaling thing down though.
The second bike is my 575. Words won't do it justice, so I won't try...
It's a medium frame, total weight is just over 28lbs. Initially I was hoping for lighter, but I dumped some expensive light weight stuff in favor of some cheaper more durable stuff. Doing so was easier on the wallet and hopefully will prove a better build for a trail bike.
The build was pretty straight forward, with only a couple of roadbumps. I ordered/was sent the wrong front der. Fortunately, Victor had a correct XT, though I'm not sure where he got it. Hopefully NOT from his bling. The ARC seatpost clamps to the saddle rails from the sides, not the top and bottom. This was a bit of a problem because the rails on the Nixe were ovalized... taller than they were wide, so they didn't fit in the clamp. Victor and I each took some time and filed down the clamps a bit to make the rails fit. A bit of sweat seems to have solved the issue.
Now I gotta go ride.