
The truth about the last few days.


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
Need to come clean with this, the booze is not the problem, have not had a drink since november of 2004, only need one blackout to get the message there. The last few days I have really been down on myself, been really doubting myself. Been having family problems, my sister was attacked by someone I fended off before, I feel like I failed as in letting her down. The person who beat her was this guy who was trying to get her to be his girlfriend and who has emotional issues. Was trying to hide it with the booze but I guess I kin of blown it wide open Sunday night. I humbly appologize to anyone I have offended during these past few days. Where do I go from here, I know I need to search my soul with this whole ordeal.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Men who beat on women are the lowest forms of life on the planet.

Good job defending your sis.

Why is she still involved with the scumbag anyhow?


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
N8 said:
Men who beat on women are the lowest forms of life on the planet.

Good job defending your sis.

Why is she still involved with the scumbag anyhow?
She hasn't been involved, she has tried to avoid him since 1998, he keeps going after her, each time me, or my father or her fiance have been there to defend he got to her this time, she does have a restraining order on him.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
You must go to confession RIP and as penance you need to do Dalton Solo on your Stuff decked out as a single speed with dh tires, tubes and rims on it.

That'll make you feel better about all of this. ;)


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
Opeth said:
She hasn't been involved, she has tried to avoid him since 1998, he keeps going after her, each time me, or my father or her fiance have been there to defend he got to her this time, she does have a restraining order on him.
well if its since 98, she freakin better go get one. stop sitting around and chatting with us, though yes its VERY addicting. go get your sis and talk to a lawyer. RIGHT NOW DAMMIT!!!!
i'll feel much better about you for ripping on us, this would be how you re-pay the MOnkIes on here!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
MMcG said:
You must go to confession RIP and as penance you need to do Dalton Solo on your Stuff decked out as a single speed with dh tires, tubes and rims on it.

That'll make you feel better about all of this. ;)
maybe he can scrape some parts up from thoes 3 KHS's frames he told me he broke last year.


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
N8 said:
Men who beat on women are the lowest forms of life on the planet.

Good job defending your sis.

Why is she still involved with the scumbag anyhow?
Don't be an Azz
You think he doesn't feel bad already.


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
stosh said:
I think your story is BS.

You feel bad that you let your sister down but you beat the guy up? Tell me another one.
I never laid a hand on the guy just put an act on the guy to scare him off, if it came down to blows, I'd probably get jacked up, never been a good fighter. I swear I am telling the truth with this. I'm going to go take a break from here for awhile to go refind myself.


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
yea stick around RIP!!!!
hell i get down on myself in the winter too. then i go for bike ride. or spend lots of money i don't really have on new bike parts.
so now i just eat less at work. or not at all.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
I just watched this gnarly British movie last night call Nil by Mouth, men who beat women are truly the lowest form. Fvcking despicable.

I would get the restraining order and then make sure to document everything this guy does to build a case against him to make sure he spends some time in jail. I'm sure you could have him arrested for what he's already done.


Don't go RIP. Stick around and maybe we can help. Don't mind stosh. He's still bitter about that weird ass name he has.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
punkassean said:
I just watched this gnarly British movie last night call Nil by Mouth, men who beat women are truly the lowest form. Fvcking despicable.

I would get the restraining order and then make sure to document everything this guy does to build a case against him to make sure he spends some time in jail. I'm sure you could have him arrested for what he's already done.
If what you are telling us is True Rip then Sean's advice is spot on.

And btw....thanks for the Satellites Sean!!

If anyone ever wants to buy something from Sean - I give him a hearty two thumbs up! HIs prices kick ass and he ships stuff fast!

Props to you Sean! :thumb:


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
MMcG said:
I dared Stosh to post that up and originally his image was much smaller - someone resized it.

this does not make him less of an attention whore you know. ;)
i didn't say i disagreed with him either.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
MMcG said:
I dared Stosh to post that up and originally his image was much smaller - someone resized it.
Dude you didn't have to say anything it's fine really.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Opeth said:
Need to come clean with this, the booze is not the problem, have not had a drink since november of 2004, only need one blackout to get the message there.

Then why say this in your other thread

Opeth said:
I decided to give up drinking afer Sunday's experience, no good has come from it at all. I'm not that far down the line, I actually rarely ever drink, just when I do drink after a bad day, I'll be mad.


Turbo Monkey
Opeth said:
...my sister was attacked by someone I fended off before, I feel like I failed as in letting her down. The person who beat her was this guy who was trying to get her to be his girlfriend and who has emotional issues.
This is prob. a really bad idea, but doesn't this call for a group of yours and your sis' buds, some ski masks and a beating till he needs a kidney transplant? I mean if anyone fokks w/ my family, they can pretty much expect a sh!t storm, just this side of 6' under.


stosh said:
It doesn't matter what you say, I am going to twist things around because I am pissed that I bought a fork with no negative springs.
I would call Sheldon Brown and leave RIP alone. :think:


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
stosh said:
Then why say this in your other thread
Wanted to hide this, but decided it would be best to tell the truth in this for the sake of my sanity, it would have torn me up inside badly if I kept this in.


I'm glad you did, RIP. If nothing else, Laura will not think I am the most dramatic monkey for a short bit. :D


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
loco said:
I'm glad you did, RIP. If nothing else, Laura will not think I am the most dramatic monkey for a short bit. :D

the competition is so close. i just can't make up my mind. :p


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
:( Damn....I haven't been around for a little while, but I would definately ask you to stay RIP. Talk to us and we'll try to help, but definately get some support so you aren't so down on yourself. Men who beat women aren't easily stopped and you have done what you can to protect your sister thus far, now help her get some help and recover! Make this low-life pay for what he's done!!!