
the weather people in seattle suck


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
for the last two or so weeks they've been saying "SNOW!!!". it's been cold some days, and northern washington did get some snow and I even had an inch outside my house one day. :rolleyes:

we were supposed to get snow on Tuesday/Wednesday morning. I wake up an it's 40 degrees and the ground is dry. it didn't even rain..

I turned on the tv to the local news and they have a giant banner saying "DEEP FREEZE". yet, it was 44 degrees outside.

idiots. :nuts:

the best part is, one of the stations talks about how much better with the weather they are because they have DOUBLE Doopler. not just one, but TWO! yet, they still can't tell us whats going to happen tomorrow with the weather. :p

sounds like a good job, you fail, yet still get paid. :nuts:


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
i've always wanted to be a weather guy, mostly for here in Rochester. you can just make things up as you go along. sweet


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
biggins said:
if ya dont like the weather, wait 15 minutes

not really. spring time maybe....

we normaly get a lot of rain but this winter has been really dry. but the weather dorks still say "looks like we have some high presure and that's going to cause rain...", then it's sunny. not one drop of rain.

the funny thing is, they will show a seven or ten day forcast. TEN days?!? they can't even get tomorrow correct. :monkey:

and sometimes the little images they show will have snow, rain, sun and clouds. translation, "we have no idea what's going on, tomorrow we will have some weather...." :D


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
haha, its the same way here, except we have had gorgeous weather for about the last 3 weeks. diggin at the jumps in no shirt and shorts. went on an xc ride at 3:30 in the afternoon in shorts and a wifebeater.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
pnj said:
"we have no idea what's going on, tomorrow we will have some weather...." :D
Hahaha! So true ;) These guys have no idea what the heck is going on....where was the snow yesterday morning when it was 40 degrees outside?

My favorite is channel 7, that Whoppler dude....they claim to have pin-point neighborhood forcast....Neighborhood? what the heck...two blocks over is a different neighborhood, is the weather going to be different over there? :confused:


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
haha being a roofer i've HAD to pay attention to these guesstamators for years. There's plenty of key words to listen to. When they say "chance" it means they don't have a clue. They use the word "partly" it means they don't have a clue. When they use the word "scattered" it means they don't have a clue.
i used to like the KCMU's weather reports, i remember listening to some drugged out hippie chick on there, you could hear her stretch out to look out the window, then she proclaimed the weather to be "dark", it was around midnight.


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
You can take the "Seattle" out of the title and you will still be accurate with your statement. Forecasts are getting more and more unreliable, and I don't trust any of them out more than 36 hours, especially this time of year. I think maybe they rely on computer models too much instead of actually using the knowledge they learned in college. :confused:


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
berkshire_rider said:
You can take the "Seattle" out of the title and you will still be accurate with your statement. Forecasts are getting more and more unreliable, and I don't trust any of them out more than 36 hours, especially this time of year. I think maybe they rely on computer models too much instead of actually using the knowledge they learned in college. :confused:
SoCal guessers can't get it within 6 hours... the best they can do is tell you what the weather was.

Earlier this week they had the weather guy on saying how it would rain the rest of the day and clear up tomorrow.

Then they cut to their reporter who was live at the mudslide site... and it was sunny.