
the wheel deal


Turbo Monkey
Feb 7, 2004
alex. va. usa.
hey everyone i have a big problem destoying wheels. i got though about 2 rear rims a year. the ones i'm using are i would say midrange fr and dh stuff, but i'm looking for a rim that will last atleast a year or more!

my options 24" atomlabe DHR

i personally don't like 24" but i know they are stronger, but is it worth the lower bb and the loss of sharp edge compliance.

26" atomlab DHR

i know they are strong but how strong?

and add any other rims or opinions on the topic.

there answers here will most likely depict my next rim.

**** NO SUN RIMS i have had to much bad luck in the past with them!! ****


Dec 3, 2003
Annandale, VA
Atomlabs dent fairly easy. Their rims are meant to avoid warping but not dents. I'd say go with and Intense Mag-30. I've heard great things about the strength of those rims.


May 20, 2003
Manassas Va
as far as what downy said about atomlabs, i have no idea where he came up with the fact that they dent easily, i have bashed the hell out of mine and they have held up fine, I even rode one of the shuttle runs at the watershed with flat tire, you can ask dan or anyone that was there that day, I tried to kill my rim and all that happened was that it got nicked up pretty good from blasting through the rock gardens at full tilt, I didnt even have a tire on the rim, it actually came of the rim so all i was on was the rim. I would say go atomlabs, esp. trailpimps mine have been fine. the only drawback is for me its hard to find spokes in the right length.


Dec 3, 2003
Annandale, VA
Originally posted by drt_jumper
as far as what downy said about atomlabs, i have no idea where he came up with the fact that they dent easily, i have bashed the hell out of mine and they have held up fine, I even rode one of the shuttle runs at the watershed with flat tire, you can ask dan or anyone that was there that day, I tried to kill my rim and all that happened was that it got nicked up pretty good from blasting through the rock gardens at full tilt, I didnt even have a tire on the rim, it actually came of the rim so all i was on was the rim. I would say go atomlabs, esp. trailpimps mine have been fine. the only drawback is for me its hard to find spokes in the right length.
I haven't had any problems with mine. I just know about 5 or 6 people that have put nasty flat spots in them. That has to say something. I don't think their quality control is very good.


May 20, 2003
Manassas Va
well it may have something to do with the fact that i also run 80+psi in my tires also, but i do know that the day at the watershed they stayed round, for the most part and didnt dent, but who knows.