
The "wherethefuckdoesthisbelonganyway" thread


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Poops McDougal

moving to australia
May 30, 2007
Central California


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Seems legit.

Come on grandpa, another murdoch-industries piece complaining about woke-ism and those damn kids these days.....

Every generation is exactly the product of the environment they were brought up in, created by the previous generations...who then bitch about it later

GenZ has the worst wage gap, the highest housing prices, and the bleakest global environmental outlook of any previous generation.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
No taxation on methamphetamine.

Bend, OR getting pulled into the same state as baker city instead of portland/salem/eugene would crack me the fuck up.

edit: oh shit, they cut it out :rofl:

View attachment 187885
Hell yeah they cut Bend out. Its got all them rich folk innit. They took the Dalles out? Thats right terrible. I figured the line would give HR to the west and the Dalles would be taken by the east. Does the east claim Biggs Junction? That would be the likely scenario. Biggs Junction, the cross roads of the drug and human traffickers...


Artisanal Tweet Curator
But these lines aren't being drawn by geographical boundaries... theyre ideological. As @jimmydean stated, the Dalles ain't the same as Hood River. Boise would have to drive a long ways to get a bag of weed though which would be SAD.
Boise might as well be berkeley at this point if that's your metric. Gonna have to be an independent state like the vatican. Almost as self-important these days with so many californians in it.

Other than the Bendy wendy that IS pretty much topographical along the western front. I don't blame them for not wanting bend, I wouldn't either.

Probably something stupid like 'where the farms that aren't vineyards start' :rofl:
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Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Lol yeah I could see that, Boise as an independent state. They could move the state capital to Ontario, it's still technically in Treasure Valley anyways...

All the californians moving to Boise is really quite amazing. Its like they broke down on the way to Bozo and decided to never leave. We'll make a New Bozeman right here in Idaho! (I would support a name change from Boise to New Bozeman)


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Lol yeah I could see that, Boise as an independent state. They could move the state capital to Ontario, it's still technically in Treasure Valley anyways...

All the californians moving to Boise is really quite amazing. Its like they broke down on the way to Bozo and decided to never leave. We'll make a New Bozeman right here in Idaho! (I would support a name change from Boise to New Bozeman)
Boise is a few notches up on Bozeman these days. I judge a lot of how douchey a place has become on the number of self righteous non-profits that sue the gov't over and over again over dumb shit like mtb trails. Boise has more. Those orgs don't pop up in a vacuum. The field the suckers donor base first.

It's evolving though. Bozeman still costs way more to do extravagant things like have shelter.
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Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Boise is a state capitol so I would assume more lawyers to go around. Maybe also there's more social injustice in Idaho - these orgs are laying the ground work for a safer transition out of California. Boise is still grappling with how the last 15 years has even happened. The locals peak out their windows and say things like "what's happened to my little logging town?"


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Maybe also there's more social injustice in Idaho -
Never step foot in san francisco......hooboy! :rofl:

There's not a connection between these orgs and social injustice, other than that they always exist in the same place. They don't pop up as a response exactly.

There seems to be a misunderstanding here.....these orgs don't respond to social injustice, they cause it. They court and respond to wealth. Which never, ever, actually moves to fix social injustice.

Boise is getting filled up with entitled privileged rich fucks. That's why this is happening.

Lawyers in the capital certainly jives. Although helena is the MT capital and like you said bozo town (and missoula) are the hubs there. Again, wealth related.
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Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
I would argue that theres not another bastion of "liberalness" capable of existing in Idaho. Moscow could see this sort of angry nonprofit organization allowed to exist but its small time stuff compared to Boise. Maybe Pocatello or McCall at some point but theyre not going to make it that far. Basically the North End of Boise is the only place in Idaho those groups won't get harrassed or intimidated.

Western Montana has several pockets that have been rumbling for decades already, light years ahead of Idaho.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I would argue that theres not another bastion of "liberalness" capable of existing in Idaho. Moscow could see this sort of angry nonprofit organization allowed to exist but its small time stuff compared to Boise. Maybe Pocatello or McCall at some point but theyre not going to make it that far. Basically the North End of Boise is the only place in Idaho those groups won't get harrassed or intimidated.
Agree entirely. Hence the vatican nation-state in the state of derpadonian/jefferson/whatever oregon wants.

Western Montana has several pockets that have been rumbling for decades already, light years ahead of Idaho.
For sure. But boise is concentrated, not dispersed between missoula, whitefish an whatever else former outpost white people have targeted.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
I would argue that theres not another bastion of "liberalness" capable of existing in Idaho. Moscow could see this sort of angry nonprofit organization allowed to exist but its small time stuff compared to Boise. Maybe Pocatello or McCall at some point but theyre not going to make it that far. Basically the North End of Boise is the only place in Idaho those groups won't get harrassed or intimidated.

Western Montana has several pockets that have been rumbling for decades already, light years ahead of Idaho.
Teton Valley is probably the bluest county in Idaho, actually.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
@rideit it's just a podunk rural county though...

This list of most liberal 'cities' of Idaho is from 2021. Interesting to see Lapwai so high on the list.


Fuckin eh though Boise will be SLC 2.0 before the decade is over. Well not entirely. Boise needs like 5 more oil refineries to be on the level.