
The "wherethefuckdoesthisbelonganyway" thread


The Thing cannot be described
Sep 10, 2001
Good a thread as any.

Americans truly do have a "dismal view of the nation's politics," and who can blame them? But if you "feel exhausted thinking about the nation's politics," consider this – the majority of Americans, including Republicans, want to:

  • abolish the electoral college;
  • impose campaign spending limits;
  • put term limits on elected officials and Supreme Court justices;
  • put age limits on elected officials and Supreme Court justices; and
  • automatically register every eligible American to vote.
I'd add open primaries, abolishing citizens united, and rank choice voting.

Golly, I wonder what two parties will never allow any of this.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002


I’m 55 years old. A non-bike enthusiast. I’m not a 20 something hipster interested in the biking community… I simply want a mode of transportation that takes me from A to B that’s easier than old push peddling. I don’t look or shop for bikes online as I don’t know what I’m looking for. I shop bricks & mortar, in-store and rely on the information the sales associates tell me. We are quicker to make decisions. What’s on the product sales tag and what I’m told is how I base my purchase decisions. I am today’s new older customer base that are buying e-bikes. We are middle age, pre-senior or seniors that assume that what we are told, what we see is … is what we get, or should expect.

My story took place over 3 days last weekend in North Vancouver. I had fully completed the sale of my ($6k) new e-bike… I had taken the bike out of the building to load it into my car…only to then have a different sales person come up and tell me that that the battery was not included - and I owed another $1K!!! Needless to say I was shocked about the sudden increase in sale, especially AFTER my fully completed purchase.

They did not accept responsibility for their error in over 3 visits not mentioning there was going to be an extra $1k charge for the battery

The store manager then held my (already fully paid for) bike hostage until I either: (a) paid and extra $1k for the battery or (b) cancelled my sale. The manager escalated the situation…and the non-emergency police were called.

Currently, I am waiting for the store to apologize - actually taking responsibility in the matter escalating to where it did.

NORCO bikes stores need to to clear on their ticketing says about what is included and what is not. They misrepresented the price. They need to re-educate their upper management and on-floor sales staff about selling to older customers who do not do their research online for bikes, but instead look only to the information they receive from sales people in store and demoing the bikes.

Friday Oct. 13

Went in with husband to look at bikes. We discussed the Bike. He showed us the bike, the bike tag, features of the bike etc. And what battery I’d need. I settled on the middle one. All day range. There was no mention or discussion of an up charge on the battery. Or needing to buy peddles.

Told him I wanted a medium frame. Build it up for me I’ll come by sat. To test drive/prob buy. They said bike would be ready at 10am

Sat 14th

Went in at 10:30, bike not ready. I decided to just pay the $1k deposit. Come back Sunday to pick up. Paid the deposit to a very young condescending, not very pleasant/rude sales person even tho I am dropping a considerable amount of money (6-7k).

Sun 15th

We into the store. Sales person got my bike. Found out there were no peddles (first time peddles ever came up). Sales person is rolling her eyes not believing I didn’t know about the peddles costing extra. No one had mentioned that to me previously. So I had to find some peddles first before I could do my test drive… NOTE the battery is already in the bike so I am able to do the test drive.

Got the peddles. Got them on the bike… went for a test drive done!

Came back from test drive. Loved the bike. Decided to buy it… so I paid out fully the balance remaining on the bike. It was my bike now. I just purchased it. Its mine! I now own it.

Sales person walked me out the door with my new bike and the battery charger… we tried to put the bike on my bike rack - it wouldn’t fit.

I told the sales person I was going to run over to Canadian tire and get some straps. He told me he’d put the bike in the ‘sold merchandise section’ as he was off at 3pm.

Got back at 3:15. As soon as I walked into the store to get my bike a different sales person suddenly blurted out that I owed another 800$. I said what??? For the battery they said???

As far as I was aware… and concerned… and believed … the battery was included… and I had fully completed the final sales transaction. I couldn’t believe the sudden up charges. First the peddles and now the battery. I was feeling swindled.

I asked to speak to the manager. Sales person must have told the manager that I was a difficult customer before he even came to see me. I had not been difficult before this moment … but the Manager arrived seemingly ready for a fight.

I said that I was shocked to learn I owed $1k for the battery when I had already fully purchased the bike and almost had it on my car and driven it away.

I reviewed how we got to this point … as I had been in the store 3x and no one communicated that the battery was not included. This was a very expensive purchase - $6K … why would I think the battery was not included in that price??? And how would I know the battery wasn’t included unless someone told me before I completed the purchase???

I said that the manager need to sympathize with my situation and do something for me to make this right since no one had told me in 3 visits the battery wasn’t included. I said I’m not paying full price for the battery that I wanted a discount given the circumstances.

He said no. And there was no apology for the situation.

He said he wasn’t there. He didn’t know what happened but that I had 2 choices: pay full for the battery or get a refund.

I said I didn’t want a refund since I didn’t want to do anymore bike shopping. I was done. I wanted the bike. I had already fully paid for it. I said all I wanted was my bike and a discount on the battery to show some accountability for what happened. Again he said no. I again repeated that under the circumstances it was a shock and wanted something to show he was taking responsibility for 3x visits… and no info on the upsell/off ticket surcharges. I said even 10%.

I was getting very frustrated with his inability to accept responsibility and do anything for me so then I said, since I’ve already paid for the bike…take the battery out and I’ll buy it elsewhere.

He said no. He would not remove the battery from the bike I had already paid for.

Then I said, come on man… are we really going to do this??? He said yes. The manager… said yes

Then I suggested that I could go to social media with this ridiculous situation.

He then says I’m threatening and intimidating him. I’m like what? You are a big guy and pointing out that I was not threatening or intimidating him.

He says: I’m refunding your bike now (without my consent) and asked me to leave since I was now trespassing.

Im so frustrated but I just wanted to leave the store with my bike. That I had already paid for.

I then said I didn’t want a refund. I would pay for the bloody battery.

I promised I would never return for servicing. Again he said no. He asked me to leave and told me he was going to have to call someone up to escalate the situation.

I said… what??? who are you going to call? The police?

I’ll call them for you since I have a fully paid for bike in the back that he won’t give me and I have also offered to pay for the battery.

He then started telling me that I was not the kind of customer that they wanted and again asked me to leave the store.

I said here, fine lets talk to them together… So I called non-emergency police (in-store/in front of him. since now I’m Livid). I told the manager we could talk to them together. Police asked the details. Told them.

They concluded that the store manager was holding my bike hostage (non-emergency police: their words not mine)

And since I had already offered to pay for and/or to have the bike battery removed that… they said they were going to send someone out…but was going to take a while.

I’ve already been arguing for 1 hour. I had my dog in the car. I was supposed to be heading home to get dressed for dinner and a concert …

Finally I said. I’ve just spoken to the non-emergency police. They could send someone out. I’m offering to pay for the battery and never come back here again.

He said no. That he had already canceled the transaction.

I left with no bike.

Here we are.

I’m livid.

All I wanted was the bike.

I wanted them to take responsibility for what happened. I asked for a discount on the battery given the circumstances/since it was a shock and wanted something to show he was taking responsibility for 3x visits… and no info on the upsell/off ticket surcharges. I said even 10%.
Got nothing but bullied. Pushed into a corner. Manager threatened to escalate it so it did.

Bought the bike. Fully completed the transaction. Paid for everything I was told to pay for.

I would have already driven it home had it fit on my bike rack…

Beware of NORCO bike shops that don’t include batteries etc. in the price.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
TIL - There’s an ongoing debate about if eggs are considered dairy.

This should probably go in zero faith thread. But I clearly don’t understand how anything is classified these days.
Eggs are fuckin' EGGS, man. Kinda like mushrooms are fuckin' MUSHROOMS. Don't let the lamestream media confuse the issue.



Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Eggs are fuckin' EGGS, man. Kinda like mushrooms are fuckin' MUSHROOMS. Don't let the lamestream media confuse the issue.

I think the media is just leveraging the public confusion that already exists. Saw an IG post with a bunch of people fighting over this saying that if eggs are sold in the dairy section then they must be dairy. I hope they are trolls and bots. Please be some performance art I don’t understand.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
TIL - There’s an ongoing debate about if eggs are considered dairy.

This should probably go in zero faith thread. But I clearly don’t understand how anything is classified these days.

Pick a classification, be a dick about it.

* This has become my standard response to pointless philosophical discussions at work and some of my more enlightened coworkers have adopted the methodology.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
I think the media is just leveraging the public confusion that already exists. Saw an IG post with a bunch of people fighting over this saying that if eggs are sold in the dairy section then they must be dairy. I hope they are trolls and bots. Please be some performance art I don’t understand.
Cookie Dough is sold in our dairy section.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I don't see any of these jackasses getting a deal, so it will be interesting to see where these end up.

A trio of top Donald Trump allies who have racked up huge legal expenses to defend themselves from either criminal charges, convictions or defamation lawsuits have lost key lawyers for failing to pay six- and seven-figure bills in a sign of the huge legal problems they face.

The hefty legal bills of ex-Trump advisor Steve Bannon, former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, underscore the scale of the criminal and civil charges that ensnare them.