
The White Stripes are calling it a day.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 8, 2006
New York City
The White Stripes are calling it a day.

In a statement posted Wednesday on their website, interest in which apparently caused the site to crash Wednesday morning, Jack and Meg White jointly said they will make no more recordings or live appearances as the White Stripes.

Here’s the full text:

The White Stripes would like to announce that today, February 2nd, 2011, their band has officially ended and will make no further new recordings or perform live. The reason is not due to artistic differences or lack of wanting to continue, nor any health issues as both Meg and Jack are feeling fine and in good health.

It is for a myriad of reasons, but mostly to preserve what is beautiful and special about the band and have it stay that way. Meg and Jack want to thank every one of their fans and admirers for the incredible support they have given throughout the 13 plus years of The White Stripes’ intense and incredible career.

Third Man Records will continue to put out unreleased live and studio recordings from The White Stripes in their Vault subscription record club, as well as through regular channels. Both Meg and Jack hope this decision isn’t met with sorrow by their fans but that it is seen as a positive move done out of respect for the art and music that the band has created. It is also done with the utmost respect to those fans who’ve shared in those creations, with their feelings considered greatly.

With that in mind the band have this to say:

‘The White Stripes do not belong to Meg and Jack anymore. The White Stripes belong to you now and you can do with it whatever you want. The beauty of art and music is that it can last forever if people want it to. Thank you for sharing this experience. Your involvement will never be lost on us and we are truly grateful.’


Meg and Jack White

The White Stripes

A spokeswoman for the duo said there would be no further comment beyond the announcement.

The White Stripes released six studio albums since forming in 1997, and the live album “Under Great White Northern Lights” last year. Its last studio album, "Icky Thump, came in 2007 and reached No. 2 on Billboard’s Top 200 Albums chart. The duo collected four Grammy Awards, and Jack White picked up a fifth related to his work in the White Stripes as the writer of “Seven Nation Army,” named best rock song for 2003.

-- Randy Lewis

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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
they were pretty cool. I dug their stripped down raw rock sound. I hope they continue contributing to the world of audio in some way shape or form.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Hearing the White Stripes makes my skin crawl. I heard them first in Skookum's Subaru and thought one of the songs was a Beatles rip off. A few years later they hit it big and where everywhere sounding the same on every song. The world will be fine without them.

I think they will be remembered as a novelty band.
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PM me about Tantrum Cycles!
May 24, 2007
White Stripes are an amazing band/ performers. This makes me sad :(
At least Jack White is still making music...


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
My Brother rarely calls me. He called me after he saw them live. He said they were great. He saw them again in Nashville. He called me again afterwards. I regret not meeting him there and going to the show.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Maybe Meg White, Noel Redding, Mick Taylor, and Ian Curtis can start a new band called "We Don't Need You".

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
Quotes from my musical snob friends (double secret old punk dude collector board):


"good BBQ sauce rock"

"I liked the Meg White sex tape"


Sep 14, 2006
The Right coast
Wasn't much into them when they first came around, but they've grown on me. Jack has some serious talent, Meg has some....talents. I'm sure we'll hear from them both again.

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Sep 13, 2001
Beverly, MA
Such a bummer. I really got in to their music after I saw their DVD Under Great White Northern Lights.

This is probably my favorite live song by them.
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