
The Wife And I In Mammoth This Weekend


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
This is my first “Ride Report” on RM…hopefully not my last!

My wife and I went to Mammoth this weekend….we were really looking forward to riding – other obligations (plus the heat!) have kept us from riding much lately.

She was really excited to try her luck again at Mammoth – we went last year on her old bike (a low end hardtail...bought just to see if she would like the sport) and she was pretty sore and miserable by the end of the day. We swapped bikes for a run and she loved my AC and the hydraulic disks….and I was lucky enough to find her one in her size before they discontinued the model. This year she had her new bike and something to prove to herself – she’s kinda like that :thumb:

We loaded up our recently acquired ghetto 5th wheel days in advance just so we could see how the bikes and gear would fit inside. Everything was ready two days in advance. Now for a few pics once we were there…

Day 1:

Before our first run of the weekend @ McCoy Station

Here’s my wife…..pretty poor picture though. The shutter speed on our old digital camera is sooo…. slow….

There is still a little snow on a few of the trails…..and apparently I suck in the snow…

Me nailing a HUGE hit

Here’s a pic of me making a stupid mistake….

Relaxing back at the trailer after the first day of riding. *A little background here* while tent camping we have been run out of Mammoth twice by weather. The last time really made both of us mad because we had to cut out vacation in half. After that last trip we vowed to buy some sort of trailer that would keep us warm and dry (and was fairly cheap)…well, you are looking at it! Good thing we had it because it POURED POURED POURED on Friday night. I ran out and moved the bikes….and then went back to sleep and stayed nice and dry!

Day 2:

By this time I was really getting stoked that my wife was doing so good! We had been practicing on some of the local “easier” DH trails….but in one day at Mammoth she was far surpassing anything she had done before! :thumb:

We did manage to get a few more pics on the second day, but to be honest, we were having so much fun that we weren’t bothering to take too many pics. I wish that I would have gotten pictures of her going over the tougher stuff……these pics are pretty mild compared to some of the things that she was doing. This trail (7 bridges) was her favorite however (I have to admit that it’s pretty fun….even if it’s not real technical!)



Here is a lesson for people like me…pay attention! I was on the 7 bridges trail and was going was too fast for a particular section, had a bad line, and wasn’t paying attention and stacked it. I came to a screeching halt on my butt just in time to see my bike smacking and grinding against every sharp rock in the area. The frame (and other things) got pretty scraped up, but I was mostly upset about the stanchion my fork……Go figure…I ride Shock Treatment and Velocity without incident, but I case it on 7 bridges…

Dinner and beers with Slugman and his friends made me feel better about the fork (sorry, no pics)

All in all a great weekend. Sorry that this “report” is a little short on pics, but we were having too much fun riding! Riding DH with the wife all weekend was something that I hadn’t done before (usually ride this stuff with the guys) but I think I had as much fun watching her progress! It was awesome! :thumb:



Nov 25, 2001
Boulder, CO
Ouch on that fork.

Looks like it's a single crown, so replacing just the stanction is impossible, you'll have to get a crown, stanctions, and steerer assembly. Damn press fit! I'd say try to repair it, but those gouges look pretty deep. :(


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Hey man - It was great seeing you two again! You guys would love Rock Creek trail - it's just fun and fast with just a few technical sections.

I gotta admit that I am a little shocked at myself... 2 days of riding and ZERO pictures! Oh well - next time!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
Thanks for the replies! If you can get to Mammoth this year I would recommend it. I thought that the trails were in pretty good shape...and the snow was fun!

I'm going to try to work on the fork after work....I'll let you guys know how it goes *crosses fingers*


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
nice 1st ride report.

you may be able to fix your stanchion.
use super fine emery paper to knock down any high spots, then clean them well (degrease) and fill the scratches with black nail polish. Allow to dry, wet sand with super fine emery paper. Viola.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
Dog Welder said:
How long is your 5th wheel and what are you pulling it with? Looks like a Tundra?
Yep - It's a Tundra with a V8 and the towing package. The 5th wheel is 21' (but the inside of a 5th wheel actually seems larger than a travel trailer).

It does fine on the flats and mild climbs, but for going to Mammoth I wouldn't want a bigger trailer for those long steep hills. PM me with any questions....