
TheFreeride park idea went somewhere... MORE's "master plan" for fr parks in Nva

May 31, 2004
Time to get the ball rolling to get legal freeriding in Fairfax county!

At MORE's board of directors meeting last night, we identified the
following as good candidates for helping put together a master-plan sort of
proposal for Fairfax County. Lee Diehr (VA at large rep), is going to head
it up, and I'll be helping initially to get the ball rolling. Larry C,
Andre, and Adam, you all bring experience to the table and a strong
interest in getting the trails built. If you do not want to help out with
this effort due to time constraints or whatever, speak up now and we'll
draw upon other talent within MORE.

Our thinking is to put together a sort-of Master Plan proposing Freeriding
in the county, including the following:
- Demand: Why Fairfax Co. needs to address these needs.
- Liability and Risks
- What freeriding entails and how to build the trails
- Possible locations (West Ox Landfill, South Run park, north of Wakefield).
- And any other points the group decides are important.

Hopefully, with the help of IMBA's resources, we can put together a solid
proposal and submit to the county in the next 6-8 weeks. I've talked to
the relevant county officials at length about this and they are looking
forward to our proposal. The prospects for getting something going at the
West Ox landfill are high, while some of the other areas will take a little
more convincing, but are not out of the question by any means.

Lets try to have an initial meeting soon, within the next 10 days or
so. Let me know what evenings are best for you, if at all, and we'll set
the date & time.

Jun 11, 2004
I wanted to wish you guys luck in getting some "freeride" trails built in your area! It can be done "legit." You might want to try going to www.clubmud.com and getting in contact with some of thier Directors. Over the last year or so they built a "Advanced Area" in a county park in South Florida that has "freeride" type riding. It was done with approval from Park Management & County Risk Management. There was even an article on IMBA's website about it. Maybe they could give you guys some useful knowledge? Here is a pic of some of what was built:



Apr 20, 2004
The email mentions a location north of Wakefield. I hope that is not a reference to the current location of the 495 dirt jumps. The feasibility of that location almost immmediatly rules it, so I doubt that is the reference, but I have heard people talk about putting stuff in that area before. If that location is the one being refered to, I would STRONGLY prefer that it is taken off the table, and any further references to that location desist. That area allows riders almost complete freedom to build what they want, and option that would surely be eliminated if a county-sponsored park was built there. And any mention of that area in an official forum could only be bad for its future. In fact, I would prefer any asperations of anything but piles of dirt be eliminated from peoples minds out there. This may sound extreme, but my rational runs too deep for the post. Ask me if you are unconvinced. If I am mistaken in the reference disregard most of this.
-bp :D


Turbo Monkey
Feb 7, 2004
alex. va. usa.
when they say the north end on wakefield i thought they ment at the far end of wakefield. which is ok with you but if it is refering to the other area i would also like any mention of that place to be taken out of the conresation