best speech of the convention by FAR. clear and concise, with statements like the one complimenting McCain, and then saying he's fundamentally wrong on 2 issues, domestic policy and foreign policy (paraphrasing)...
while he may be a good speaker, i didn't find this speech one of his top 5. he never hit his stride, as there were so many masturbaters interrupting him. i really thought after 2min he was going to yell "STFD & STFU!"
i only rolled my eyes at his statement "the american dream is under seige". what american dream is that? sign onto a sub-prime loan, have the flashiest whip, & run up credit cards so we can comfort our own consumerism?
Exactly. It wasn't even a great speech and the crowd was practically masturbating him raw over it. I hope he brings lube to these speaking events, otherwise the chafing must get pretty unpleasant.
Exactly. It wasn't even a great speech and the crowd was practically masturbating him raw over it. I hope he brings lube to these speaking events, otherwise the chafing must get pretty unpleasant.
compared to the rest of the Bill's speeches, it was boring, staid, and not really that good.
compared to the rest of the convention's speeches, it was uplifting, energetic, complimentary in all the right places and biting and cruel in all the rest. there were probably at least a dozen one liners that'll show up in newspapers today (People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power).
Oh yea, hes great the dick nose who started this out-sourcing culture that we are currently drowning in by personally shoe horning China into the WTO permanent staus, with no regard to what it would do to American industry ten years later. Yea, hes a wonderful guy
with what he is unaccountably responsible for, he should be barred from even opening his mouth on the topics of todays struggle.
Oh yea, he’s great… the dick nose who started this out-sourcing culture that we are currently drowning in by personally shoe horning China into the WTO permanent staus, with no regard to what it would do to American industry ten years later. Yea, he’s a wonderful guy…
with what he is unaccountably responsible for, he should be barred from even opening his mouth on the topics of today’s struggle.
seeing what his trade policies did to a lot of small businesses and factories stateside, I agree.
the only real difference between him and GWB affiliation. Gay marriage folks have him to thank for the non-recognition of same-sex marriages on the federal level.
and the crap we got ourselves in in Former Yugoslavia...anyone remember that? yeah, we are still there. And the Russians have not forgotten that little fiasco that we pulled to their friends.
to list some of the biggest complaints people have against W, the following are just some of the examples of issues that were continuation of Bill's policies:
war in foreign lands(remember Horn of Africa, Balkans, etc?)
gay marriage
domestic spying.(yes, Bill did it too)
Oh yea, hes great the dick nose who started this out-sourcing culture that we are currently drowning in by personally shoe horning China into the WTO permanent staus, with no regard to what it would do to American industry ten years later. Yea, hes a wonderful guy
with what he is unaccountably responsible for, he should be barred from even opening his mouth on the topics of todays struggle.
Oh yea, hes great the dick nose who started this out-sourcing culture that we are currently drowning in by personally shoe horning China into the WTO permanent staus, with no regard to what it would do to American industry ten years later. Yea, hes a wonderful guy
with what he is unaccountably responsible for, he should be barred from even opening his mouth on the topics of todays struggle.
Oh yea, hes great the dick nose who started this out-sourcing culture that we are currently drowning in by personally shoe horning China into the WTO permanent staus, with no regard to what it would do to American industry ten years later. Yea, hes a wonderful guy
with what he is unaccountably responsible for, he should be barred from even opening his mouth on the topics of todays struggle.
Clinton was certainly a powerful president. So powerful in fact, that he was able to give China permanent normal trade relations (pntr) and complete the negotiations for China's WTO entry after he left the white house.
So let's review Bush drove China into the WTO in a little less than 11 months, while Clinton had them on the hook for 8 years.
Pretty speech, sounds like he's a Kennedy, (or maybe owned by them even)...
But speeches won't get us out of the crap economy we're in. Same rhetoric, different face.
Screw it,I'm writing Josh Bender onto my ballot.
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