
They all look the same after all.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
the right will do anything to keep him from getting re-elected. Some of the guys I work with are super right, and it's clearly a veil for their racism. One, whose wife and son are handicapped, rants about people living off the govt teet. Half of his family is on the teet, he pays no taxes, etc, but he is against 'them' living off welfare.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 16, 2004
the right will do anything to keep him from getting re-elected. Some of the guys I work with are super right, and it's clearly a veil for their racism. One, whose wife and son are handicapped, rants about people living off the govt teet. Half of his family is on the teet, he pays no taxes, etc, but he is against 'them' living off welfare.
My wife works at the country Workforce Center. She regularly gets people who will sit there ranting about welfare and assistance programs, while at the same time pulling out every penny they possibly can and sometimes also complaining that they don't get more.

I can't figure out whether they're too stupid to realize that what they are complaining about and what they are drawing from are exactly the same thing. Or if they think that they're a special exception and deserve it while others are just cheating the system.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Or if they think that they're a special exception and deserve it while others are just cheating the system.
I think it's mostly this.

I've talked to a number of otherwise fairly intelligent conservatives about welfare and most of them are simply convinced that there's an 80% abuse rate in the welfare system. One guy tried to convince me that a majority (that is, 51% or more) of the welfare budget is spent on abusers. This is very closely tied to his fixation on teen pregnancy - in the same conversation, he claims he read that one third of all babies born in the US were born to unwed teen mothers. He claims that it's so easy for teen mothers to get on the welfare wagon that they simply get pregnant in order to avoid work, and that's where all our welfare checks are going.

I mean, what kind of delusion does it take to even believe that 33% of pregnancies are teenagers? Is there no basic gut-check to that number where it just feels wrong?

The conservatives are just so sure that there are no deserving welfare recipients out there, and that they couldn't possibly ever be in that situation themselves.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2005
Bleedmore, Murderland
I think it's mostly this.

I've talked to a number of otherwise fairly intelligent conservatives about welfare and most of them are simply convinced that there's an 80% abuse rate in the welfare system. One guy tried to convince me that a majority (that is, 51% or more) of the welfare budget is spent on abusers. This is very closely tied to his fixation on teen pregnancy - in the same conversation, he claims he read that one third of all babies born in the US were born to unwed teen mothers. He claims that it's so easy for teen mothers to get on the welfare wagon that they simply get pregnant in order to avoid work, and that's where all our welfare checks are going.

I mean, what kind of delusion does it take to even believe that 33% of pregnancies are teenagers? Is there no basic gut-check to that number where it just feels wrong?

The conservatives are just so sure that there are no deserving welfare recipients out there, and that they couldn't possibly ever be in that situation themselves.
And the irony is that 8-9 out of the top 10 states that have the largest gap between how much they take from federal govt and how much they give are Red states.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I think it's mostly this.

I've talked to a number of otherwise fairly intelligent conservatives about welfare and most of them are simply convinced that there's an 80% abuse rate in the welfare system. One guy tried to convince me that a majority (that is, 51% or more) of the welfare budget is spent on abusers. This is very closely tied to his fixation on teen pregnancy - in the same conversation, he claims he read that one third of all babies born in the US were born to unwed teen mothers. He claims that it's so easy for teen mothers to get on the welfare wagon that they simply get pregnant in order to avoid work, and that's where all our welfare checks are going.

I mean, what kind of delusion does it take to even believe that 33% of pregnancies are teenagers? Is there no basic gut-check to that number where it just feels wrong?

The conservatives are just so sure that there are no deserving welfare recipients out there, and that they couldn't possibly ever be in that situation themselves.
You and are I both old enough to vaguely remember this I'm sure. It's the EXACT same thing that was flying around in the ronald jesus reagan years. Right about the time the heritage foundation got really running. Now it's Koch, Rove etc. using the exact same bullshlt on another generation with all the same goals. They see money they don't have access to and use this fictional welfare drain to get idiots in kansas to vote against their own interests. The best part is when these idiots start calling everyone else ignorant, completely unaware of how how played they're being.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Anyone else find it funny the right introduces a DVD rather than a book since none of the target audience are "reading types"?


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
You and are I both old enough to vaguely remember this I'm sure. It's the EXACT same thing that was flying around in the ronald jesus reagan years.
Young bucks buying T-bones with food stamps.

Wasn't racist at all, of course. Party of Lincoln, you know.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
is she taking a picture, or a dump?

i bet her parents listened to joy division at this age