
They killed Stringer Bell.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
One more episode of the Wire.

Then I can get rid of cable.

I thought Omar was getting killed off at the beginning.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Dude, do you know how lame the title of this thread is?
I missed The Wire on Sunday, so I was gonna watch it late last night.
Then I see the title of this thread telling me the main guy just got knocked off. :nope:
Tell me where you live so I can come over and tell your kids about Santa. :p
Anyway, that was an awesome episode.
And I have to say this season of The Wire is about the best series I have ever watched all together. The last episode should be killer. I will be sure to watch it on Sunday though, Spoiler. :mumble: :D