
They will let any lunatic write for CNN these days


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
Commentary: Bailouts will lead to rough economic ride

Which lunatic you may ask?
Ron Paul is a Republican congressman from Texas who ran for his party's nomination for president this year. He is a doctor who specializes in obstetrics/gynecology and says he has delivered more than 4,000 babies. He served in Congress in the late 1970s and early 1980s and was elected again to Congress in 1996. Rep. Paul serves on the House Financial Services Committee.
It's an interesting opinion piece on why the taxpayers should not be forced to bailout Wall Street. I can't help but agree. It's kinda like being raped, and then having to pay for your own rape kit. :banana: :banana: :banana:


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
Even children's hospitals poll better than 10%
aaaarrrrrrrrghhahahahh! :rant:

During the primaries mother****ing Ron Paul was treated like Voldemort and the mother****ing corporate controlled media was afraid to say his mother****ing name. How well do you think you would poll without a lick of press, and an active campaign to suppress you?

Now that the primaries are over and the danger to the status quo has passed, the media is ****ing PUBLISHING him.

I am so ****ing sick of this ****. America™ will get what she deserves. ****ing enjoy your lesser evil.

I'm voting for:

not because Ron Paul supports him but because I agree with his message.

The stranglehold two party system has got to be eliminated. America needs REAL freedom.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 23, 2008
The message of:
* Overturn Roe v. Wade. (Jul 2008)
* God begins human life at fertilization. (May 2008)
* Abortion is America's national holocaust. (May 2008)
* Supports Sanctity of Life Act, defining fetus as person. (Apr 2008)
* Parents should take kids to church & pray with them. (Jun 2008)
* End international meddling of the New World Order. (May 2008)
* No US participation in United Nations or world court. (May 2008)
* End foreign aid (May 2008)
* No North American Union; no NAFTA Superhighway. (May 2008)
* Don't merge US into North American Community. (May 2008)
* Out of the UN, NAFTA, and NATO. (May 2008)
*Repeal the 14th amendment
*Believes that "homosexualists" have taken over the Republican Party and the the Republican elephant isn't red, "it's pink".
*Baldwin has also attacked the feminist movement, which he believes has moved women from a position of being "nurturers and helpmeets" to "a place of independedence from, and even lordship over," their husbands. He believes that men have a "natural headship" over the family
*He also wrote that "a large number of young girls today are themselves sexual predators" and asked "For example, is it proper for a 15-year-old girl (who is built like a 20-year-old) to show her endowment at will without expecting a natural reaction from the object of her entrapment? Are boys the only ones who must exercise self-restraint? Do the standards of decent behavior apply only to the male gender? Does a loose, immoral teenage girl bear any responsibility for her conduct and dress? Do the parents of this teenage Delilah bear any responsibility for her sluttish behavior and attire?"

Jesus fvcking Christ the guy is insane, I know you hate taxes and all but the guy is a nutcase. Is it really smart to one issue vote for taxes? He believes in the NWO and NAU, the guy shouldn't be able to run a McDonalds.

As for media treatment, the media is ****, so I'm not going to disagree there, but do you think his message of "burn it all" would be popular? He may have won if the only thing that people knew about him was low taxes, but his domestic policies are too radical for most of the country.
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Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
If you're going to throw away $500, why not give it to a children's hospital or something......
what have kids - sick kids especially - done to deserve $500? they'd just blow it on glitter moon sand & one miley cyrus ticket (plus press packet) anyway.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 23, 2008
Baldwin has also attacked the feminist movement, which he believes has moved women from a position of being "nurturers and helpmeets" to "a place of independence from, and even lordship over," their husbands. He believes that men have a "natural headship" over the family

He also wrote that "a large number of young girls today are themselves sexual predators" and asked "For example, is it proper for a 15-year-old girl (who is built like a 20-year-old) to show her endowment at will without expecting a natural reaction from the object of her entrapment? Are boys the only ones who must exercise self-restraint? Do the standards of decent behavior apply only to the male gender? Does a loose, immoral teenage girl bear any responsibility for her conduct and dress? Do the parents of this teenage Delilah bear any responsibility for her sluttish behavior and attire?"
the guy is ****ing insane, I just want it to sink in and make sure nobody overlooked these 2 quotes


Turbo Monkey
Jun 23, 2008
Do I believe that the U.S, Mexico, and Canada want to become one country? no.

Do I believe a powerful and secretive group is plotting to eventually rule the world via an autonomous world government, which would replace sovereign states and other checks and balances in world power struggles? no.

Henry Makow is a Canadian conspiracy theorist. He argues that modern democracy is a charade and serves as an instrument of social control; the mass media generally stifles information and channels thought; and popular entertainment diverts the audience from what it is happening and degrades us. The occult force, which operates through Freemasonry, is empowered by the London-based central banking cartel which must bring about world tyranny to defend its monopoly on credit (money creation). Using the pretext of war, the goal is depopulation and ultimately, the enslavement of mankind, mentally and spiritually, if not physically.

9. Real women are self-effacing. They put their husbands and their children before themselves. This is how women show love: by self-surrender. Avoid women who compete, control, criticize or complain (the 4 c's)
No doubt that women can be predators, but "a large number"? Hell, the person you are voting for said this "Are boys the only ones who must exercise self-restraint? Do the standards of decent behavior apply only to the male gender? Does a loose, immoral teenage girl bear any responsibility for her conduct and dress?" Which, from my experience, is often used in blaming women for getting raped because they dress slutty.
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98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
Do I believe that the U.S, Mexico, and Canada want to become one country? no.
Do you believe this has never been discussed by the powers that be?

Do I believe a powerful and secretive group is plotting to eventually rule the world via an autonomous world government, which would replace sovereign states and other checks and balances in world power struggles? no.
I do.

Henry Makow is a Canadian conspiracy theorist. He argues that modern democracy is a charade and serves as an instrument of social control; the mass media generally stifles information and channels thought; and popular entertainment diverts the audience from what it is happening and degrades us.
I totally and completely agree.

The occult force, which operates through Freemasonry, is empowered by the London-based central banking cartel which must bring about world tyranny to defend its monopoly on credit (money creation). Using the pretext of war, the goal is depopulation and ultimately, the enslavement of mankind, mentally and spiritually, if not physically.
He starts to lose me here.

No doubt that women can be predators, but "a large number"?
A large number is a clearly subjective term. I wouldn't get too hung up on subjectives.

...the person you are voting for said this "Are boys the only ones who must exercise self-restraint? Do the standards of decent behavior apply only to the male gender? Does a loose, immoral teenage girl bear any responsibility for her conduct and dress?"
I agree with this.

Which, from my experience, is often used in blaming women for getting raped because they dress slutty.
Those are your words.

Correlation does not prove causation and there is no evidence that this is what was intended. Chuck was merely exploring the concept of personal responsibility, which I wholeheartedly support.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 23, 2008
Chuck was merely exploring the concept of personal responsibility, which I wholeheartedly support.
I took it as saying that men are less responsible because women are out to seduce them.

Do I think it has been discussed? I have no idea.

The guy is heavily religious, and prefers his women docile and "proper". That's fine to think, but he shouldn't have any place in power.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Do I believe a powerful and secretive group is plotting to eventually rule the world via an autonomous world government, which would replace sovereign states and other checks and balances in world power struggles? no.
There are groups, not group, you need more input about this I hear. Baldwin dude is otherwise a nutter, but for a politician to actually mention NWO like he did...WOW! What happened Rick, you went from Ron Paul who seems really good for a capitalist to Baldwin?!! Dat Ricka's :crazy:
Now back to slutty women.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 23, 2008
There are groups, not group, you need more input about this I hear. Baldwin dude is otherwise a nutter, but for a politician to actually mention NWO like he did...WOW! What happened Rick, you went from Ron Paul who seems really good for a capitalist to Baldwin?!! Dat Ricka's :crazy:
Now back to slutty women.
Well, if you put it in terms of nations trying to take over each other, then yes, I believe nations are trying to subvert the power and influence of other nations. But I don't think IGOs or NGOs are controlling the world or planning to control it.

edit: I'm sure a few groups are trying to take over the world and eliminate all borders, but I don't believe they have the influence to do it.
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Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Well, if you put it in terms of nations trying to take over each other, then yes, I believe nations are trying to subvert the power and influence of other nations. But I don't think IGOs or NGOs are controlling the world or planning to control it.

edit: I'm sure a few groups are trying to take over the world and eliminate all borders, but I don't believe they have the influence to do it.
Have you heard of the EU? We're well on our way for a constitution and we the Swedish people haven't had the right to vote for it. The government, aswell as the previoius social democratic one, claims that it's government business and that the Swedish people have voted about it by electing them. Therefore we shouldn't have a referendum about the constitution. Problem is, during the national elections the EU stuff is a non matter for all parties. We're being shafted thouroughly..

I didn't mean it in terms of nations. They are semi-secret organizations like the masons, bilderberger group, and many other. Politicians of the world meet here and there and the media has a total blackout every time it happens, simultainiously we know everything about Britneys panties.

These people want centralization, one world government, the EU is just a step. I belive NATO is the way to lure us into that state of being.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
Have you heard of the EU? We're well on our way for a constitution and we the Swedish people haven't had the right to vote for it. The government, aswell as the previoius social democratic one, claims that it's government business and that the Swedish people have voted about it by electing them. Therefore we shouldn't have a referendum about the constitution. Problem is, during the national elections the EU stuff is a non matter for all parties. We're being shafted thouroughly..

I didn't mean it in terms of nations. They are semi-secret organizations like the masons, bilderberger group, and many other. Politicians of the world meet here and there and the media has a total blackout every time it happens, simultainiously we know everything about Britneys panties.

These people want centralization, one world government, the EU is just a step. I belive NATO is the way to lure us into that state of being.
Pffffft...go buy some guns from some disenfranchised Russian arms dealer. Throw the Rockwool Revolution Coup....



Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
There is an actual good article in this week's US News and World Report about the debates and third party and other candidates. Of course, Ralph Nader argued the case for letting third parties into the debates but he does concede that most third party candidates are single issue candidates and that appears what this Baldwin dude is. Single issue to single handily rip the US of A from the hands of Satan and Mylie Cyrus.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Pffffft...go buy some guns from some disenfranchised Russian arms dealer. Throw the Rockwool Revolution Coup....

....and I will have a branch in the US, the Rockwool Militia, to make sure those elected cvnts finally follow the will of the founding fathers. :cheers:


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Some new plan of the NWO gang, this is how it works, step by step they will create the needed foundations, and in 20-30 years when they finally will drop the bomb about a one world constitution, it will be to late to awake the masses:


Former Kissinger Policy Planner, CFR Member Calls For New Global Monetary Authority

“Even if the US’s massive financial rescue operation succeeds, it should be followed by something even more far-reaching – the establishment of a Global Monetary Authority to oversee markets that have become borderless.” writes Jeffrey Garten, also a former managing director of Lehman Brothers.
The GMA’s board would have to include central bankers not just from the US, UK, the eurozone and Japan, but also China, Saudi Arabia and Brazil. It would be financed by mandatory contributions from every capable country and from insurance-type premiums from global financial companies – publicly listed, government owned, and privately held alike.
They've been sneeking this **** on to us for quite many years now, they're not in a hurry, they will succeed in the end.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 23, 2008
Alex Jones is a professional conspiracy theorist, if the adage "A broken cloak is right twice a day" applies to anyone, it is him.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Alex Jones is a professional conspiracy theorist, if the adage "A broken cloak is right twice a day" applies to anyone, it is him.
I know who Alex Jones is, I've seen documentaries and sites of his for some years now, he's quite knowledgeble. I find it strange that you find these things questionable when you are so well aware of other things going on that governments keep in the shade or even conspiratorial things that they've participated in.

All the CIA organized and backed coups were conspiracies, I know you don't question that. Now, about semi secret organizations pulling the strings around the world shouldn't be such a surprise when you know how especially your system works. Never the less, this is a matter of attaining enough information, just like anything really, so keep your mind open to that this can infact be true and keep gathering that info.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 23, 2008
Things like Operation Condor are facts, unlike things like 9/11 conspiracies, NWO, and the NAU. The neocons have been encouraging nationalism, hate, and intolerance for so long that it seems like it would be counterproductive to try to convince everyone that they are all alike.

I don't doubt some people and organizations want to take over the world, but I think their power and influence is highly overrated.

I guess it depends what you call the NWO, if you mean the increased role of multinational corporations in global politics, then that has more substance. The problem with conspiracy theories is that when there is a distinct lack of facts, they tend to either input their own or say that the lack of information is information.