
Thick Grips - DMR Deathgrips?


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Does anyone have a suggestion for grips that are similar to the thick version of DMR Deathgrips?

I put some thick DMR Deathgrips on the new bike in the spring and they are already worn all the way through the knurled pattern part where my palms sit. And I haven't even really ridden that much this year.

I like how the grips feel, especially that they are a little thicker than most other grips that I've tried. The ribbing where my thumbs grip is nice, no more hot spots. But yeah at this pace, I'm looking at 2 or 3 pairs per year, which is not ideal.

These for what its worth - https://www.jensonusa.com/DMR-Brendog-Flangeless-Death-Grip


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
i recently installed a pair of these on my bike:

(Race Face Getta Grip 33mm)

despite not being squishy, they are still quite comfy. Can't speak to longevity yet, but so far I quite like them.


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
The Pivot Phoenix grips feel kinda sorta like Death Grips and seem pretty hard wearing.


my pronouns are hag/gis
Aug 27, 2002
You might like Burgtec Minnaar's.
They feel fatter than their 31.5mm diameter suggests.
(I hate them and death grips Because they're both too fat for my taste).

Longevity wise it sounds like you probably just need harder compound grips. But if you ride gloveless and sweat is killing em you just need to accept it.
I go through grips in no time but actually prefer most grips when they're worn out AF.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
I was always hoping that someone would make something like the Renthal kevlars but in a size that didn't have my fingers pressing in to my palms.
I bought these a couple of weeks ago and they are squishy, hopefully they'll last like the Renthals.

If they are no good I'll go back to the F1 Dread Locks.


ridiculously corgi proportioned
Aug 24, 2004
I go through grips in no time but actually prefer most grips when they're worn out AF.
Grips are always the best right before they die. Love them when they're worn down and tacky, but its always right before they split open or fall to pieces.

Bikael Molton

goofy for life
Jun 9, 2003
El Lay
I still love my Meaty Paws, mostly due to the thickness.
Would love some other options with different traction designs.


Mental acuity - 1%
Jan 9, 2004
in a single wide, cooking meth...
Another vote for the Deity Knuckledusters. I experimented with various less thicc grips, and have gone back to the Knuckledusters, as I don't feel like I'm having to grip as hard - which is noticeable on longer, rougher runs.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
I didn't like the Knuckledusters much, I went back to my Ergon GA2 fats after running the Deitys for a few rides.

EDIT- Possibly a stupid question but do other people find that black is the grippiest color grip?
Not sure if it is because they use carbon black in them but I have normally found that colored grips get a bit weird in the wet.
Last edited:


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
So many choices...

Knuckledusters look pretty close to the deathgrips, might try those out if I can find them.

or the PNW's. I looked at the Pivot grips, which look good, but don't think they'll be easy to get without paying for shipping around here.

Meaty Paws also look nice and considered them before, but I don't really need/want anymore length.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
I've been a big fan of the Dreadlocks. They're on 3 bikes currently. No gloves, sweaty palms it doesn't matter! They have been holding up very well.



ridiculously corgi proportioned
Aug 24, 2004
EDIT- Possibly a stupid question but do other people find that black is the grippiest color grip?
Not sure if it is because they use carbon black in them but I have normally found that colored grips get a bit weird in the wet.
I don't run coloured grips anyway for other reasons (they look daft) but I'd agree with the grip characteristics comment. Coloured grips tend to seem harder? Only exception is that weird brown/raw/honeycomb colour that you get on some grips - that seems fine.


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
Perhaps tellingly, the regular Deathgrips come in a bajillion colors but the super soft version are black only.

Which is what I want anyway because I have functioning eyes. The thin race compound Deathgrips are perfect.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Damn, only purple or yellow available.... :twitch:



my pronouns are hag/gis
Aug 27, 2002
I would prefer if Meaty Paws were 15mm longer, myself. XXL length hands over here.
aren't those already 150mm wide?
Do you ride with your hands in the middle of the grip or your thumbs tight to the inside edges?
I always ride with my outer palms and pinkie knuckles slightly overhanging the outside edge of my grips and find the wider length Sensus grips (Eg. disisdaboss) cause issues with lever & shifter spacing. I only have size L (10) hands though and luckily the narrower LITE's are by far my favourite grips.
Just stocked up on a bunch of them. Howie offered me a decent discount as they're not available over here at all.

Sound company.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
"The best lock on grip ever made"
Damn, why did I waste my money on all the other grips?


my pronouns are hag/gis
Aug 27, 2002
"The best lock on grip ever made"
Damn, why did I waste my money on all the other grips?
I genuinely now think exactly that about sensus lites.

DMR Deathgrips make little sense to me. it seems to me DMR just got the Surrey Hills crowd together and their thought process was something along the lines of.. New grips? Oh.. Ribs are good for wicking sweat and feel great gloveless. Yeah. Oh wait but I like the firmness of a waffle too for control and racing.. Oh... I know... let's put that grid that Sam Hill ruffians had too. Yeah. Because Sam Hill. :rockout:.. If only we could come up with a cool name!
I'm not sure they even thought their design through properly.
Eg. If you hold your grips overhanging the ends your hands barely even touch the ribbed portion.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
I genuinely now think exactly that about sensus lites.

DMR Deathgrips make little sense to me. it seems to me DMR just got the Surrey Hills crowd together and their thought process was something along the lines of.. New grips? Oh.. Ribs are good for wicking sweat and feel great gloveless. Yeah. Oh wait but I like the firmness of a waffle too for control and racing.. Oh... I know... let's put that grid that Sam Hill ruffians had too. Yeah. Because Sam Hill. :rockout:.. If only we could come up with a cool name!
I'm not sure they even thought their design through properly.
Eg. If you hold your grips overhanging the ends your hands barely even touch the ribbed portion.
Yeah I thought they looked pretty weird, the largest diameter part of the grip is where you have the most muscle/padding on your hand, looks like the opposite of what I'd want.
Are the Surrey Hills people orange people? I remember seeing orange people in Edinburgh, they looked hilarious!


3 Dude Approved
Wife has rev grips (they were on bike I wouldn't have paid that much for a damn grip) and they are actually really nice...thicker and float a bit.

Back on tld odi grips they are angled ridges so they pull your hand in right when you lean back and work amazing in mud and wet as well..thinner but the grooves make up for it by pulling grip tighter when pulling back.


my pronouns are hag/gis
Aug 27, 2002
Wife has rev grips (they were on bike I wouldn't have paid that much for a damn grip) and they are actually really nice...thicker and float a bit.
Have you actually ridden them though?
Tried a demo set a few years back and all I got from them was a horrible throttle grip feeling then when I pulled hard for a bunnyhop the internals exploded across the street. Never even got anywhere near a trail.


ridiculously corgi proportioned
Aug 24, 2004
Have you actually ridden them though?
Tried a demo set a few years back and all I got from them was a horrible throttle grip feeling then when I pulled hard for a bunnyhop the internals exploded across the street. Never even got anywhere near a trail.
Dud set or something? A mate of mine swears by his after finger injury and he's bloody quick. Rae Morrison recommended them to me as well when we were comparing finger fractures too. I've never given them a go though because I'm pedantic about my grips having an outboard flange


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
I like thicker grips over thin; rode using ODI Rogues (33mm) for years, always found Ruffians (30mm) too thin. and I end up gripping too tight as the bar seems to move around too much with a relaxed grip. Same happens with grips thicker than Rogues; it feels like I can't relax and let the bars float properly. I don't mind Deathgrips, (31.3mm) but then again I don't ride with my hands handing off the end of the bars either. They are on the thinner end for me. Seems I like 32mm. +/- a mm.

My grip of choice ended up being the Ergon GE1 Evo. Not the best of anything, but did enough of everything right


3 Dude Approved
I have rode them a bit I like em but I'm on my tld phase...was ODI rogue BMX grips for width and cut off thumb stop...but always venture back to TLD ..I wear 3 to 4x gloves so hands are big...

I'd have no issues with the other but the price is a bit too much for me..she will ride them till the material rots off so for her the return is fine.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Have you actually ridden them though?
Tried a demo set a few years back and all I got from them was a horrible throttle grip feeling then when I pulled hard for a bunnyhop the internals exploded across the street. Never even got anywhere near a trail.
My Revved grips were a bear and a half to install but haven’t blown up on me in actual riding. I don’t so much like them as actively dislike the grips on my DH bike in comparison. Tossed some large diameter Ergon Evo grips on the latter last ride and they were better than before—jury still out.