
Things we do for love...


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I love my wife, I really do...

As "payment" for my trip to Punk Rock Bowling, I got to take my wife to see a Brad Paisley concert. Now, as a music lover, I can appreciate him. He is a fantastic guitar player with a magnetic personality who appreciates and recognizes his roots. However...

Venue is 15 minutes away...we sat in traffic for 90 minutes waiting to get in. In 105 degree weather. Surrounded by idiots in jacked up trucks with no shortage of anti Obama and dont tread on me stickers.

Then we sat in the parking lot for 2 hours waiting for the gates to open. This was the best part, as we were drinking with a (relatively cool) redneck friend of mine who was bbq'ing and whos sarcastic girlfriend is pals with the Frau. We sat and people watched with her while drinking beers and weak ass jungle juice until the gates mercifully opened.

When gates opened we got to sit on the lawn...in the sun. Surrounded by idiots, many of whom were under-age, all of whom were wasted. Things were looking up when two cute girls in sundresses showed up and sweetly asked if they could sit next to us. Took a downturn when a bunch of wasted 20 something guys showed up to hang around them. Up turn when the one guy lit up a joint...so they mellowed for a bit.

And then the lights went out. The opener was a black girl with the now standard Nashville lingerie model looks and auto tuned voice. At least she kept the rednecks down from screaming about rebel pride (In NorCal...really? Your greatgreatgreat Grampa fought for the Confederacy? Newsflash, they lost. Grandpappy was a loser.) and had a sweet, not offensive stage presence. Fairly under appreciated by the crowd I think she was.

The second guy was some midget who was overly twangy and tried too hard to be small town and 'murikan™. Talked about how his grandfathers had both served in the military (Dont care dude...what have YOU done for your country other than infect us with your horrible music?) and ow he appreciates Vets so much. (Appreciation is nice, but it dont feed the bulldog...how did the guys you voted for appreciate us?) I noticed the shirts his swag stand was selling were all about guns and Gawd™ and how you can pry them from his cold dead hands. At least then we wont have to listen your caterwauling...his "singing" sounded like two cats screwing in a flaming burlap sack being beaten with a tire iron. Dont get me started on his subject matter.

When Paisley came out he ripped off the mandatory Telecaster solos, but these felt forced and mailed in. The whole show was forced and mailed in. He was off, way off. The huge screen behind him, rather than showing him and the band, a benefit for those of us in the cheap seats, played videos and other distractions (A videotaped duet with Carrie Underpants? At least when the Who did this the guys they dueted with were dead...) .

It was fun watching my wife enjoy herself...she works hard and takes great care of me, the grommets and our affiars. And after the week we had, she deserved it.

But I dislike fakery, crowds, drunks and rednecks. Crowds of drunk fake rednecks? You get the drift. Ad to that list sitting in traffic. Combine all of those and you get a bitchfest on the RM a couple days later...
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Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
Where did you see him? I was lucky, as wife called during shift, and told me about $20 tickets for the Harvey's outdoor arena (our converted back parking lot). Went and bought them, only to be called 5 minutes later by wife and told she was given free tickets. Oh well, hers were in the cheap seats, mine were 8th row. Guess where we sat?

Agreed about the opening lady. Kept complaining about being out of breath (hey, Tahoe is only 6000ft elevation, how could you be out of breath?). Next was Justin Moore. Yes, he's twangy, yet I do like his songs. Paisley must've been on this night, as I felt he did really well. Liked when he signed a guitar on stage, and gave it to a little girl, then takes another's phone and videos the crowd for her. Said how he didn't know how Snapchat worked. Thought that was funny. Left before the crowds, so I missed if he did "Crushin' It" or "Half the Man".


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Night after Tahoe...Toyota arena in Wheatland (Horrid place...). Frau bought tix in Feb...then they gave out 400 freebies on post the morning of the show. Had to talk her off the ledge about that one too..."I paid $XX for tickets and they are ginving them away? WTF???"

He also bitched about the heat...and skipped all his songs I like...I know, poor me.
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resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
johne....your wife may or may not like...

jp harris & the tough choices
sturgill simpson
nikki lane
whiskey & co


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Brad Paisley is about as live as Taylor Swift. Most everything coming out of the PA is enhanced. They even enhance the stage monitors. That means he sucks so bad he sings along with himself onstage.