
Thinking about doing it


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
I only have room for two bike in the apartment. One is the DH bike and its not going anywhere my other bike is my 99 Kona Chute. The Kona has since we move next to Prospect Park only been used to do laps in the park. If the weather is good and I got outside the city I rather go shuttle riding on the DH bike than XC on the Kona.

Riding road is really turning into a good way to get in shape and just a good way to do some riding but the Kona is heavy and not giving me the chance to ride with other than slow older guys on old road bikes. So I am thinking about a road bike as much as I hate getting rid of the Kona but I don't know where to get started.

I am 6'1" with long legs and shorter upper body. So all my mountain bikes has short top tube. I don't know if its a good idea but I would like to have some of the same feel on a road bike but I really have no idea of what size bike, geometry etc to look for. I don't even know what material to choose except I am more to a classic look then the aero frames.

Whit the current cost of new bikes it seems like Craigslist would be good place to find a used bike.

Help please


Turbo Monkey
Jan 20, 2008
Methuen, Mass. U.S.A.
well, if you want to do it the right way you go find a shop to get a fitting. that way you'll know what to look for in terms of size. if not, the basic way is the standover clearance, minimum of 1 inch from the crotch. long legs and short upper body isn't all that rear so finding something that fits shouldn't be all that hard. off the top of my head, as far as "traditional" frames go, Gios and Colnago ususally have shorter top tube lengths than other mfg's. only problem is you don't usually see them on Craigslist, ebay yes and you'll find many more Colnagos than Gios's. but how much you willing to spend? if you can find a steel ride i'd say go for it. if you want carbon, there are plenty of cheap carbon frames on ebay, and i mean CHEAP! as far as quality goes, i have no idea how good they are, but the price is pretty enticing. aluminum is your next best bet for price. Suspect Device's Spooky's are a nice deal for aluminum so that's an option too. but start off with a fitting or finding out what your size needs to be and then it'll be easier to go from there.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
I don't want some cheap unknown frame. Rather a good frame and then save on the components. A Colnago would be really nice.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 23, 2002
Roanoke, VA
Our 588 size (the largest one we make stock) is pretty rad for tall folks with short torsos, depending on your reach needs. The all black thing will get you max death metal points to soothe your nordic soul too.

We built this one for an over-muscled former collegiate rower... That dude was a horse.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
I wonder if I really need that big of a bike. The Kona is only a medium with a 100mm stem. I hate being all stretched out plus I am anything but over-muscled.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Hard to say without more specific measurements but unless you are freakily disproportionate you'll probably be fine with a bike sized for your lower body and a slightly shorter stem than typical (and perhaps running your seat slightly forward). Stems on road bikes are ordinarily fairly long as compared to mtb's, and coming from DH you'll probably be more comfortable with a shorter-than-typical stem anyway.

Get a proper fitting or at least get out and ride some bikes before you buy.