
/// Thirsty GMT \\\


Feb 24, 2011
Today is one of those days where I have way more work to get done than I would like. At least it is bike ride day tonight.
Let's start crossing shit off the lists.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Up until midnight studying. Got past crap that was mind numbing and into stuff I knew, so I was just running through it at speed reviewing. The soda and piece of chocolate (yeah caffeine!) pretty much nuked me keeping me awake so I just kept grinding. Then Hannah woke up crying at 3:30am. Fucking kill me.

Almost got curbed on the way in this morning. Going down right lane and about 4 car lengths before it merged into a single lane (mind, city street),where there were still dotted lines, asshat in a brodozer decided to stick his truck half-way into my lane to prevent me from passing. I probably would have hit him in the Subaru and barely missed him in the M, probably by less than a foot between him and me and me and the curb. That's what dashcams are for. I doesn't matter if I'm passing you on the right if I'm going the speed limit in a totally legal lane. I had been in the lane for over two fucking miles at that point.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
I feel like I got curb stomped last night from the ride. I can't keep up with those roadies. This one dude who shows up every week, who has been noticed by many, shows up every week without beer/food and while we are all generous and offer, it'd be great if he'd reciprocate or at least bring some spicy pickled beans or something. And while the rest of us are in shorts and tshirt and trail bikes, this guy rides in a skin suit and talks about his inverted -20mm stem. :rofl:

Anyways, rant over. Its humid as FACK here today. Might be riding tonight, might not be. Sitting on my ass in the shed sounds pretty good right now.



The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

Have a good groove going on my morning routine. If I am out the door by 5 and have gas I am parked by 5:45. The only downside is waiting until 6:30 when the cafe opens for my $1 coffee refill.

No free coffee is a total scam perpetuated by $tarbucks in the cafe (I don't go there, I use the Seattle's Best pump crap for a buck).

On a lighter note, not sure who all follows Alta Motors, but they are entering a gnarly enduro. An ebike amongst 2 strokes. Should be an interesting challenge.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
<snip> I doesn't matter if I'm passing you on the right if I'm going the speed limit in a totally legal lane. I had been in the lane for over two fucking miles at that point.
Please, for the love of the FSM... bring us our self-driving cars. Seriously - people fucking CANNOT drive efficiently. Then throw in the natural tendency most people have of everything being a competition, and you get a clusterfuck.

I feel like I got curb stomped last night from the ride. I can't keep up with those roadies.
Why the fuck would you want to? :confused:


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Please, for the love of the FSM... bring us our self-driving cars. Seriously - people fucking CANNOT drive efficiently. Then throw in the natural tendency most people have of everything being a competition, and you get a clusterfuck.
because i don't want to burn to death in a tesla....


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I feel like I got curb stomped last night from the ride. I can't keep up with those roadies. This one dude who shows up every week, who has been noticed by many, shows up every week without beer/food and while we are all generous and offer, it'd be great if he'd reciprocate or at least bring some spicy pickled beans or something. And while the rest of us are in shorts and tshirt and trail bikes, this guy rides in a skin suit and talks about his inverted -20mm stem. :rofl:
fuck this guy's shit up.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Please, for the love of the FSM... bring us our self-driving cars. Seriously - people fucking CANNOT drive efficiently. Then throw in the natural tendency most people have of everything being a competition, and you get a clusterfuck.
i don't think the world needs a self driving bro-dozer.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Camper is on the truck, just getting it all packed up before hitting the road and getting the hell outta here. House showings from noon today through 3pm Sunday. Here's to hoping we come back to a killer offer way over asking!


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Oof...... Ran 12 really rough miles with the dog downtown. Totally had too many beers and the wrong dinner for those shenanigans. Bonked with only 1/4 mile to go. That is a really scary feeling. :fie: Praise the FSM I still had some electrolyte in my water bottle.

Need to deliver local riding beta to the @HAB funemployment thread, then get some household shit done. A nap is probably in the works.

Also; goddamn it Scott, get your shit together. Possibly my favorite band for the last couple years. :( Far as I'm concerned, these guys can't write a bad song.

All is not lost.

Work sucks.
Ride your bike.
Love the new avatar.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
I feel like I got curb stomped last night from the ride. I can't keep up with those roadies. This one dude who shows up every week, who has been noticed by many, shows up every week without beer/food and while we are all generous and offer, it'd be great if he'd reciprocate or at least bring some spicy pickled beans or something. And while the rest of us are in shorts and tshirt and trail bikes, this guy rides in a skin suit and talks about his inverted -20mm stem.
I think the solution lies in taking him to the most technical DH trails you have access to, repeatedly, until he gives up and goes away. In the mean time, you can laugh at him while he scrapes himself off the trees.
life lessons from dirtmcgirk: don't shave your ass.
he was a wise man. nothing good can come from shaving your ass.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I feel like I got curb stomped last night from the ride. I can't keep up with those roadies. This one dude who shows up every week, who has been noticed by many, shows up every week without beer/food and while we are all generous and offer, it'd be great if he'd reciprocate or at least bring some spicy pickled beans or something. And while the rest of us are in shorts and tshirt and trail bikes, this guy rides in a skin suit and talks about his inverted -20mm stem. :rofl:


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
This one dude who shows up every week, who has been noticed by many, shows up every week without beer/food and while we are all generous and offer, it'd be great if he'd reciprocate or at least bring some spicy pickled beans or something.
next time hand that ass clown a slice of bologna and a warm glass of gtfo

people. pfhffft :disgust:


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
i have a dr appointment tomorrow at 2pm. i have decided once it concludes, fuck work i'm going riding. i have been up 2 nights this week working until midnight, will be doing so again tonight. bikes. must. be. ridden.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Also; goddamn it Scott, get your shit together. Possibly my favorite band for the last couple years. :( Far as I'm concerned, these guys can't write a bad song.

All is not lost.
i saw that....narlus posted a shot of them on instagram....i think i saw them when the toured with the twilight sad.....or maybe we were promised jetpacks....