N8 said:I think both sides have dirty hands on this one....
Tenchiro said:Woah, woah, woah!
Corruption?!?! In Washignton?!?! The hell you say!
I would say that one hand is dirty the other is Disgustingly filthy :redX:N8 said:I think both sides have dirty hands on this one....
Bwaaaaah.Damn True said:Props to the administration for ferreting out wrongdoers regardless of party lines. At least in this case (as opposed to the Delay fiasco, 7 grand juries w/o a shred of evidence worthy of a trial) the investigation appears not to be motivated by political sour grapes but by rule of law.
So, Bush II (sequels usually suck, and this one is no exception), who is installed into office in January of 2001 shares blame with Clinton for the attacks of September 11, 2001?Damn True said:I'm all for distributing both blame for screwups (for instance Ruby Ridge, Waco WTC v1 under Clinton appointed DOJ appointees and WTC v2 under transition Reno & Ashcroft) and success.
Except you are still being an appologist for Iraq wherever possible...Damn True said:Good point. I was thinking that WTCv1 happend in 94. My bad.
My point still stands. Give credit or dersion where due.
DUDE! You JUST brought it up in a thread about a frickin' mining accident!Damn True said:Incorrect and not relevant to this thread. The subject is the DOJ investigation and indictment of an influence peddlar. Do try to keep up.
narlus said:no question, but word is that abramoff was much cozier w/ the Reps than the Dems. i suppose you sidle up to who's got the power; the Dems aren't any more integrity-driven than the Reps.
narlus said:check DaveW's link
narlus said:i never said that abramoff exclusively gave to the republicans...hence my comment about who is in power would get the $ more likely than not.
based on yr totals there, the reps have more than double the take than the dems.
history lesson of this thread:Damn True said:DaveW's link says exactly that, and it isn't true.
me:I think both sides have dirty hands on this one....
i posted dave's link again to show the relative numbers of the take. it's clear that the reps took more than the dems. the reason? because the reps have MORE POWER in this current government, and hence they are MORE LIKELY to give the payer a bang for his buck.no question
Absolutely right. And of course the numbers are irrelevant - they're all just as dirty as each other, just some are in a better negotiating position. Free-market economics in action.narlus said:history lesson of this thread:
i posted dave's link again to show the relative numbers of the take. it's clear that the reps took more than the dems. the reason? because the reps have MORE POWER in this current government, and hence they are MORE LIKELY to give the payer a bang for his buck.
I don't disagree. But I fail to see the relevance of who took more unless the "Well your senator is crookeder than mine" argument provides some sort of immoral moral victory. It seems akin to saying to a cop that he shouldn't give you a ticket for going 90mph when there was another guy going 100mph. Wrong is wrong regarless if they took $1 or $100knarlus said:history lesson of this thread:
i posted dave's link again to show the relative numbers of the take. it's clear that the reps took more than the dems. the reason? because the reps have MORE POWER in this current government, and hence they are MORE LIKELY to give the payer a bang for his buck.
Everyone who condones torture in Iraq, the removal of civil liberties in the 'war on terror', WP in Falluja, basically most stuff GW represents, listen up! DT speaks the truth.Damn True said:I don't disagree. But I fail to see the relevance of who took more unless the "Well your senator is crookeder than mine" argument provides some sort of immoral moral victory. It seems akin to saying to a cop that he shouldn't give you a ticket for going 90mph when there was another guy going 100mph. Wrong is wrong regarless if they took $1 or $100k
Hooray someone figured it out!narlus said:i posted dave's link again to show the relative numbers of the take. it's clear that the reps took more than the dems. the reason? because the reps have MORE POWER in this current government, and hence they are MORE LIKELY to give the payer a bang for his buck.
DaveW said:Nope....nope of them are mine
Cows are taller than sheep. Do you use a step ladder?DaveW said:Well that comment wasn't very "intelligently designed"
I have a beef farm....not sheep.