
This is almost too bizarre to contemplate...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
So, I was poking around, reading Slate on MSN which generally has some interesting, thought provoking articles.

I stumbled across these two articles:

"Shag the Dog" - http://slate.msn.com/id/103801/

"The Bestiality Perplex" - http://slate.msn.com/id/1007408/

...this is almost too bizarre to get my mind around.

I wasn't aware that this was an issue on the forefront of society :confused:

Thoughts on this? To me, it's so far out in left field that it's not something I can even form a strong opinion about. Bestiality? This is something that there's a question on? How can that be? It provokes such a strong feeling of "wrongness" that I can't even lend credence to these arguments, though I did find them interesting.

I'm going to take a look at some of those linked articles when I get home and am not sending bestiality links through the company firewall. Both of those links are safe for work, incidentally.

These articles were linked to from an article about the attempted banning of dog meat in South Korea from the thread about cooking pet store animals.

Aside from the societal issues and potentially viewing animals as having the mental capacity of a child, and not being able to give "consent", I'm sure the Bible has something to say about the subject as well - and I was suprised that did not come up in either of those articles... Andyman?


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
It's spelled 'bestiality.'

Ed: I don't see the problem with Mr. Buble...I mean, it was a female dog, right? It's not like he's gay or anything...

:rolleyes: (yes, I felt the need to actually smiley you guys this time, just to make my sense of humor perfectly clear...)


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
I could have sworn one of the slate articles spelled it "beastiality" this morning. Tricky online 'zines changing their stripes...


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
binary visions said:
..... I'm sure the Bible has something to say about the subject as well - and I was suprised that did not come up in either of those articles... Andyman?
Yep Leviticus 18:23. I'm of the understanding God didn't waste words when He gave the Torah, so if this is in there about animals it must have been a problem. :dead:

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Andyman_1970 said:
Yep Leviticus 18:23. I'm of the understanding God didn't waste words when He gave the Torah, so if this is in there about animals it must have been a problem. :dead:
Well, it's a problem now (apparently), and we have nightclubs and vodka, and cars to get us to places where there are members of the opposite sex...

Back then, if you're a hundred miles from the nearest civilization and there's some sheep near by.. :eek:


So, this this irishman walks into a bar and orders four shots. He downs a shot and turns to the guy next to him, and asks angrily, "Do you see that dock outside?" as he points through the window, "I built that dock! I laid each plank and 'ammered the nails myself! But do they call it McGregor's dock? No."

He downs another shot, and again turns and snarls, "'ave ye seen the church down the road? I built that church! Brick by brick, with my own two 'ands! But do they call it McGregor's church?! NO!"

Taking his third shot, he growls, ''Have ye seen the statue in the middle of town, lad, standing proud for all to see? I carved that statue! Chip by chip, for years I worked on that! But do they call it McGregor's statue?? NO!"

He sighs and deflates, and takes his last shot. He turns quietly to the man next to him, and says, "But I tell you, lad, you fvck one goat..."


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
and another SP quote....

"dolphins are friendly and intelligent."- stan

"friendly and intelligent on rye bread with some mayonaise." -cartman