
This is even dumber than my other tattoo

dh girlie

Toshi said:
i don't know who jeff is, but search back in the old posts for Jorvik and you'll find that his first tattoo is in a, uh, sensitive location :think:

Jeff=El Jefe...he is legendary in these parts for having what we refer to as 'The Monster'. Can't remember how the 'rumor' got started, could be self-proclaimed, but I know he likes to streak at mountain bike races...I think Heidi's seen him streak...maybe she can confirm or quash the rumor :D


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
dh girlie said:
wow...anyway you can get a picture of this? Was the tattoo artist a guy or a girl? Could you imagine the tattoo guy...uhh...you need more of a boner...and then how could he keep it up with a dude handling it???

bwhahahahahaha! i re-affirm, this is the best thread ever...

that reminds of a joke about a guy who wanted a tattoo of her girls name "wendy" in his wiener....
so he gets is, but it only says "wendy" whenever he has a boner, otherwise he only shows an "WY"....

so he goes to jamaica one week, and as soon as he gets off the plane he goes to take a leak in the airport... and he stands right next to a black jamaican dude in the bathroom...... he cannot avoid to stare.. and he sees "WY"...

so he ask the guy... "awesome dude, i also have the same tatoo, is your girls name wendy????
the jamaican answers.. "no my friend, mine says "welcome to Jamaica, have a nice day"......

dh girlie

luv2rideu said:
Enigma is a cool guy, he lives here in Austin TX, so heres a pic for this thread...enjoy

The Elephant is mine.......all mine....mooohaaahaha

yeah! that's him! I forgot about the devil horns. They showed him in the airport picking up his wife and the reaction of the people in the airport seeing him was hysterical...course I'd trip too...


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
Jorvik said:
Alright, Here they are:
Dude, that has to be the worst line work I've ever seen! :eek: And I've seen some bad line work - I spent several years hanging with a buddy who did tattoos out of his house/trailer with a jailhouse gun. He was pretty good, but some of the tats I saw on some of the Missouri backwoods country folk that would come by....scary.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
dh girlie said:
At least it's not filled in...someone who knows what they are doing will be able to cover that...I've seen lots of ink covered and transformed into something acceptable.
Yeah, a skilled artist could fix that up.


Mar 26, 2003
can't find on mapquest
wow, that's pretty messed up.
but if it makes you feel any better, i did see one really ghetto tattoo when i was on a trip to the philippines.....some guy had 'FEEL OF DEAHT' <----yes, spelled exactly that way in big 6" letters inked on his back! Mispelled DEATH! :nuts:
sorry no pics.

when i had my tat done, i had some weird allergic reaction that sent me to the doctor. i was on antibiotics and steroids for a couple weeks and lost like 20 lbs in a few days (and i only weighed a buck and a quarter :think: )


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Here are some pics of my latest work. Just the outline and shading are done, going to get to coloring next month. Sorry about the crappy web-cam quality...


Clark Kent

Oct 1, 2001
Jorvik said:
I think the worst part of it is that I'm supposed to make up with my ex-girlfriend next weekend. I explained to her how much I matured...
Definately scratch that off the to do list! She hasnt changed a bit. If she realy wanted to make up, she would be there right now.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
If Jorvik continued his poor tattoo choices my guess is he now looks like a dude who passed out at a party next to a box of Sharpies.


Sep 20, 2004
In My '09 WRX STI
Jorvik said:
Alright, Here they are:
Devil Dog, Devil Dog. You got screwed on the whole deal. I say immediately take that guy out to the tree line and handle business.

Now you have an excuse to go get a bigger tat to cover that thing up.